Astrosophy: Uniting Heaven and Earth

The conscious adhesion of humans to celestial Models enables activation of various perspectives, which we can call Astrosophy (wisdom of stars), a reading system of the Heavens that unifies and harmonizes different levels and visions of Astrology (the word of stars), starting from the assumption that Astrology is one.

The horizons and reference systems of this manifold sight gradually expand, but Astrology, the Science of spatial relationships, yet maintains constant principles that man learns to recognize and implement with increasing precision, inclusiveness and truth. This ensures the possibility of recognizing and sensing energy tendencies, which are causal in each reference system: cosmic, solar, planetary or human. Thus he proceeds in accordance with Heaven’s directions and cyclical psychogeometries, preparing plans, projects and evolutionary advancements.

It is a fact that all Science is based on the real knowledge of models and archetypes that it transforms then into mathematical formulas; that humanity gradually recognizes this, is another fact. So it is for real Astrology, called the “primary science” in the Wisdom teachings.

As originally presented, the matrix of this occult or esoteric Astrology (mainly presented to humanity by the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul only about a century ago through the work of Alice Bailey) is geocentric because it is directed to terrestrial humanity in its three degrees of response to energies, i.e., planetary and individual initiate, disciple and aspirant. Ordinary humanity reacts to exoteric/ordinary astrology, a mostly unreliable veil of the esoteric one.

Emblematic of this is what the Tibetan Master reports of the Zodiac signs, being the values of the Zodiac that guide and support all astrological interpretations, both in the geocentric and heliocentric perspectives, either tropical or sidereal, set by the planetary Hierarchy on the mental plane million years ago:

…the accuracy of astrological prediction and interpretation will be based upon three factors:

1. The potency of the thoughtforms which have been built up in connection with the twelve signs. These thoughtforms were originally constructed or anchored upon the mental plane by the Hierarchy in Atlantean days and they have steadily gained in power ever since. They serve as focal points for certain forces…[1]

This can be taken as a hypothesis for work and research.

Furthermore, the heliocentric viewpoint[2], recently introduced in the human perspective, presents and reflects the possibility to serve not only the planet but to function as solar humanity on Earth, in the direction of the cosmic and universal one.

Dizzy perspectives, yet all Traditions recommend unceasing search and widening of our world and life views.

This is thus the aim of our systemic approach to the Science of spatial relationships, identifying and developing a fourfold field of  investigation:

1. The solar system in the cosmos

2. The solar system in the zodiac

3. The planetary system in the zodiac

4. The planetary system in the cosmos

(see Astrosophy scheme)

The perfect inspiring model of government

is exercised by the unfathomable Heaven,

the unmatched symbol of total and ordered freedom,

true source of the cosmic Law, unwritten but recognizable.


[1]  Alice Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, Lucis collection, p. 69.
[2] Fore more information about Heliocentric Astrology, you can request the unedited The Solar System in Space via the Contact form.
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2 Responses to Astrosophy: Uniting Heaven and Earth

  1. Pingback: Signs of the Heavens – Year 2014 - TPS Blog - English Area

  2. Pingback: Wisdom of Spiritual Life - TPS Blog - English Area

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