Third quarter of 2014 year cycle

3rd quarter of cycle 2014

After the burning March equinox, the third Impulse of the solar Heaven of causes(1) now flows along the solstitial direction. The Sun-Earth axis carves the vertical path of Heaven, consecrated to the cardinal axis Cancer-Capricorn (1st-3rd-7th R.), which opens the doors of Heaven and Earth, of immersion into Matter or elevation to the Spirit.

In Cancer (3rd-7th R.) the beat of the Heart of the Sun (Vulcan 1st R.) chimes in each ‘unit of life’ the call to the collective Individuality, that will-to-organize that makes ultimately a new higher entity from different parts, freer, more magnetic and powerful, be it an Individual-group, a Nation, the whole human System or the Individual-Planet.

The Many are One when, integrating around a common Center, they are organized by functions, each consistent with the others. That is the case of a healthy organism, a true teamwork, a work of art, or unity of purpose. If these intentions are beneficial or serving evolution, and the relationships between the ‘agents’ are in agreement, or harmony, the result will be beautiful, as “beauty is the sign of union.”

Cancer, the Mother and matrix of events, is that ‘dark light’ which underlies all the appearances (‘clear light’), feeds on their germinations and growths, and finally gathers them into ‘archipelagos of light’. It organizes them into families of kindred, i.e., unitary, more and more open to the right direction of the one universal Community, thus anchoring and irradiating the Formula:

The base of organizing is Unity.

Porta Unicorno e LeoneSymmetrically, the Earth (3rd R: Active Intelligence, the basis of evolution) is at the gates of Capricorn (the supernal Light drawing irresistibly to the Cosmos, or to the mystery at the center of the Oneself. From that Summit It points to the next discontinuity, the September equinox cornerstone (see the outer Wheel of the Luminaries in the chart of the Heaven) when It will be at half way of Its descent into the Valley (the sign of Cancer at the December solstice). The solstice peaks and the equinoctial ‘middle ways’ mark and sustain the pendulum motion of the annual planetary cycle. By ‘seasonal’ beats, the Heart of the Planet advances in spiral motion and raises inexorably towards the evolutionary optimum. The wave of the planetary Breath is continuous, yet the 4 primary beats of Its pulsating Heart support It in a discontinuous manner. This is the miracle of the Cycle of Life, that elusive bridge between being and becoming.

On this summit of the Mount of supernal Light the Earth faces the threshold of the ‘Gateway of Gods’, now wide open on the cosmic Center of the centers, the Galactic center, the Origin, Heart and Goal of all Suns, hearts and of every vital or unitary power in our cosmic Abode.

The Earth has just received the annunciation of the divine messenger Mercury (4th R) on June 19 (conjunction) and is next to meet the other powerful Magician, Pluto (1st R) on July 4. Our beautiful Blue Planet, and we with it, seems that ‘good thief’ of a heavenly Golgotha listening to the Master pronouncing the wondrous formula of the future glory:

I Tell You The Truth, Today You Will Be with Me In Paradise.

Centre galactique

The Luminaries of the heliocentric solstice Heaven (indicators/vectors for the causal or propulsive energies of our ‘better consciousness’) tend to this Unity of purpose and, integrating around the central Master and Vulcan, draw everything upwards; while below They distribute as one in consciousness, through the Cardinal Cross and the geocentric layout, portions of the deepest mystery of the cosmic Individual:

“The energies of the Cardinal Cross blend with the energies to which we can give no greater name than cosmic energy even though that word is meaningless. They carry the quality of the One about Whom Naught may be Said and are ‘tinctured with the Light of the seven solar systems’ of which our solar system is one.”

“The Cardinal Cross gives cosmic consciousness.”(2)

The 4 Powers of the Cardinal Cross are those of the Risen Christ, the summit of the human spirit manifest in the wonderful constellation of Orion, the ‘figure of the cosmic Christ’, the celestial Osiris and Hunter of Light, the Source of Resurrection in all the mysteric traditions.

Just in these solstitial days, consecrated to the alignment of Sun-Earth axis with the ecliptic vector of the polar axis (hence with the planetary ‘Star of direction’ Polaris and the solar Peak of the Dragon), this cardinal axis between Soul and Personality (Sun-Earth) carves the cosmic path that unites Orion with the Galactic center (the Worlds of Spirit). And now Orion’s Belt is precisely coincident, after thousands of years, with the celestial equator plane (the spatial orientation and ‘capacity’ of the terrestrial motion and breathing, namely our maximum ‘horizontal’ circle).

Orione nel cielo invernale

The energies of the cosmic Cross seek outlets in the heart of every being, and release the essential divinity wherever they can flow unimpeded. This is the Religion of the Heaven:

“The releasing of the individual from envy, greed and violence, from the desire for success and power, so that his mind is freed from self-contradictions, conflicts, frustrations – is not this the way of religion? And only such a mind can discover the true, the real. Such a mind is in no way influenced, it is not under any pressure, and so it is able to be still; and it is only when the mind is totally still that there is a possibility of the coming into being of that which is beyond the measure of the mind.”(3)

“The true fire-blossom is actual selflessness; however, it must not only be evident in actions but must live in the consciousness. Behavior, like wandering shadows, is an inaccurate reflection, and the vortex of shifting conventions conceals the meaning of action. Is it possible to judge conduct without knowing cause and effect? Then a savior will appear to be an offender, and a giver will seem a miser. But it is not easy to establish in the consciousness selflessness—individuality is unavoidable. And the blending in of selflessness can take place only with a clear realization of the future. Selflessness is not built on past experience; only a true perception of the future can mold an inner judgment about the boundaries of the possible. Whoever thinks in the stillness of the night that the past has taught him the value of selflessness is a prisoner.”(4) 

The liberating energies that are currently active in spiritual consciousness are subtended by the positions of the solar Hierarchy in the zodiac Wheel, the 7 sacred Luminaries, i.e., those sublime Beings already permeated by Cosmic Consciousness; here is the possible decoding into Formulas of the current solstitial configuration:

1st Ray of Will-Purpose – Sun-Vulcan in Cancer and Earth in Capricorn:

The creative fervor triggers the power of Beauty


2nd Ray of Love-Wisdom – Jupiter in Cancer:

The divine Builder pervades the Solar Abode with light


3rd Ray of creative Intelligence- Saturn in Scorpio:

The look of the Warriors is fixed to Victory


4th Ray of Harmony through Conflict – Mercury in Capricorn:

The solar Magician directs the forces of resurrection


5th Ray of Golden Construction – Venus in Aries:

The Fiery Thought pours the seeds of Life


6th Ray of Communion – Neptune in Pisces:

The Temple of the Heart protects the sacredness of Beauty


7th Ray of Order – Uranus in Aries:

The solar Hierophant radiates the splendor of Truth

These seem to be the right orientation of the evolutionary forces to be followed and translated into works on the planet and in everyday life.

This solstice ignition of creative fervor, powerful in triggering the power of Beauty, the ‘sign of Union’, is thus lighted up by the triple presence of Earth, Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn. This is an apex of radical transformation which is further challenged and charged by squares from both Uranus and Venus in Aries (1st-7th R), together extraordinarily procreative and linking, and assisted by the sextiles to Neptune (6th R) in “Its Sign” Pisces (2nd -6th R), the saving power of the Water element bearer of Synthesis.

Also the conjunction of Saturn and Mars (6th R) in Scorpio (4th R) emphasizes the strong and triumphant tone of this time.

In the name of Beauty, all this points to the next step and completion of the planetary Plan, the next discontinuity of September equinox, whose septenary of Indications will be updated (possibly) as:

 Sun in Libra and Earth-Vulcan in Aries:

The eruption of Light reveals the Model


Jupiter in Leo:

The sun of the Heart realizes the model of Cosmos

Saturn in Scorpio:

The Star of Maitreya is the model of the Army of Light


Mercury in Capricorn:

The Beauty of Being is the central Model

Venus in Virgo:

The Mother of the World is the model of the Work

Neptune in Pisces:

The cosmic Christ is the model of Return


Uranus in Aries:

The initiatory Fire precipitates the model of the One


Gran Madre col caliceThese are high-sounding formulas, which honor as models the cosmic Ideas and the great Beings who guard the Common Good of the Planet and beyond: the sun of the Heart; the Star of Maitreya, or the sacred Septenary; the Beauty of Being, the splendor of Truth; the Mother of the World, the Soul and completion of the Christ-Maitreya; the cosmic Christ, our spatial and stellar Abode; Fire, the great spatial Unifier.

Here’s another picture of the Model for Man, the Fourth human Hierarchy:

Friends! Place four stones into the foundation of your actions: First—Reverence of Hierarchy. Second—Realization of unity. Third—Realization of co-measurement. Fourth—Application of the canon, “By thy God.”

         For the affirmation of the First, evoke all your love. Recall from your childhood the best smiles, the brightest rays of the sun and the first song of the birds beneath the window.

         For the Second, gird yourselves in the armor of the day, take up the weapons of your actions, and refresh your perception by a draught of cooling water.

         For the Third, select in your workroom the longest vertical line and call it the dimensional scale of the Plan. Apply mentally all discontents, irritations and fatigues to the scale of the World Plan, and, upon comparing, you will not find even the smallest place for illusory moods.

         For the Fourth, picture to yourself all the boundlessness of the stellar universe. Verily, Our Father has many abodes; which of them shall we stain? Recalling the given canon, imagine that out of a closed house you are coming into the light. Thus all that you need will come to you.

         Inscribe upon the first stone A Dove; upon the second A Warrior; and upon the third A Pillar; upon the fourth The Sun.(5)

 Thus this is a summer (or winter in the southern hemisphere) that solar consciousness ruling through the heart can transform into a Feast of radiant beauty and union, between Heaven and Earth.

Mars, the ‘arm’ executor of the Will of Sun/Vulcan, will come to the ‘summit’ at the equinox of September, between Pluto (their ‘overwhelming’ conjunction will be on September 16) and Mercury (all 3 ‘Rulers’ related to Scorpio energy, the Warrior finally triumphant): the eruption of Light will reveal the necessity for the celestial Model, for its radiant beauty as solution to every conflict, ugliness and wrongness.

sirioOnly Jupiter and Venus cross different zodiacal Signs between June solstice and September equinox. The great Master of solar Love, Jupiter (2nd R) leaves the germinating and female Waters of Cancer for the ‘concentrated’ and active Fire of Leo (1st-5th R) on the 1st of July. Then the magnetism of the solar Field will push consciousness (for about one terrestrial year) to strengthen the ‘individual’ heart, to focus infinity, so that Service aimed at the collective can be more powerful, effective and golden.

This change in background color, reddish-orange for Leo, recalls the ‘heliacal rising’ of the sovereign star Sirius on the terrestrial horizon on 4-5 of August, right in Leo. Sirius is the Sun of suns, the Soul or celestial Isis, and “the primary of our Sun,” a hierarchical correlation revealed from being the cosmic correspondence of the Sign of Leo, ‘ruled’ by the Sun. For the presence this year of Jupiter in Leo (every 12 years), literally the hearts open wide to the solar and cosmic Fire.

Such a flood of cosmic Love seems to connect on Earth the two ‘iridescent wings’ of the Firmament:

– the solstitial alignments of the (apparent) Sun with the ‘Christic’ or ‘Osiris’ Stars of Orion, and

– the equinoctial one with the supernal and compelling stars of Ursa Major (Merak on August 11 and the last one Alkaid on September 20),

the two extra-zodiacal Constellations that govern at the cornerstones of the cosmic, solar and planetary Cross.

Isis reunites the fragments of Her beloved Osiris, and transforms the whirlwind of the Dragon of Life (Constellations of the Dragon and of the Bears) in a new creative energy (the solar Son: Horus). The Heart governs the power of Life to regenerate everything through the splendor of beauty.

The central power of the heliacal rising of Sirius in the womb of the Earth (in the middle of the season, of the cycle quarter) is also heralded by the alignment on the ‘vertical’ meridian between Sun and Sirius on July 6, when open hearts could touch the mystery of this Magnet.

When, through a span of millennia, the spirit seeks the path predestined for it by the luminaries, and when its essence aspires toward harmony, then the Cosmic Magnet responds and Cosmos gains the highest concordance. Out of these consonances is composed a cosmic chord! The higher the sphere, the greater the power of attraction. Thus one can realize the power of Cosmic Reason. The power increases according to the spheres.

The luminaries confirm the cosmic source of Fire.

Many fear to understand Eternity, but how beautiful is the realized grandeur of Eternity! Only the spirit that has contacted the Fire knows the full beauty of its radiance. A spirit deprived of the power streaming from the luminaries is deprived of the essence of the Cosmic Fire and cuts off the current manifested by Fohat. The definition of Eternity lives only in consciousness. The broader the consciousness, the more vividly glows the ray of consciousness. The more clearly, then, resounds Our call to him who has realized the beauty of evolution.

Verily, what has been said about universal thought must be applied in life.(6)


Let us lift our eyes to Heaven,

open wide the heart to the Infinite,

to all its Beauty.


(1) We consider only the heliocentric tropical perspective, recognized as relevant to the planetary Consciousness oriented by and toward the Sun, which is decoded through the positions and psycho-geometries of the Luminaries in the zodiacal wheel, with Aries as First Sign or initial direction of the manifestation. For other perspectives, see (only in Italian up to now) TPS – Introduzione all’Astrosofia.
(2) From A. A. Bailey, “Esoteric Astrology “, pages 153 and 556, Lucis Collection.
(3)From J. Krishnamurti, Commentaries on Living, Series 3.
(4) From Community § 166, Agni Yoga Collection.
(5) From Illumination § 235, Agni Yoga Collection. See “The Four Stones“.
(6) Freely extraxted from: Infinity I § 132, 362, 8, Agni Yoga Collection.
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