Elementary Study of the Horizon

“The fire of the Sun and the spiritual one are our creative forces. The heat of the Sun and of the heart infuse life into us.”

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The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Its course in the heavens divides the space into two parts, south and north. Thus the directions of space have different qualities and energetic conditions, which everyone knows [in accordance with their hemisphere, assumed below as northern, Ed.].

Horizon Cross

This cycle of energy is the solar year and it is also the day. The year and the day thus repropose the same, identical rhythm. This is a first consideration which considerably erodes the idea of time.

Then larger solar cycles exist, in each of which can be found the four cardinal directions, with the corresponding qualities.

According to the energetic variations, the cycle can be represented thus:

Horizon polarities

To the south Space is positive, to the north negative.

These conditions come to a point of balance twice in every cycle, to the east and to the west.

However, these points of balance are very different in nature! To the east, the space is rich with the promise of the future, it is springlike: the positive force is growing. The west is the signal of the night: its energetic balance tends to the negative. For this reason its symbol is –/+ since the – is dominant.

Every man in every place (even at the poles) can confirm these elementary statements and recognize that a rhythmic cycle of energy exists, to which one can give the name of day, year or platonic year, according to the movements considered.

Moreover, this cycle is binary, day and night, wakefulness and sleep, and one can consider it also as divided into four phases.

uomoastellaIt is important to note that this variation in the quality of the horizon is so real that everywhere the particular meridian can materialize, which is analogous to the axis of the solstices (and similarly for the line of the equinoxes which is perpendicular to it). The whole of astronomy, and in our opinion also astrology, is based on these elementary observations.

Naturally this cycle is only relative. If the observer disregards his own horizon, he recognizes that the sun emits energy of a constant quality, which is unaware, so to speak, of the earthly cardinal directions, and in brief of a kind that it is neither spring nor winter.

The fundamental cycle is thus the effect, and demonstration, of a relationship. As a prism splits solar light into its seven component colours, so the presence of a horizon splits energy into its fundamental qualities. Moreover, to these it adds its own characteristics, which vary from place to place and from one planet to another.

Lastly, the sun is in its turn in relationship with other great centres in Space and so the energy which it emits is not constant, as was supposed just now, but certainly pulsates with a superior rhythm, of similar form but of different strength and qualities. Thus its energy changes continually, but in an ordered way, and it radiates into the system the fruits of its celestial relationships.


As the prelude to this brief study of the horizon, it was said that man is the prisoner of the rhythm of energy; and this can be verified in thousands of ways.

But it is right to remember, in conclusion, that man lives in the hope of fleeing from it; and that it is precisely Harmony which leads him to those gates through which he passes from becoming to being.

The first men who – called cosmonauts – went out of the gravitational field of the earth saw the sun rising and setting several times in twenty-four hours. Thus they lived 4, 5 or 6 “days” in a single one. This experience also breaks down the concept of time as it is understood today. In truth, the day, or the year, are not measurements of time, but rather units or quanta of energy of the great solar rhythm. Those few men are, to all intents and purposes, “older” by four, five or six days; but this means that they have had at their disposal more cycles for experimenting, loving and understanding.


One cannot speak of rhythm without going back to the fundamental cycle of primary energy, which the universe puts forward again for our attention. The rhythmic unity or the beat of that energy is composed of differentiated phases, which can be represented, provisionally, with the terms spring, summer, autumn and winter, or other associated terms. In everything that lives one must be able to find this cycle; in all the functions of organisms; in all cosmic modifications.

It is important to recognize that in every living being there exists a rhythm and a rhythmic unity, with multiples and sub-multiples, that is with octaves, fifths, thirds, and so on. But it is still more essential to recognize that in the very unity of the rhythm the same phases and qualities that are those of the horizon can be distinguished.

We insist on the concept of horizon, both as a symbol and as evidence. In it the cosmic environment meets with the earthly and human one. Its very variable energetic qualities are strictly rhythmical, and one is tempted to compare it to the human heart. In that case, if it were comparable, the study of one should assist that of the other, mutually. This is at all events a hypothesis which appears worthy of consideration: heart and horizon in a mutual rhythmical exchange of energy. It is certainly true that every other organ of the human body has its own functions, with daily and seasonal cycles. But they are dependent on the heart; which, from this viewpoint, is the organ, or rather the function which transforms the inside into the outside and viceversa. Lastly, if these hypotheses or other similar ones are accepted, it follows that every cycle necessarily has a centre, without which it would not exist, like every circumference. However this centre has a psycho-spiritual value, like the whole of Space, of such a kind that it determines the diameter, the radii and the curvature of its external form.

All this is preliminary to living harmony as, if it is true, the absolute necessity follows of fitting action to the cycle, which is in fact a science of harmonics applied to life. To carry out right actions in the “right” time; to subdivide action into its fundamental qualities – beginning, peak, harvest, preparation – and to adjust them to the external solar and cosmic cycles. To give rhythm to actions and to adapt them to the time and the place.

These are concepts which will have a long and luminous future in the story of humanity and contain a living ethic, which includes the veneration of the beautiful, the religious observance of the laws of the universe and the scientific use of harmonic rhythm. These principles appear in writing on these and other pages, because the hour is fitting; but they always live in the heart of each person, who sends them out into Space.



(Excerpts from “Harmonics”, 1980 E. Savoini unpublished text – the quotes are from Agni Yoga collection – the pictures are by TPS editorial staff). 
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