First Petal of Heart Lotus Flower

LotoFirst Petal of Heart Lotus Flower

Capricornus Full Moon

The Perfect Heart can express all potentialities of nature to such an extent that any form can find life. The Perfect Heart contains within itself all the nascent life manifestations of the creative forces.
Absolute Reason, from which humanity derives its striving essence, affirms solicitously the creative manifestations. The constructive work of the cosmic energies is directed by the Perfect Heart. The duration of action in Cosmos is termed perpetuity. Why then is it not possible to apply this concept to the energy which impels the spirit into higher spheres? When efforts are made to refine even the plant life, why not apply the same effort toward humanity? The Perfect Heart strains all its energies for this ascent.
The Cosmic Fire is in eternal motion, directed by Absolute Reason and the Perfect Heart.

Infinity I §301, Agni Yoga Society

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