Third Petal of Heart Lotus Flower


Third Petal of Heart Lotus Flower

Pisces Full Moon

Spirit and Matter are united in space. While being unified they begin their existence in their sphere of germination. In this unity forms of life are created, and they pass through their circles of perfectionment. Being unified with matter, the spirit can be liberated only by the path of perfectionment; for, from the moment of realization of the act of liberation, the breaking away is accomplished. In the Cosmic Laboratory these two principles—unification and liberation—are the fundamentals of creativeness. Only impetuousness of the spirit leads to deliverance, which reflects upon consciousness and heart. Striving of the spirit creates a most subtle vibration. Thus, the liberated spirit knows the cosmic fiery vibration. The manifestation of spirit and matter must be sought in each affirmation of life. On the path to the Fiery World let us strive for deliverance from matter.

Fiery World vol. III, Agni Yoga Society
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