Setting up a Plan

Cong Terra-Sat 3 giugno 2016

Today there is the glorious and energizing heliocentric alignment between our Earth and its “Master of Thought” Saturn, the Architect of the Solar Plan, in Sagittarius, the Force that directs to the Goal: the Common Good, the Unity of all intents.

This direction of 3rd Ray (Earth and Saturn), consecratred to Light and Creative Intelligence, is galvanized by the swirling proximity of Mars, and confirmed by the presence, “at the other side of Heaven,” of Venus in Gemini, opposite with respect to the central Sun (Her fiery consort Vulcan). Venus seems here to convey the driving wave of dynamic and intelligent fire from the Earth-Saturn conjunction, polarizing it as a Love Magnet or golden Lotus on the higher mental plane. This plane being the command base for the three worlds (mental, astral and etheric/physical) by the higher Principles (soul and spirit).

The evolutionary motto of Sagittarius says: “I see the goal. I reach the goal and see another“; of Gemini: “I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow“.

On this date, a window opens in the awareness of consciousness (Earth is the place or plane of awareness) and we see a portion of Reality: it is up to each of us to inscribe it ideally on the Solar Plan of Love and Light (the Ecliptic: the common Plan of Souls: the buddhic or christic plan) so that, as a Seed of the New, may nourish the Awakening of humanity and the start of the new Culture of Love and Light.

Celestial sphere

A Plan of salvation does exist for the Planet and its creatures, as part of a larger solar Plan slated by the Solar Ideator (Solar Logos) and updated by Its Formulators (the planetary Logoi).

In the solar System, the body of manifestation of these higher Thinkers, the Plan coincides with the invisible Plane of the Ecliptic, that fourth ether and Round Table where the Twelve Knights of the Zodiac arrange, through their Virtues and Powers (the Luminaries), the Evolutionary Plan.

The psycho-geometric Plane of the Ecliptic is the floor of the solar Temple, the ideal or celestial base of the Building of the Future, the House of Ideas or vital energies that as Principles constitute and move each world and being.

Piano nello zodiaco di Denderah

Here are some pearls to “fall in love” with the Idea of Plan following the esoteric way of Pythagoras (that philosopher or sage of love who introduced in the ‘western’ culture the Mystery of Number and Creating Sound, guarded by the original Tibetan Esoteric Philosophy):[1]

  • “Preparing a Plan requires the combined use of three energies: Love, Light and Will”.
  • “Love and Light are living energies, permeating all Space”.
  • “Psycho-geometry affirms that all geometric elements exist by virtue of the living energies and forces that nourish them”.
  • “The Plan is a psycho-geometric undertaking produced by two energies, Love and Light which, directed by a third, Will, is the bearer of a Project”.
  • “Geometric life is confirmed in the solar System by the presence of the Ecliptic plane”.
  • “A Plan would have no sense without a Purpose, and any intention, to be fulfilled, needs a plan”.
  • “It is possible to set up a living, subjective Plan by combining Love and Light”.
  • “A Project is a living Plan, directed toward a Purpose”.
  • The Ecliptic is the solar Project. The Planets, or rather the seven Rays, combine the Ideas in Formulas, according to the immediate evolutionary needs of the solar Plan, and these, through the 6 and the 5 Pointed Stars,[2] precipitate in Forms and concrete events”.
  • “In the infinite, or rather in the eternal present, quantity, size and distance do not exist; what is real are the directions that orient and link all spatial entities”.


  • “Likewise time does not exist; in the infinite, before and after have no meaning; only the cycles are of importance, active, rhythmic and qualified, created by the pulsating life of the solar System”.
  • “The Plan unfolds as it is being prepared”.
  • “When the time comes the group will know what to do and how to do it”.

* * * * * * *

Some Hearts once scattered on the terrestrial sphere are now realizing, as a critical mass of the global human Group, as a subtle or ethereal web, that a Plan and a saving Force not only exist but also that “following the Plan, we can glimpse the Purpose”.

That is the Institute of the human Heart serving that planetary Order or solar golden Lotus which embodies and fixes the hierarchical Plan on the mental Plane of Humanity and Earth: “It is here that the subjective Service of the Group comes into play, called upon to exercise its subtle powers for social and religious reconstruction.

This subtle Institute impresses the Plan of the Order of Heart on the infinite Ecliptic plane: “The ecliptic is the symbol of solar order, it is the common Good, the last Goal, the first Aim….. Order is the last on the list of the divine virtues but it germinates right at the very start of the Plan….. Order is the sign of triumph and accomplishment…..

The true origin of order is freedom: s/he is free who respects the freedom of others as much as her/his own.

S/He is free who loves the freedom of others as much as her/his own.

That is why we Human/Heavenly beings unceasingly dream/build the ordered rising of humanity toward our Origin and Goal: heavenly Freedom.

The Plan for a new Culture and Civilization restores that heavenly Freedom which is our legacy and destiny.

[1] It follows some key Points extracted from “Setting up a Plan” by E. Savoini, 2001, inedit text.
[2] These Stars or living psychogeometries are set up each 60 years by the combined mouvements/intentions of the Higher Triangle of Solar Consciousness, formed by Sun/Vulcan (1st Vertex and Ray), Jupiter (2nd Vertex and Ray) and Saturn (3rd Vertex and Ray). In the initiatory current Star begun with Their conjunction in Capricorn in 1961, here are the sacred Points of evolution of the Solar and Planetary Plan:

Schermata 2016-05-24 alle 13.01.51

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