The Wisdom of the Plan

In order to celebrate and reflect the today heliocentric alignment between Saturn and Mercury in the fiery Sign of Sagittarius, here are some thoughts on the power of enlightened Mind to build the Future.

Saturn and Mercury (3rd and 4th Rays of creative Intelligence and Illumination) are the two solar Bearers of Light together with Venus (5th Ray: the Science of Mind and golden Construction of Forms), and their union on causal levels (heliocentric directions) give the opportunity to consciously imitate Their evolutionary Work.

The Relationship between the Three and Four is similar to the original one between Spirit and Matter, perfectly exemplified by the square-based pyramid, which combines Heaven and Earth.

In order to climb the Summits of Heaven one has to sacrifice what holds down, following a graduated program of rules and phases (see here).

The climb back up can only be led Above, by the Master/Heaven assumed as the Rule of Art, composing dissensions and solving resistances by generating the dynamic force (3) of Harmony (4): between parts, in and out, unit and many.

Harmony is the Goal or universal necessity, the splendour of Truth: It is the Centrality and the Beauty of Being.

We must ‘return’ to let our light shine: to rule our mind (manas – the human soul) with the power of love and wisdom (buddhi, the spiritual soul) in order to restore Heaven Harmony or Order on Earth.

As yet but few of the human family work deliberately and consciously in mental matter only. The energy exerted by men is mostly kama-manasic or desire coupled with lower mind, with a preponderance, as might be expected, of desire force… The whole trend of evolution is to bring about ability to build in mental matter … the prominent workers and thinkers of the human family, under the direction of the Lodge [of the planetary Hierarchy], are engaged in three things:

a. The imposition of the newer and higher rhythm upon men.

b. The dissipation of the murky clouds of half-vitalised indefinite thought forms which surround our planet, thus permitting the entry of interplanetary force, and of force from the higher mental levels.

c. The awakening within men of the power to think clearly, to energise their thought forms accurately, and to hold in vital form those thought constructions whereby they may attain their objective, and bring about desired conditions upon the physical plane.”[1]

Humanity is called to answer to the fourth stanza of the Great Invocation, which says: From the human centre “Let the Plan of Love and Light work out…”.

We know that a Plan for Humanity exists and is part of the planetary and solar one. We have traces from the Ancient Wisdom Teachings in this sense and in the last quarter of the 20th century some human ‘heart/minds’ have elaborated in response a Table of the Plan, built according to the Law of Sound and Number.

Since the Purpose can be understood through the Plan, we can say that the human Group has to illuminate the planetary Purpose. On this way, we can do anything but imitating the Hierarchy of Power, Love and Wisdom which rules our evolution and indicates how to operate according to the celestial Model.

On this respect and from the astrosophical perspective, the Plan is accomplished and reveals itself on the plane of the solar ecliptic, where the Luminaries continually trace and update it.

From the center, from the heartly mind, we try to understand the meanings of this major Plan and express it through our work.

This time of changing eras is the right one to sow the principles of a new Culture (which is also ancient) from which a new Civilization will descend, conceived according to the dictates of Aquarius, which incline toward group work, service, collaboration, order and the increasing power of the creative mind in order to pour ‘water of life’ into the thirsty world.

We therefore intend to build together a thought form based on these principles, to be layed as a foundation of the new world, and to impress it, from the causal level, into the general human mentality.

The Table of the Plan is a spatial matrix setting up a network of relationships where you can easily embark on a coordinated collaboration with all those who work for the realization of the Divine Plan on Earth. Our aim is to take this table, resonating with solar harmonies and numeric or universal rhythms, as a foundation for building the new Temple of Man and World, guiding back to the Culture of Heaven.

In summary, it is necessary to irradiate the hierarchical Order into the Heart of the One Humanity. We are called to constitute a manifest prototype of that planetary Order which exists on subtle planes and must be incarnated on Earth so that Hierarchy can be exteriorized.

This Order is the summit of Humanity, just as according to the esoteric Teachings the Real Government of Shamballa is the summit of Hierarchy.

Above and below correspond to each other and join. Order is Freedom.


Rulership is not in crowns nor in crowds, but is in the cosmic expanse of ideas.

Thus, the Teachings of life complement each other, having no need to attract multitudes.”*

* * *

[1] A. A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 953-4.
* (Community § 84, Agni Yoga Collection).
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One Response to The Wisdom of the Plan

  1. anna says:

    Since the Purpose can be understood through the Plan, we can say that the human Group has to illuminate the planetary Purpose” by imitating the Hierarchy of Power, Love and Wisdom which rules our evolution and indicates how to operate according to the celestial Model.
    This Order is the summit of Humanity, just as according to the esoteric Teachings the Real Government of Shamballa is the summit of Hierarchy.
    The hierarchy – the Planetary heart centre. The Shamballa – is the heart centre ; they relate to the fourth and fifth dimensions and are expressed in the third dimension by the Throat centre – Humanity, via realigned solar plexus linked to throat and sacral centres ) – to the heart.
    As it is said by Antonella:
    Saturn ( humanity) and Mercury – hierarchy (3rd and 4th Rays of creative Intelligence and Illumination) are the two solar Bearers of Light together with Venus (5th Ray: ( NGWS) the Science of Mind and golden Construction of Forms), and their union on causal levels (heliocentric directions) give the opportunity to consciously imitate Their evolutionary Work – Uranus, 7 th ray of magical order.
    A thought-form is different from a thought in that a thought-form resonates in the fourth and fifth dimension as well as the third dimension. Each culture has many iconic thoughts about people, rulers and places that carry such emotional charge that they become thought-forms. Thought-forms are collective thoughts that have received so much attention from the collective consciousness that they take on “form” in the fourth dimension.
    These fourth dimensional etheric forms act as “windows” into the third dimension through which multidimensional beings can easily observe the workings of the physical world. It is through these “windows” that members of the physical plane can also observe the higher worlds.
    In order to Humanity to illumine the Plan, it has to respond to the spiritual will, within the head centres.
    In relation to Shamballa and the third eye , the expression “in that light shall we see light” describes the “light within the head” generated between the pineal and pituitary glands:
    In the symbolism of the head centre, physically considered— we have the reflection of the spiritual will, atma, and spiritual love, buddhi. The head centre relates the monad and the personality .
    ” …this means that through the medium of the light of wisdom shed abroad in our hearts through the Ageless Wisdom, we shall eventually see the Light of Life itself…
    “It is the Ajna centre through which the fourth Creative Hierarchy on its own plane finds expression, and here also this Hierarchy and fourth kingdom in nature, the human family are fused and blended via the NGWS.
    The ajna centre relates the Spiritual Triad (the expression of the monad in the formless worlds) to the personality – active intelligence.
    When these three eyes are functioning and all of them “seeing” simultaneously, you will then have insight into divine purpose (the initiate), intuitive vision of the plan (the disciple), and a spiritual direction of the resulting creative activity (the Master).” The The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey.
    As we are downloading our higher dimensional SELF into our earth vessel, and into the body of Gaia, the polarity of our “Individual Thought” is blending with the opposite polarity, “Collective Consciousness.”
    When we accept the responsibility that “WE,” the Collective Consciousness of the inhabitants of the third dimension, we become the weavers of “OUR” 3D Matrix.
    Our “separate self” is a small segment of our true, Multidimensional SELF.
    Just as WE could cut a hologram into many fragments and each “separate” piece would display a vision of the whole, our individual, 3D self can also be used to present a vision of our whole SELF.
    The 3D Matrix is created by weaving together the horizontal, subatomic filaments of Matter and the vertical, subatomic filaments of Spirit.
    If you “look” with your Eyes of Soul, you can actually see these filaments. The vertical filaments of Spirit are glistening, transparent strings of white (all colors together) light.
    On the other hand, the horizontal filaments of Matter have gone through the Crystal Prism into the third dimension and have been separated into the seven different octaves/colors of light.
    It is through weaving together the filaments of Spirit and Matter that, the inhabitants of Gaia, create the 3D Matrix upon which the hologram of our reality is projected.
    In order to create a hologram, an object (in this case, a thought-form) is photographed (held in your thoughts and emotions and focused by our intention), and then bathed in the light of a laser beam (the vertical spiritual filaments.
    When the “film” is developed, it appears as a meaningless swirl of light/spirit and dark/matter lines. But as soon as the developed film is illuminated by another laser beam (the perceptions of the third dimensional observer), a three dimensional image of the original thought-form appears.

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