Was there a real need to create the new word “etymosophy”, in order to define the research related to the “wisdom of the essence of a word”?
The answer is yes, because its creation intends to underscore and feed a new approach towards the use of language.
It should be emphasized that it is just a “laboratory on the word”, which can be attended and developed by all who are interested.
If “etymosophy” had been created for the sake of elite jargon, it could not be the tool of interchange and sharing that it properly is.
In the process applied for discovering the essence of a word, three phases can be identified:
- The formulation of a question related to a specific term, with the intention to probe deeper into its real meaning;
- The etymological research, necessarily based on texts, to discover the unique original sound common to different languages. It is vibration that makes a narrow opening in the Tower of Babel!
- The development of insights prompted by the discovery of that specific sound.
For example, if we look at the word “man”, we discover that the indoeuropean root *MA- expresses the idea of measure, relationship, and note that it is the word man which describes the man in English and German: from the identity of “mind”, “relationship” and “man,” do not infinite insights arise?
From a question on a word and the exploration of apparently remote distances between the different languages, in discovering the idea expressed by that common original sound, many horizons can be opened for the intuitive process.
Thus only the second phase is based on etymological research. The question (before research) and the lamps of understanding (afterwards) are the result of a strong aspiration towards a deeper awareness of our roots and inner voice.
Within the laboratory of the word, open to everyone’s voice, the only really important thing is to ask questions and develop together the answers, which always contribute to further shared insights.