Psychology, a “young” science still hardly recognized by academic world as a science, has gradually developed along different lines.
This domain called “Psychosophy” is the thread already active which can reconcile in itself all the others and which is explained by the etymology of the term: “wisdom of spiritual life.”
In this context, Psychosophy is then, together with Astrosophy, the oldest and most fundamental among all sciences, defining and clarifying the field of each of them.
The fact that we are rediscovering it in this world’s cycle tells us that today we are laying the foundations of a new culture and civilization, in which humanity (the macrocosm of microcosm, intermediary between heaven and earth and collaborator of the divine Plan) must find its own dignity, of which it must assume awareness and responsibility.
Substantially, a human being cannot be simply considered as a set of three vehicles (physical, emotional, mental, which should be optimally aligned to conduct a full and serene life) but as an energetic entity of solar power, a spark of Life which, in order to manifest itself, builds a consciousness (soul) and a form-vehicle (person). Every incarnating human is thus the expression of Life necessity and Soul purpose, informing of itself the person, which in turn synthesizes the three lower kingdoms of nature (mineral, vegetable, animal) in its vehicles. In this way, Life infuses the different levels of matter spiritualizing it and bringing the whole manifestation to the source from which it comes, the One.

It is thus starting from this vision that we can speak of Psychosophy, the science which operates at the conscious construction of the bridge between the lower self, the higher Self and the monadic vital source.
The human being is the most glorious, the most critical and probably the most loved fruit of planetary evolution, which he can serve to accelerate. He possesses awareness and free will, and being that bridge, fulfils his role as a link between higher and lower kingdoms. Thus he has the right and duty to understand and facilitate the process of evolution, knowing that his action is not without consequences.
Psychosophy aims to open a dialogue on the most effective ways to ensure that humanity (fourth kingdom of nature) accomplishes its own masterpiece. The human being, in the planetary economy, is an Artist and is required to make his life a masterpiece, a bright piece of the universal Work.
Let us then establish three pivots allowing us to launch the first threads of that bridge:
- Keeping mind in the Light
- Lifting our eyes to heaven and thinking with grace about the future
- Forgetting the lower self, yet carefully observing it.
The One is, its task is essentially being.
The Two includes and, as Heaven, plays an “enveloping” function.
The Three leads to higher Self through depersonalized observation of lower self and its gradual eclipsing.
So it is possible to reach synthesis, blessed by Heaven and oriented by Light.