“True, true, true—precision in time must be observed.
Let us look at it not only from the standpoint of integrity of principle but also from that of practicality.
He who sets a definite date sends out a spatial command;
the one who agrees to this date closes the current.
A stream of energy of the will fixes, as it were, an astral form of the decision.
To this bridge approach boat-loads of possibilities, strengthening and supplementing the original proposition. It is easy to imagine what happens if one side of the bridge disappears.
Spatial dates are far more precise than the mechanism of your clocks; splendid possibilities may crumble away like sand and, being not repeatable, disappear.
…Teach every child to understand the significance of dates.
Otherwise, one more generation of flabby and spineless ones will devour each other.
In the community exactitude of dates is established as a fundamental.”
(Agni Yoga collection, “Community”, § 181)
What are the Signs of the Heavens?
The cross of cardinal dates (solstices and equinoxes) fixes the 4 main impulses of the planetary Breath around the Sun (year): the central Heart of the Planet emits innumerable pulsations to give life, consciousness and form to its creatures, but 4 primary, corresponding to such 4 directions (the arms of the cross), determined by the intersections between the orbital plane (ecliptic) and the equator (equinoxes) or the projection on it of polar axis (solstices). These cause and move the general vital and psychic circulation which supports and nourishes the planetary development. Humanity can, through its gift of self-consciousness, assist these impulses and flow better instead of being unconsciously influenced or dragged.
It is now the solstice time, peak of the annual cycle 2013 with maximum radiant light for the northern hemisphere, or “dark light” for the south. At the solsticial peak, when an essential spark of planetary Labour liberates into Space and the directionof energy changes, summer or winter begin, the most distinct or sharp seasons of the cycle, of maximum or minimum outward expression or minimum/maximum potential energy.
Every solstice makes possible a new perspective, and more extensive the higher one ascends: at the June tolling new possibilities rain from the sky into the deep Matrix and valley of appearance (Cancer); new cycles or spirals of consciousness orient themselves in the ‘right direction’, to the Summit (Capricornus), on the back of that cosmic Dragon that resides at the top, and into the depths of Cosmos.[1]
The mystery of Love between the primordial Mother (Cancer) and the supreme Fire (Capricorn – Galactic Center) touches the heart.
Everything changes and is reborn to new life.
Let us now contemplate the heavens of the solsticial Summit, according to the understanding of Esoteric Astrology [2] to foresee and try to formulate indications regarding the available energies of this discontinuous impact – both at causal (heliocentric) and effective level (geocentric):
Heliocentric tropical chart (Sun at the center)
Entrance of Sun/Vulcan into the Sign of Cancer – Earth in the Sign of Capricorn
(June 21, 2013 – h. 5.04 am GMT)

In the heliocentric tropical heaven the positions/incidences of the Luminaries are seen according to what might be considered the perspective of the planetary Consciousness oriented to and by the Sun at the center, responding to the 12 Signs of the Zodiac with Aries as starting point or solar ascendant, the primary direction of the Soul (planetary and human as a whole).
The signs of the preceding equinoctial Heaven, disruptive and ‘burning’, have intensely driven consciousness to this solsticial summit, the most ‘propitious’ time to induce a new vibration in the human field, a rebirth.
The situation is that of a “field” very diverse and rich in energy exchanges, in which Jupiter, the Lord of solar Love now in opposition to the Earth, seems to be the central pivot around which the new magnetically builds itself. Earth is on the initiatory threshold of Capricorn, in tension with Jupiter on the edge of Gemini, veiled by the central splendor of Sun/Vulcan; in the Sign of Gemini, where Jupiter has been staying for a year, He “controls the synthesis of opposites” preparing to cross the sacred door of Cancer – on July 7.
Such a “vertical” opposition is also the tensing diagonal in a beautiful rectangle of fluid aspects (trines 120º and sextiles 60º) with Neptune, the Lord of Waters, in Pisces, the Sign of salvation (“I work out the contrasts between polarities”) and Venus, the Lord of mental Construction, in Leo, the Sign of concentrated and solar Fire (“I co-measure fires to the supernal Light”).
Mercury, Lord of illuminated human beings, is now a supreme factor of harmony and unification in the transformative waters of Scorpio – as in all previous discontinuous (solsticial or equinoctial) moments of this year – Sign of Struggle and Triumph in which there is also Saturn, the solar Planner and Thinker, to “bring back to the sacred mystery of union” . Through a persisting sextile and a quincunx (150º), due to the slow proceeding of the related Luminaries, Saturn is still easing the difficult square (90º) between Pluto – the Destroyer and Reformer in Capricorn – and Uranus, the Divine Hierophant of Aries electric Fire. This initiatory triangle between ‘odd’ Luminaries (1-3-7: 1. Power and Government; 3. Light and Planning; 7. Order and Organization) is in close resonance with the Rays of the Cross of the 4 hinges (Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, Libra) now activated – energies which are mainly transmitted to Earth at the gates of solstices and equinoxes.
The Formula conceived to express the energy conveyed by Uranus distills the consciousness Work inspired by such a triad of resolutive fires: “He witnesses the reality of the Plan,” which is necessary to stabilize on causal levels of Mind (Aries). Since the polar axis (the spine expressing Will) of this 7th Luminary is almost identified with the ecliptic plane (lying on it and aligned between the stars of the Bull and the Scorpion) and points towards the galactic Center of centers, that solsticial statement becomes particularly powerful and precise: the divine intention of Uranus draws the Solar Plan and its Coworkers to the Cosmic Plan. The countless and different Plans or levels can communicate through a single Plan of reality – Space saturated by Life, being joined by directions and paths of progressive unification and identification. Uranus is and points the Way towards the plane of cosmic or universal consciousness.
“Universe represents a system of hearts”: the crystal of Heart builds the New order, which is universal.
Here are in order the seven Formulas for the seven sacred Luminaries/Rays which can synthesize in consciousness the heavenly configuration of Solstice 2013:
- Love builds the New order
- I impel the synthesis of opposites
- I bring back to the sacred mystery of union
- I transform conflicts into a harmonious unit
- I co-measure fires to the supernal Light
- I work out contrasts between polarities
- I witness the reality of the Plan
Geocentric tropical chart (Earth at the center)
Entrance of Sun/Vulcan in the Sign of Cancer (June 2013 – h. 5.04 GMT)
The landing of celestial energies is illustrated by the geocentric tropical Heaven, the perspective of the planetary and human Consciousness at the center of the horizon of possibilities (Luminaries in the 12 Signs). This is the reference of both esoteric and ordinary Astrology, the former related precisely to the evolution of Consciousness and spatial Relationships, the latter more circumscribed to human personality and the formal development of terrestrial events (the ascendant or soul direction may vary for each existence, but for the Soul of the Planet coincides with the zodiacal Beginning, Aries).
The energy of the geocentric perspective is in full splendor and enjoyment at the time of the full moon, in this case of Cancer (on June 23, h.11.33 am GMT), the maternal and receptive Sign between the ‘positive’ Gemini and Leo (both associated to Sirius), the propitious time in which the Heart of Man can redirect the invocation/evocation of the human kingdom to the cosmic constellation of the Little Dog, whose brilliant Procyon is a symbol of the lower mind with respect to Sirius/higher mind, both faithful servants of the immortal Hunter of Light Orion, Source of Resurrection.
The geocentric Heaven of June solstice 2013 seems to be the counterpart of the heliocentric one at December solstice 2012, the first causal impulse of the whole annual cycle: the triangular psychogeometry in Water Signs (Cancer-Scorpio-Pisces) is the same, there Earth was at the bottom of the heavenly Chalice, here is the dominant and brilliant conjunction between Sun/Vulcan and Jupiter. The First (Vulcan) and Second (Jupiter) Ray seem to be the vectors of force which can project, through the planetary consciousness (geocentric Heaven), the power of the Heaven of causes (heliocentric): “Synthesis is the triumph of the One” (the Sound and Formula associated to that beginning Triangle) reflects itself and is ‘applied’ by this configuration, focusing in the Heart in the Head (Sun/Vulcan) and in the Heart center of all ready spirits. The Power of Love magnetizes and “passes over the substantial waters”, germinating new inner and outer cycles, in the service of the solar Work and Order:
“…the keynotes of this sign can be expressed in the Biblical phrase “the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters… In Cancer, God breathed into man’s nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. In these words, you have established the relation which exists in the mind of God between spirit (the breath of life) the soul (consciousness) and man (the form).” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 313)
“The building of adequate forms and the use and control of form are essential if there is to be wise and right cooperation with the Plan of God. Jupiter guarantees this in Cancer from the very initial stage of birth. Love as relationship to divinity and wisdom as relationship to form lie behind the soul’s intent. In space and time, for long aeons, form controls and hides the soul. This is equally true in regard to the fluid psychic nature. These (the form aspect and the psychic nature) reach an eventual concrete perfection in Capricorn to become again in Cancer the perfect instrument of service which the initiate wields as he seeks to render mass service instead of being involved and lost in the mass.” (341-2)
In Cancer (R 3-7) the human Heart, initiate through the worlds, high at the center of the four arms of the Cardinal Cross, learns to be that illuminated Consciousness which is the guide for the collective rebirthing towards a common Plan and Order. The words of the Sign reveal this direction of motion:
– “Let isolation be the rule and yet—the crowd exists.”
– “I build a lighted house and therein dwell.”
As significant geocentric transits we have the initial conjunction between Mercury and Venus in Cancer (conception of new luminous synthesis on mental level) and the final (21 July) between Jupiter and Mars in Cancer too (love joint to desire move and thrill mass consciousness).Finally, in quadripartite symmetry, we quickly consider also the two sidereal heavens, which are referred to the effective horizon of stars and constellations, without the offset as for the zodiacal Signs due to the equinoxes’ precession.
Heliocentric Sidereal Chart
Earth in the stellar field of Sagittarius – the Sun at the center is seen from Earth
entering into the stellar field of The Twins (June 18 – July 19, 2013)

Inner wheel of the Luminaries: positions at Jun 18, 2013 – External wheel: positions at Jul 19, 2013
The heliocentric sidereal heaven is concerned with the solar System in Cosmos and, in theosophical terms, is assumed as the perspective of the highest Life aspect (beyond the Consciousness and Matter ones) which, anchored in the Heart of each Planet, identifies itself with the Sun at the center, the manifested Heart of the cosmic Lord which rules our Solar System.
This Solar Man and His Heart (Vulcan) are at the center between His Head in Gemini (Sirius) and Base in Sagittarius (Galactic Center, the cosmic ascendant).
The crucial datum is Earth’s position in celestial Space during its current solsticial phase, as it intercepts the magic doors of the cycle formed by the cross intersection between the projection of the polar axis to the plane of the orbit and ecliptic itself. These gates have currently a cosmic horizon and significance, as Earth is then between the Galactic Center and Sun/Vulcan, among the glowing stars of the Scorpion and the Archer on the one hand, and on the other hand among those radiant of the Bull and of the Twins, as well as Orion and Auriga: the energies of the Center of centers and of Resurrection are poured copiously into every heart. Earth is at the center between the galactic and solar Origin, Sun/Vulcan. The cosmic Traction acts on the Sun through the viewfinder of Earth, and the solar Arrow, constantly pointed to the Center of centers, “threads” the heart of Earth.
In addition, even Jupiter, in a wonderful resonance with the alignment of 2007 (between ever 6 Luminaries), lies in that primordial and primary direction among the Christic stars of Orion (joint to the red giant Betelgeuse on 24 June) and about to leave the stars of the Bull (Sign of Gemini) to those of the Twins (Sign of Cancer).
Above, the “North” stars Eltanin of the Dragon (joint to Earth on June 19), the solar zenit and ‘cosmic base’, and Polaris, the “directive star” of our planet in the constellation Ursa Minor consecrated to loving Will, now project Their maximum influence on the common ecliptic Plan. This huge flow is stabilized on the equatorial plane by the Great Lord of Light, Orion, whose Three Gems Belt is placed exactly in the center between the two hemispheres of Earth’s sky.
Again, the Direction is fixed (North Star, Earth) at all levels of solar system, led by the vital supernal energy (Galactic Center, Dragon) and kept stable by Hearts’ sensitivity (Jupiter, Betelgeuse/Orion), that one spatial Heart which is the sacred Stone and Grail, accomodating the crystal of Life, given by Orion.
The sidereal transits of this phase (June-July) see the encounter between Earth, the solar Disciple, and the stars of the Archer, the cosmic Disciple, where the deepest Pluto has been sailing for years. Our Planet meets the fire of Kaus Australis on June 26, a star on the tense bow of the cosmic Archer, but above all the brilliant Vega on July 7 (the player of the sevenfold Lyra in the myth of Orpheus and our future North Star in about 12,500 years), the opposite pole, in respect to our Sun, of Sirius (the Sun of Suns, Isis). Earth, a solar Orpheus, receives the inspirative Breath of Sirius through the full splendor of the Sun and rejoices at the “everlasting chant of the great (cosmic) Labour”.
(That Heavenly Men, thanks to periodic cycles and beats of their Rhythm, play the notes and chords of a cosmic Lyre is an idea “so beautiful that it can only be true”: it is up to us to listen to these impalpable strokes as if they were arpeggios of a new Harmony, where there is no separation between men, Luminaries and Stars.)
Sidereal geocentric chart (Earth at the center)
Sun in the stellar Field of the Twins (June 18 – Jul 19, 2013)
Inner wheel of the Luminaries: positions at Jun 18, 2013 – External wheel: positions at Jul 19, 2013
Lastly, the geocentric sidereal heaven (Earth at the centre of the stellar horizon) attests to the value of Appearance as revelation of Reality, where even the physical eye of Man becomes a possible vector of contact with celestial energies. The Heart opened to Cosmos, in the “here and now” on Earth, lifts up its eyes to the Heaven/Sky and sees the source and field, relative yet real, of conscious creation. Between Earth and Heaven, in united breath and unified rhythm, It draws and activates vital, magnetic and luminous directions with other spatial Centers/Hearts. It is a human, planetary, solar and cosmic unity.
Here are the solar Hearts together to build the New order:
The human Heart glance, focalized by solsticial Sun, is now aligned (June 19) to the Solar Heart Jupiter and the ecliptic projection of Polaris (opposed to that of Eltanin/Dragon), and also to other cosmic Hearts, Betelgeuse/Orion, and Sirius on July 7, the Primary of our Sun (opposed to Vega/Lyra). As mentioned above, this is a direction consecrated to the Light and Sound of Love, symmetrical to that of January 5, when it is the Earth that stands between Sirius and Sun.
Heaven is our lighted House, to be dwelt in with a heart full of Joy.
The New Culture will come from the Order of Love
[1] The constellation of the Dragon holds between its coils the north pole of the ecliptics of the solar system (as well as of the Sun itself and of sacred Luminaries such as Jupiter, Venus and Mercury – thus being the source of power, will and intention for these plans and entities) and it is just during the solstice time that currently the Sun-Earth axis intercepts, along the same ecliptic meridian plane, the direction to the galactic Center of centers through the projection of the star Eltanin in the Dragon‘s Head, as well as, on the other side, of our current Polaris (Ursa Minor) and the Great Mother and red giant Betelgeuse of Orion (see helio-sidereal chart). This supreme convergence of Fires, Rays and levels (cosmic, solar, planetary) takes place in the Wheel of Becoming approximately every 13,000 years: Man can not miss these Dates, these ‘splendid possibilities’, unique for their precision, which “pierce the rings” of all worlds. In psychogeometrical terms, at midnight local time of the June solstice, the galactic Center culminates on the local meridian (the terrestrial and celestial circle consecrated to the maximum vital Impression): Cosmic Traction to the galactic Heart dominates and presides over all Centers. Conversely, at midday June solstice time, the Hunter of Light Orion dominates in the daytime sky, under the blazing diamond of the Sun.
[2] Cfr. A. A. Bailey – “Esoteric Astrology”, vol III, Treatise on the Seven Rays, Lucis Collection
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