The 4 major events of the annual motion of the Earth around the Centre-Sun are the solstices and equinoxes, the 4 hinges or Cross of the planetary cycle. The September equinox is the fourth discontinuity of this 2013 Earth-Sun cycle, after the December solstice, the equinox of March and the June solstice. Like the phases of the pendular motion, this is similarly the time of maximum ‘kinetic’ energy and everything is buzzing with activity:
– In the northern hemisphere is the autumnal equinox, and the rewards and fruits from matured experience, culminated at the summer solstice, are reaped,
– In the Southern is the spring equinox when the harbingers of the new flowering bloom, which is the ‘harvest’ or reaction of the winter sowing.
Moreover, at the Equinox, the vertical direction of the pendulum of Life marks, geometrically or causally, an interlude of equilibrium and ‘calm’ before a new beginning, before rising again, a dynamic focal point of balance similar to the condition of Ulysses tied to the mast of the ship (the spine) to stand against the wiles of the sirens.
On the inner level, this condition corresponds to contemplation, expressed by the symbol of the scales of Libra (the Sign or synthetic Quality of September equinox). Contemplation (etymologically “hold together in their own temple”) is real and useful only if mind, despite the noise of the world, is held steady in the Light1 (“the rhythmic motion of Fire”, the mental fire of Aries, the opposite and complementary Sign to Libra). The Libra-Aries direction of energy establishes and teaches that, for the incessant motion of mind fire to be rhythmic or creative, it is necessary to con-template, i.e., be inside a sacred temple oriented and firmly anchored to the Good, the central Summit, the splendor of Truth, Beauty.
The energy of Libra inspires to think and choose in a stable (vertical) yet dynamic mode, i.e., from the plane of the higher mind, the “floor” on which the soul dances.
At the Equinox, the balance between bright and dark light reigns (day = night) and the Sun’s glance meets the Earth’s center through the circle of the Earth’s equator: thus the direction of the equinox unifies the orbital (ecliptic) and rotation (equator) planes of the Planet, that is, its major breath (year) and minor one around itself (day). Everything equalises and is synthesized in the center.
Even the human being – a center and sphere of life and consciousness which flies through Space in terrestrial, solar and cosmic spheres – is prone in this convergence of plans to centre and soar in the here and now, the only uni-verse from which to take off for higher, instantaneous, flights.
So it is time to “take stock of the situation,” time for reckoning and reaping for consciousness and forms, in order to continue the advancement and return to the source. It’s time to contemplate the Heavens in us, the sacred temple where the real causes of events and forms reside.
For those who see the celestial rhythms as the source of planetary events, it is more creative and decisive to study and reach to understand these powerful causal energies than using the “science of spatial relationships” (astrology) to prove the ephemeral proliferation of effects at the local or human level.
Reading the Signs of the Heavens does not serve the need of mind to match causes and effects in a superficial, mechanical or utilitarian way, but rather establishes a proportion – an increasingly strong and lightweight connecting bridge – between the “centers of Life,” between minor and major causes, be they human beings, planets or stars, constellations or cosmic systems – beyond time and distance.
The Heavens in us, the golden Science of the Heart, serves the Infinite and its free citizens.
At any time, but especially at any convergence or cornerstone of a cycle, the quality of this bridge or interlude will be different, depending on the “here and now” (positions) of the other celestial beings. For each hinge, and especially the fourth or final one, the Middle Way will offer new synthesis, unique and unrepeatable, ever higher since comprehending all the previous ones.
To reach to apprehend the energy treasure of this September equinox, we can take advantage of the celestial charts, both tropical heliocentric and geocentric,2 two perspectives hierarchically interrelated and complementary, the first concerning the solar or general Consciousness, the second the planetary or local one.
Heliocentric tropical Chart (Sun at the centre)
Sun in the Sign of Libra – Earth in the Sign of Aries
Psychogeometries on Ecliptic between Luminaries in the zodiacal Signs
Inner wheel of the Luminaries: positions at Sept 22, 2013 h. 20.44 GMT
– External wheel: positions at Oct 23, 2013 h. 6.52 GMT
In the heliocentric tropical perspective, the Libra-Aries 2013 axis is a Heaven of causes full of energies of the “cardinal Cross” (signs of Aries- Cancer- Libra – Capricornus), the device between cosmic energies which can, according to esoteric Astrology, cause beginnings, crises, renewals and accomplishments: Creation, Manifestation, Legislation and Initiation are the fundamental key notes of Its Powers or 4 Signs.
At the incipit of the equinoctial axis (22 September), consecrated to beginnings and rebalancing choices, 6 Luminaries thus transit in the arms of this supreme Cross, cause of ascent and precipitation. The culmination of this huge ‘initiatory’ process will be October 3, when the Earth (Gaia) joins to her divine Consort Uranus in Aries, the Luminary who “makes all things new,” squaring the Rectifier Pluto and the Harmonizer Mercury, joint in Capricornus (prompting: transformation, renovation and illumination), and symmetrically to Jupiter, Master of the Heart, in Cancer. “Cardinal” values are in strong focus thanks to the contrasting tensions between solar centres (90° squares and oppositions 180°). A rebalancing output is yet provided by the trines (120°) of Jupiter both to Neptune in Pisces, advocate of universal Brotherhood, and Saturn in Scorpio, planner of strategies for the Good, the True and the Beautiful to prevail. At the end of the phase (between 18 and 20 October) the Lord of salvific Waters and Communion Neptune will be reached by the couple of the divine Hermaphrodite (Mercury and Venus): this triad of potencies will inspire from the causal heavens that wonderful formula of the future that says: “the understanding of beauty will save the world.
Beauty, the splendor of Truth, is that middle way, that solution which reaches suddenly as lightning when “centuries of accumulated fatigue have built happiness”.
Then the Great Agreement opens throughout the worlds.
The landing of celestial energies is illustrated by the geocentric tropical Heaven, the perspective of the planetary and human Consciousness at the center of the horizon of possibilities (Earth at the center, Planets in the 12 Signs or Houses). This is the reference of both esoteric and ordinary Astrology, the former related precisely to the evolution of Consciousness and spatial Relationships, the latter more circumscribed to human personality and the formal development of terrestrial events.3
The energy of the geocentric perspective is in full splendor and enjoyment at the time of the full moon, in this case of Libra (on October 18, h 23.39 GMT), when the alignment Moon-Earth-Sun “unites the Lowest to the Highest” through the cognate cosmic constellation of the Southern Cross, the stellar quaternary consecrated to the matter aspect: “The cross is receding, and this promise is in Libra, called the open door to Shamballa4, the sign in which there is found the narrow, razor-edged path which leads the man into the kingdom of the soul.”5
On the Middle Way Matter, Mind and Magnet are one.
Geocentric tropical chart (Earth at the center) – Sun in the Sign of Libra
Psychogeometries on Ecliptic between Luminaries in the zodiacal Signs
Inner wheel of the Luminaries: positions at Sept 22, 2013 h. 20.44 GMT
– External wheel: positions at Oct 23, 2013 h. 6.52 GMT
The beginning of the geocentric Heaven of 2013 Libra equinox sees a high concentration of aspects gathering in the next sign of Scorpio, collected by Venus and Saturn close to the lunar node (the orientation of the material form), thus emphasizing the function and power, inherent to Libra, to “introduce” or prepare the strong impact of the next phase, consecrated to the battle. The ‘triangular’ presence of the deep Luminaries Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune in the 3 Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), bringing creative synthesis, is now made dynamic and active by the square of Mars, the Lord of conflicts ‘dashing’ in Leo and by the Moon, the Lord of Form, in exaltation in Taurus. The Lords of radical change, Pluto and Uranus, electrified by Their persistent cardinal square, irresistibly push this ‘outbreak’ towards balance and redemption, in order to inaugurate wider and higher cycles of human consciousness.
Trying to synthesize a formula representing the general tendency to “produce precipitates” (tropical geocentric perspective), we would think that, for this month nourished by Libra-Aries axis, the high building fervor of spatial energies pushes the planetary and human consciousness to assess and deal with the “old scores” to make space (interior and exterior) for the New.
In Libra the human Heart, the Builder of the new Culture/Civilization, high at the center of the four arms of the Cardinal Cross, learns to be that sound transparence, that silence of synthesis which is the rhythmic motion of Fire.
The words of the Sign reveal the luminous art of the “Sword-carrier”, master in the grace of the discrimination:
Let choice be made.
I choose the way that leads between the two great lines of force.
Revered the Mother, erected the Altar, the Builders are going to a different task: They have to make a symbol of the kingdom of the Mother: the floor of the Temple.
The floor holds up and, below, delimits, yet it must also reflect Heaven. It must be flat and smooth, enigmatic and insidious as everyday life.
With rhythmic motions, like dancing and weaving, the Builders trace the floor as a grid of meridians and parallels, as a large expanse, a sieve, a canvas.
They place the commissures before, then the plates; first the lines of light which will be joints between the stones. This, in fact, is the texture of human life: equal beats separating fields of alternate energy.
The Builders do not think to do a drawing. Then there will be humans, with their steps, to interpret a drawing between these lines, each in its own way.6
Let the One humanity choose to contemplate the only solution of the Common Good, and start dreaming about the route of its bright future, the living and geometric matrix of Joy.
Like crossing an abyss upon a taut string—Beautifully, carefully, and fleetly.