Signs of the Heavens – Year 2014

There are two bases of the following reading of the signs of the Heavens for the year 2014:

– The configuration of the celestial instant of the solstice of December is the seed that germinates and grows the tree of the entire annual cycle or period of revolution of the Earth. This ‘instant’ corresponds to a precise astronomical direction: at the solstices (December and June) the Earth arrive at the positions in its orbit where its spine or polar axis of rotation points to the Sun when projected on the plane of the Ecliptic. Each of the two solstice points is therefore the center of a cross, the crossing point between two planes of infinite extent: the ‘vertical’ passing through the polar axis and the Sun at the center, and the ‘horizontal’, or the plane of revolution (Ecliptic). The axis of the solstices causes reversal of the apparent motion of the Sun: the daylight returns to rise (December) or wane (June), and such in a symmetrical way in the two hemispheres.(1)

Equinoxes SolsticesSo the celestial motions respond to mathematical laws and determine evident macroscopic effects on the planet as the seasons or the rhythms of nature, as well as all the microscopic biological rhythms of its various kingdoms and creatures.

A true Science of the cycles exists which enables us to know their laws, formulas and phenomena of cause and effect, even for the finer events, such as thought or the world’s evolution. Actually, what is missing in astronomy and its worthy investigation of concrete evidence, is the possibility to conceive of the scope of possible meanings or energy content of the celestial motions as equally scientific. This scope is our second, astrosophical, foundation for the reading of the signs of the heavens:

– The Science of spatial relationships (as Esoteric Astrology(2)  has been called, which informs all TPS pages about Heaven), is that wisdom, unknown to most and till now ‘unacceptable’ to mainstream intelligentsia, which forms an integrated system of knowledge to let those raising their eyes to the Sky/Heaven understand it as the “fiery Abode of vital energies”; as the mantle constellated with living Beings, powerful, magnetic and endowed with consciousness (of which visible light is the symbol). In this perspective, these Lights are the Sources of all events or effects in Space, from the solar system via the planet and through every realm of life to every person and atom. These Beings serve the law of Necessity (called karma in the East) that balances all the imbalances, promoting the development or improvement of all creatures or forms in terms of their progressive functionality (to the other parts of the universe), creative autonomy and Beauty.

Is it just sentimental mysticism to suppose or imagine that these Beings are loving, conscious and coordinated Powers, or might the failure to succeed so far to “prove it in the lab” be charged to the inadequacy of the physical brain to arrive at the right conditions and tools tools for the investigation? Each mystery must be approached and ‘discovered’ with appropriate commitment and open mind, and before being able to consciously respond to the influences of celestial energies, or the Laws of Life, it is necessary to devote oneself for a lifetime (or several lives according to the Eastern philosophical vision), as every real scientist, artist, or Great human being does.


With this humble yet heroic attitude, let’s try to discern the signs of the Heavens for the approaching year 2014, extracting those directions or values ​​that can illuminate the evolutionary path of consciousness. A year is not intended here merely as a quantity or amount of  ‘linear time’ necessary to revolve around the Sun, but as ‘cyclical time’, that is, having a quality(3), so that each year is different from any other and woven into the tapestry of all celestial motions, communicating with and being part of them. An annual cycle, in this sense, is revealed as the unfolding of a beat or unit of the planetary Project prepared on the Solar Plan (Ecliptic) to evolve all creatures, in united breath and unified rhythm with the Sun (Master of the system and the vital central fire) and Its “Centers” or vicars, the Planets.

Before considering the sacred instant of the solsticial Beginning, it is good then to look at the wider ‘horizon’ of the higher cycles for the coming year, which flow as causal factors into all planetary events, qualities, goals, projects, contents and forms.

The perspective is the tropical heliocentric, which is considered relevant to the planetary consciousness attending to or identified with the Sun at the center. Through this canon (rule) the ‘solarized consciousness’ measures the horizon of possibilities through the positions and ‘psychogeometries’ traced by the Luminaries in the Zodiac, the solar Formulators of those causal values ​​that determine the precipitation of all things (events, thoughts, etc.). Through the nature and motion of the Planets around the solar volcano, especially the most developed seven (defined sacred by esoteric astrology), the Formulas are drawn from the Cosmos according twelve qualified reservoirs (the 12 Signs of the Zodiac). So they are made solar by the central Thinker (the Sun) and then circulated and distributed throughout the system.

The result is the energy combinations that guide and support the evolution of consciousness, and thus of form. At the ‘timeless’ solsticial instant, these enter, synthesized, into the sphere of our Planet.

So what are the signs of the Heavens?

The general climate is Aquarian, as the Earth, in the great precessional cycle given by the conical motion of its polar axis (25-26000 years), is leaving the equinoctial horizon of the stars of the Fishes/Pisces) to that for the stars of the Bearer of Water/Aquarius (changing of Era).

This basic color is indicated and consolidated in the planetary consciousness mainly by two primary Dates in the composed cycles between ‘deep’ Planets:

– the next conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in the Sign of Aquarius in 2020 (the last was in 1404)(4), herald of;

– the primary one, more ‘foundational’, between Neptune and Uranus in Aquarius in 2164 (the last one was 3600 years ago, in 1435 BC. and the next will be in more than 3 millennia!).

The fundamental aquarian quality of the first two centuries of the third millennium, thus involves a climate of strong transition from values ​​marked by devotion, emotion, materialistic desire to others tending towards globalization, scientific mentality, service and universality. Mankind leaves the emotional water of Pisces, rich with experience in the depths and consequent refinement of psychic sensitivity, to move to the expansive, scientific and universalizing air of Aquarius.


We should also mention the current convergence between the axis of the Earth solstices with the direction to the galactic center (roughly each 13,000 years!), the Center of the centers or Origin of the whole galactic sphere, our Cosmos.

The solsticial axis can be recognized as the Axis of the planetary government (the polar axis is the Planet’s governing spine and its projection through the Sun, the solsticial axis, is the ‘vertical’ arm of the cardinal Cross(5) Capricorn-Cancer, the ‘Gate of Gods’ and ‘Gate of Men’). Its exceptional alignment with the galactic Heart (exact around the turn of the millennium) magnifies the power and meaning of the recent conjunction in 1993 between the two greatest Lords of Heaven (Uranus-Capricorn) and Water (Neptune-Cancer) in the initiatory Sign of Capricorn. A new cosmic cycle opens, putting an end to the previous.(6)


In this Aquarian and cosmic background which progressively orientates to the uni-versal, the 2014 combinations between the 4 deep Planets (centers) and the zodiacal Qualities (fields), as well as the main aspect (direction) in their composed cycles, are:



in the Zodiac




in the Zodiac





Uranus in Aries


Neptune in Pisces

Jupiter in Cancer

(enters in Leo on July 1st)

Saturn in Scorpio


– Trine between Jupiter and Saturn (January 18th)

 Having fixed the main references, let’s go on to attempt interpretation of the initial and initiatory chart for 2014, in order to translate its ideal Formulas into thought forms, according to the basic teaching of esoteric astrology and the science of cycles.

Here is the solar chart of the annual cycle from the beginning to the end:

Solstices 2013-4Compared to the cycle of revolution of the Earth, Jupiter, the loving Master of the solar system, serves as a ‘quality clock’, as it provides the base color to each annual ‘breath’ of our Planet. This is due to its transit in the Zodiac: 12 Signs in 12 years, that is, a Zodiac quality (or the combination of two qualities/Signs) for each terrestrial year. For 2014 two Signs combine, Cancer (3rd-7th Rays: Light organizing Substance) and, from July 1st, Leo (1st-5th R.: the right self-ruling as the basis of golden proportions between all beings and things). The human and planetary consciousness is conducted by the solar Master to love and nourish the luminous Matrix of all forms, that ‘dark Light’ which receives all the impressions blowing on the waters of Substance (Cancer). Then consciousness is conducted to ‘focus’ its power in order to bestow and distribute it, once matured, for the Common Good. Only one who is king of himself rules the world.

There is an additional basic element in the twelvefold cycle of Jupiter, which is that this solsticial beginning coincides with its conjunction with the ‘Sun of suns’ Sirius, exactly on December 22, 2013.(7) Jupiter acts as a solar Heart (this function is defined as 2nd Ray by the esoteric Teaching) and Sirius is the Cosmic Heart that nourishes and enlivens our Solar System. Sirius is thus its higher or stellar prototype, so that the golden proportion between the human, planetary, Jovian, solar and cosmic Hearts is even more vibrant at this solstice, nourishing Space with a wave of unifying love and deep comprehension.

Cosmic Love draws to the Beauty of Infinity.

The traction of this cosmic Magnet opens a direct channel with Earth at the annual time of the alignment Sun-Earth-Sirius (January 4th in Capricorn, the Summit) or when the Sun is at the center between Earth and Sirius as a volcano distributing cosmic Love throughout the terrestrial sphere (alignment Earth-Sun-Sirius on July 6th in Cancer, the Valley).

In the solstice chart, the solar Educator Jupiter in Cancer forms a ‘trine’(8) (culmination on January 18) with Saturn (3rd Ray, Solar Intelligence ) in Scorpio (4th Ray: the struggle for the triumph of harmony). Saturn, the solar Architect, from this Sign directs to victory of the True, the Beautiful and the Good, disintegrating ‘shadows’, illusions and deceptions through its Light. A beneficial and clarifying stream (trine) flows into responsive consciousness so synthesizing nutritional Love and victorious Light, uniting the shield of the maternal heart with the sword of the enlightened mind, discriminating by love.

Embracing now the complexity of this heliocentric causal Heaven, we can see that it is ‘still’ (from 2010 to 2016) dominated by the overwhelming square in the Cardinal Cross between Uranus (7th Ray, the Lord of Order and Rhythm) in Aries (1st-7th Rays: impulse to start and to abstraction) and Pluto (1st Ray ‘not sacred’, the Destroyer and Reformer) in Capricorn (1th-3rd -7th R.: transfiguration through will, intelligence and order) This powerful and revolutionary square (90°) is now further enhanced by the square and opposition of Jupiter in Cancer, the Sign of Rebirth. The need for Renewal (Uranus) needs the polarity Freedom-Love (hypotenuse/opposition Pluto-Jupiter). Love of freedom means to free ourselves and free others by love. 

The ‘solution’ of the right triangle between Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter is also supported and made more fluid by the threefold presence of other 2 deep Luminaries (beyond Jupiter) in the Water Signs: Saturn in Scorpio, planning Victory, and Neptune (6th Ray, the Lord of Communion) in Pisces (2nd-6th R.: the return to the Father’s House). This ‘watery’ triad ensures (since the second half of last year) plenty of saving force, dissolving any resistance to the essential brotherhood among all creatures.

Finally, Mercury (4th Ray, Lord of Harmony through conflict) and Venus (5th Ray, the Lord of golden Construction and Knowledge) reflect symmetrically along Gemini – Sagittarius axis (2nd-4th-5th-6th R.) that liberating and reforming work prompted by the cardinal opposition of Jupiter and Pluto. At the very center of this resulting hourglass of tensions is our Earth, on the threshold of the new cycle (Gate of Cancer). Mercury, the Magician with the caduceus harmonizing opposites, as a reference or central synthesis provides the Model of Sagittarius for the year 2014, the dynamic fire of unceasing pursuit, while Venus substantiates it through the value and quality of Gemini (it is necessary to think, speak and act directed only by the Arrow of the Common Good, that golden proportion of evolutionary Goals).


Here are the seven formulas intended to translate and synthesize the psychogeometrical directions arranged (at the solstice starting point, the seed or subtle and fiery cause of the year) by the 7 sacred Luminaries in the 12 Fields of the zodiac, the septenary of solar centers which manages and expresses the solar Evolution of consciousness in the whole solar system:

1 – Sun/Vulcan at the center(9)) Cosmic Love draws to the Beauty of Infinity

2 – Jupiter in CAN) The solar Heart quivers at the touch of Spirit

3 – Saturn in SCO) Light reveals the forces at work

4 – Mercury in SAG) Identification with the Goal celebrates the union of opposites

5 – Venus in GEM) The golden tension polarizes all fires

6 – Neptune in PIS) May the solar Desire inspire the little human wills

7 – Uranus in ARI) The new Rhythm accords the Highest with the Lowest


For us, heavenly beings, is permitted to live in the most perfect form of love: Heavens.

It is for us to tirelessly try to understand, express and embody the ideal formulas of Heaven, those universal values ​​or potencies which produce precipitates.

It is for each of us to find our own ways to share love with Heaven, in an ever more unique, yet unified way, that is, of infinite potency.

The landing energy is shown in terms of the geocentric tropical heaven:

Solstices 2013-4 - geoc tropIn the geocentric heaven, concerned with exchange and unification between the levels of Soul and Person, between Heart and Mind, we just point out the ‘awkward’ presence of Mars (6th R.) in Libra (3rd Ray: the motor and law of evolution) which tightens the great Square in Cardinal Cross fixed (for both helio- and geo- perspectives) by Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter. Mars, the contrasting and challenging Lord of War, is now opposite Uranus and square to Pluto (the two other Luminaries of ‘high impact’, advocates of revolution and transformation). It ‘shakes’ at best, and sweeps at worst (such a high tensive climate will be active in the heliocentric perspective at the time of the equinox of March).

The advancement of the New is unfailing and urgent for mankind: from crisis (Cardinal Cross) one can rise again stronger and closer to immortality.


Finally, the geocentric sidereal perspective attests to the value of Appearance as revelation of Reality, where even the physical eye of Man becomes a true vector of creative contact with the heavenly energies through their ‘bodies of manifestation’.

The Heart opened to Cosmos, in the “here and now” on Earth, lifts up its eyes to the Heaven/Sky and sees the source and field, relative yet real, of its conscious creation and existence. Between Earth and Heaven, in united breath and unified rhythm, it draws and activates vital, magnetic and luminous directions with other spatial Centers/Hearts. It is a human, planetary, solar and cosmic unity.

This last perspective, combining the Highest with the Lowest, suggests now to the Heart to contemplate, in the night sky after sunset, Jupiter as the guardian of the East and Venus (Vesperum) of the West. Jupiter among the stars of the Twins, in the most beautiful part of the Heaven, between the Bull, the Pleiades, Auriga, Orion and Sirius; Venus among the stars of the Archer and Capricorn, under the highest gaze of the Eagle.

And above all, at local noon on 18 December, the Sun crosses the infinite direction to the Galactic center:

Sole-Centro galassia

It is then the most propitious time to attest the cosmic origin and goal of our Heart, the Archer of the Sun. The gaze of the human heart, of the Planet, through the ‘sight’ of our beloved Sun, with its arrow pierces the great Goal, the Mystery of the Centre of the centers, and pulls it close.

In the right direction all is One.

Is it possible that life and its rhythm should not expand and improve, centering and climbing, if we align with this proportion of Hearts throughout a lifetime at the right time?

The Heart knows the Middle Way to contain the Infinite. Many are its forms, one is its essence, origin and goal: the Center of the centers.

Rays from us to stars, and from stars to us, fix the canon of the Infinite in the heart and its network of Light. This results in co-measurement and communion, the Beauty of Being, the basis, rule and goal of the new Culture.

Watching the Heavens with many eyes and one heart.

The peaks of Heaven ignite the sun of the heart.

  Distance does not exist, time does not exist: everything is One. 


(1) For the opposite or symmetrical axis of the equinoxes, when the ‘clear’ light of the day is perfectly balanced with the ‘dark’ light of the night, the two intersecting planes of interest are the ecliptic and the celestial equator (the projection through Space of the circle of the Earth’s equator). This intersection axis, at the time of the equinoxes, unites the centers of Earth and Sun through the equator, while in the case of the solstices the Sun ‘pierces’ the center of the Earth through the parallel of the Tropic of Cancer or of Capricorn (23°, 5 north and south of the equator). The solstices, in the model of the pendulum motion, correspond to the two points of momentum at the beginning and at the end, where you have the maximum potential energy (kinetic for the equinoxes). The cycle ends and begins again, everything stops for an instant without time and returns to proceed in the reverse ‘direction’ of motion.
(2) See A.A.Bailey, “Esoteric Astrology”, Lucis Collection.
(3) For greater depth see the document “From Linear to Cyclical Time”.
(4) The next planetary conjunctions or accents of the Plan in Aquarius will be in 2080, 2139 and 2199, and not again until 2815.
(5) The Cross of Signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are the 4 ‘hinges’ presiding over the 4 solsticial and equinoctial ‘discontinuities’ of the Earth-Sun cycle as well as the start of the 4 seasons or quarters of the cycle. The Cardinal Cross is known as the Cross of the Master, causing the crises that necessarily lead to choice of a new and ‘more right’ direction.
(6) The convergence to the Galactic Center was also considered by Mayan astrologers: their 5 ages of 5,125 years exactly build a 5-pointed Star, the sign of the golden section, in our precessional cycle (25-26000 years), having the direction to the Galactic Center as its start point.
(7) Geocentrically on September 2, 2013 and, as a result of retrogradation, also on January 14 and April 25, 2014.
(8) The trine is a direction or ‘aspect’ between planets of 120° or 1/3 of 360°, and thus expressing the Number of creation, 3.
(9) The Sun is “seen” from the Earth in the sign of Capricorn, while, conversely, the Sun “sees” the Earth in the opposite sign of Cancer. The Esoteric Astrology presents the seventh sacred Luminary as Vulcan, ‘veiled by the Sun’, invisible but present in the solar corona, a 1st Ray Planet, ruler of the energy of the solar Will or Power.
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