Sound as Value and as Number

“The maximum of creative power is obtained when sound radiates and colour sounds. Then the spheres vibrate in a superior harmony.”


These two expressions of the same reality are the beginning, the way and the method of Harmonics. Value and number coexist in sound. As number, sound can be measured (vibrations, lengths); as value it is perceived by the mind. The pitch height of a sound can be measured by comparing it with the vibrations of another sound established as a model, but it can also be recognized by hearing.

Here a material magnitude (number of vibrations in the unit of time) and a perceptual form (sound) are wonderfully united.

The exact and natural basis of sound as number permits the development of a science of Harmonics.

It cannot be doubted that the numerical aspect of sound is a material fact; perception of sound, that is the judgement of the value of sound, is on the other hand psychic, and must be ascribed to the spiritual kingdom. But, as everywhere in Harmonics, rigid definitions are not indispensable, but rather the correct penetration of the phenomenon. He who studies can, while the concept remains firm, coin his own definitions.


By sound is not meant any noise, but a sound perceived by the hearing as pure and of constant pitch height or depth. For these examinations of harmony the timbre and the strength of the sound are not as important as simply its pitch height or depth: precisely that which fashions a sound from a noise, that is a distinct resonant individuality.


For the numerical expressions we make use of the decimal system, even if, for the purposes of future Harmonics it will be well to provide for a numerical expression based on morphological concepts (sound directions). For the notation of sound values we adopt, provisionally, the common musical diatonic scale of seven notes, or the chromatic one of twelve, and their variants. But it will be necessary to think of an autonomous notation for a broader construction.


In sound, therefore, a synthesis between object and value, matter and spirit, outside and inside, the world and the “I”, is present “a priori”. And this is also the fundamental problem of the philosophies of all times.


“Harmony… this basic principle of the structure will also be the principle of the entire creative activity.”

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The observations of Kaiser are not just applicable to sound. In effect, wherever number and value coexist, the laws of Harmony preside. This is true, as is immediately evident, for example, for light (number of vibrations; colour understood as expression of a value) and, an extremely important point, also for thought. In fact, vibration and value, that is form and content, coexist in this also.

If one wishes to rise to universal conceptions, it is therefore well to extend the concept of “sound” to much vaster wholes and realities than is normally done; and here too the impossibility appears of holding a concept in chains, whether great or small; as the Infinite does not allow any portion of itself to be limited.

It is true that – for light and thought, the examples cited above – the series of natural harmonics have not been experimentally traced; but we must advance these hypotheses as logical, even if awaiting proof. Besides, numerous applications, in various fields, which the Author will indicate in his work, imply precisely this assumption. Growth and form of plants and crystals, planetary movements, harmonious relationships in building and in art in general would be inadequately explained by the usual idea of sound. K. will introduce, for this fundamental motive, the idea of “figure of sound”.

Here, in all this, is an example of the benefit of not defining rigidly. Let us leave the idea of Sound without surrounding walls. May light be sound, may thought be sound, and life itself be sound! Number plus value, here is the simple formula of that which is the object and domain of Harmonics.


Today man thinks he knows how to measure lengths and (a little less) also vibrations and the other physical sizes. In reality, it is not so, as finite things do not ultimately exist and so none of them is absolutely measurable by means of finite instruments. But the degree of approximation reached in the measurements comforts man in his belief. This, on close consideration, deprives him of communication with the Infinite, which means, simply, that it condemns him to die; but this death is no less illusory than his measurements.

So how does one “measure” exactly? The subject is of immense importance because man continually takes measurements, whether he knows it or not, and literally lives through relationships. This in its turn shows, for the first time in these reflections, what a practical and active value the comprehension of Harmonics has, which is precisely the science of right relationships.

In ancient times man was considered, on deep reflection, as the measure of the Universe: and here the active side of his innate quality is revealed; since, in order to measure (exactly), he must “communicate” with the object of his measurement. In this way, “relationship” becomes synonymous with “connection”. It is a question of a direct communication; a faculty guaranteed to all by the omnipresent existence of the Infinite, where infinite measures “are lighted and extinguished”, provided that those invisible barriers which normally separate the human consciousness from the totality of space are knocked down.

If it is true that man, by his divine nature, is the measure of the Cosmos, the reply to the question can only be of this kind: one measures by communicating; and by measuring one communicates.

The science of exact measures is a real, exact science; and so one cannot, strictly speaking, honour with this adjective the human sciences of today; but one must keep it for that faculty by which the spirit communicates with the Infinite and knows it.

The kingdom of Harmonics is not, then, the physical, where exact measurements cannot even by conceived, but everything is taken by approximation; its “field” is Space, whether this is, or is not, occupied by bodies.

This is a fundamental affirmation, to which it will be necessary to return several times, to understand the nature of Space and the infinite and continual process of harmonization which is going on there.


(Excerpts from “Harmonics”, 1980 E. Savoini unpublished text – the quotes are from Agni Yoga collection). 
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