On the threshold of the Temple a Guardian stays, armed, fearsome and powerful.
An angel, having appeared in the night, presents himself brightly at the door.
The Guardian rejects him. The Angel does not pass.
“It’s the sign of the test,” the Builders say.
“We accept with joy the verification, the triple test.”
The starlight coming from above explores everything in the Temple.
It checks every measure.
The Builders, motionless, undergo the test with humble courage.
The Angel reappears at the door.
His light grows and shines.
The Guardian, stricken, gradually fades away.
The Angel enters and takes possession of the Temple, at the light of the stars.
It is the victory.
The Builders, infused with joy, adorn the Temple. They grace it with colors, shapes and frames. They carve stories of heroes, already thinking of future enterprises.
(Scorpio is the eleventh Sign/phase of the Building of the Temple).