Signs of the Heavens 2015

Solstitial Heliocentric Heaven

Solstizi dicembre 2014-2015

Inner Wheel: 21 December 2014 h. 23.03 UHT – Outer Wheel: 22 December 2015 h. 4.48


These readings of the Heavens of Causes (heliocentric view) assume the configuration of the ingress of the solstice as the initiatory impulse that determines and affects the quality and development of the entire annual cycle of the Earth.[1]

The background color of each ‘year’, or ‘circle’ around the Sun, is determined by the zodiacal position of Jupiter, the Lord of Solar Space (2nd Ray); It scribes a 30° arc on the ecliptic for each revolution of the Earth, thus magnetizing the evolution of consciousness with its celestial quality. The year 2015 sees the combination of tawny-orange Leo (corresponding to 1st/5th Rays: Power and golden mental construction) with blue-green Virgo (2nd/6th R.: Love and Unity – from 14 July 2015). Leo-Virgo: “Fire on Earth” – Self-government and mental work birthing purpose.

The interval of Leo-Virgo reveals the Mystery of the Sphinx: The ‘lunar’ bodies (Virgo) led by heart or ‘solar’ soul (Leo) – matter governed by spirit through illuminated consciousness.


Jupiter is urged by the strength of two reconstructive quincunx aspects (150°) to Mars and Pluto: Solar Warrior Mars in Pisces sextiling Pluto the Initiator in Capricorn. Furthermore, Neptune (the Great Unifier) is conjunct Mars, whilst Mercury is conjunct Pluto, adding to the dynamism of this configuration. Hence, the focal point Jupiter triggers Leo-Aquarius (1st-5th R.) – the new Kingdom of Brotherhood; thus, pouring into the heart a hint of the mystery of distant worlds’ a spark of the Infinite.

Regarding the main planetary aspects (the primary ‘causal directions’ of the Plan of solar evolution), the annual cycle 2015 sees Jupiter as protagonist, offering:

  1. A fiery, creative and beneficial trine (120°) with Uranus in Aries (12 January), Initiator of the cosmic Fire.
  1. A harmonizing square (90°) from Virgo to Saturn in Sagittarius at the equinoctial time (September 21).
  1. An opposition (180°) to Neptune in Pisces (November 5).

Let us enumerate these points in more detail:

  1. Jupiter and Uranus are defined in Esoteric Astrology as “the planets of beneficent accomplishment”. Jupiter in the middle of Leo is the solar fire connecting the vital heart of everything; it trines Uranus at the centre of Aries, the electric fire which impels life in every heart. At the height of their triangulation there is the potential for a controlled explosion of synthetic heart creativity in all consciousness.

This trine of Fire between Uranus, very powerful at the center of Aries, and Jupiter, just as powerful at the center of Leo, tempers the arduous and epochal square to Pluto in Capricorn, opening the heart of every solar creature.

  1. The Jupiter and Saturn square from Virgo to Sagittarius (Mutable Cross) transforms diversity and conflict between the Base (Virgo) and the Direction to Goals (Sagittarius) into harmony between the matrix/Mother of all things and their infinite projection into the future. This square is essential for the development of the Plan of Solar Consciousness – inherent in the Heart of the Sun (Vulcan), loved by solar Master Jupiter and planned by the Architect Saturn; it preludes the much awaited conjunction in Aquarius in 2020, the first in this sign since 1404!

This Crossing in September 2015 impulses the next ‘quarter cycle’ of the Solar Plan, when ‘the conjunction of the New Age’ will pour forth the water of life for the ‘Construction of the ideals of the new Culture and Civilization’.

Jupiter-Saturn cycle

  1. The Jupiter-Neptune opposition in November sets up a strong expansive tension and deepening of Consciousness – that Son or synthesis of the ‘two Origins’, represented by Father/Spirit (Pisces) and Mother/Substance (Virgo). This evolutionary command will result in the offering of a fertile field directed to the Common Good for us the establishment of a New Culture/Civilization; this will occur at the next square between Sagittarius and Pisces in 2019.


Saturn passes from Scorpio into Sagittarius on March 30.[2] The Fourth Ray of Harmony finally triumphs over conflict, whilst the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Rays give steady Direction toward Wisdom.

In the solstice heliocentric chart (Dec 21, 2014), Mercury and Venus provide respectively the Model of the initiation Peak in Capricorn (1st-3rd-7th R.) and the solution of the golden proportion with the Distant Worlds from Aquarius (5th R) – the equation of true Brotherhood on Earth. Mercury (4th R) the Messenger with his unifying caduceus, and Venus (5th R) the golden or solar Mind, are the triggering factors which update and refresh the solar Plan.

Heliocentric First Quarter 2015

Geocentrically, Mercury and Venus are in Capricorn at the solstice in a powerful stellium of planets; in this Gate of the Gods, drawing any receptive consciousness to renew the Great Service to Life and Supernal Light :

Geocentric First Quarter of 2015 Cycle

For both heliocentric and geocentric views, the ‘slow’ Planets Neptune and Uranus are in the last sign of Pisces (2nd-6th R: the Saviour) and first sign of Aries (1st-7th R: Beginning of manifestation) respectively. Neptune (6th R) is the Lord of the Waters, of everything that unites and associates, whilst Uranus (7th R) is the Magician and Lord of Order, the synthesis of the solar septenary. Neptune in its current heliocentric position of Pisces (5°-10°) inspires the sacred mystery of the salvation of Space. Uranus, beyond the focal point of Aries, coordinates the advancement of the New.

In 2015 Uranus ‘counts’ his own cycle of precisely 84 years since 1931, the year indicated as the beginning of the “Great Battle” between the evolutionary and involutionary forces (Agni Yoga, Heart § 176). That was a critical moment dominated by the explosive Uranus-Pluto square (7th-1st R.) upon the Cardinal Cross. At that time it was between Aries and Cancer but now is between Aries and Capricorn – maximally charged by Saturn in Capricorn opposed Pluto and Jupiter in Cancer, also aligned with the primary star Sirius.

Now in 2015, Pluto “has risen to the peak” of the Capricorn mountain top. This 1st R. planet is the Destroyer and Reformer from the Lowest to the Highest. This persistent and overwhelming Uranus-Pluto square (2010-2016), related to the turbulent 1960’s (when they were conjunct in Virgo), is now finally fading. Will we see a resolution of resistance to the Good, the Beautiful and the True?


At the December solstice 2014, the whole of Humanity (Earth) is passing annually in consciousness through the Gate of Men (Cancer), pointing to Sun-Vulcan, bringer of supernal Light at the divine gates of Capricorn (currently, every 13,000 years, also the Galactic Center). This ‘awakened’ Earth, now in quintile (72°) to Uranus, stimulated by these celestial fires, transmits them into the ‘submerged’ fires of the human being, dreaming of the beneficent accomplishment.


For the upcoming solstice of Capricorn (December 21, 2014, 23:03 UHT), here follow the 7 (heliocentric) + 7 (geocentric) Formulas which focus the energy distributed by the 7 sacred Luminaries – in solar consciousness on Earth and in Man, especially for the first quarter cycle of the year 2015.

Let us hold these words of power, sowing them in the sacred golden field of the Heart, day after day, breath by breath, becoming the living, magnetic and creative seeds of the New: 

1) Sun/Vulcan in Capricorn (heliocentric impulse):

The solar Will lights up the mystery of the Infinite

Sun/Vulcan in Capricorn (geocentric resonance):

Light of transfiguration

2) Jupiter in Leo:

The solar Master attracts to the mystery of the Center

Jupiter in Leo:

Let the courage of the heart serve Brotherhood

3) Saturn in Scorpio:

The solar Thinker reveals the mystery of Beauty

Saturn in Scorpio:

Let human thought be bearer of Truth

4) Mercury in Capricorn:

The solar Messenger initiates to the mystery of supernal Light

Mercury in Capricorn:

Let us proceed steady on the initiatory Way

5) Venus in Aquarius:

The solar Builder unlocks the mystery of cosmic Brotherhood

Venus in Capricorn:

Let right relations in the name of Christ be established

6) Neptune in Pisces:

The solar Priest leads back to the mystery of Salvation

Neptune in Pisces:

Let the spirit of Compassion pervade human groups

7) Uranus in Aries:

The solar Hierophant implants the mystery of Fire

Uranus in Aries:

Let humanity advance in the sign of solar Culture 

Rete spaziale di Luce

[1] For further details and understanding of the astrological inferences and terms, possibly not clear to the reader, see “From Linear to Cyclic Time” and “Introduction to Astrosophy” (still in Italian) in the Documents section of TPS and, as a reference base, Esoteric Astrology of “A Treatise on the Seven Rays – Vol. III” by A. A. Bailey.
For the solstice, as the canon of the entire annual development, see the article on the solstice of December 2014.
[2] Geocentrically, Saturn passes into Sagittarius from December 23, 2014, retrogrades through Scorpio from June 15 to September 18, 2015 and finally enters Sagittarius for over two years, up to December 2017 (in Capricorn). The geocentric level is the ascending terrestrial and human response to the descending causal heliocentric impulse.
In parallel, the geocentric phase-shift of Jupiter sees its entry into Virgo delayed (August 11, 2015), heliocentrically considered (July 14, 2015).
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