Major and Minor Intervals

(In the day of the alignment between our Sun and the star Alcyone –   in the constellation of the Pleiades, the open cluster which is the Origin of our Solar System -, let us sow into human consciousness the ruling septenary sung by the “Seven Sisters”, that accord of seven Intervals or Rays through which Cosmic Life realizes Manifestation.)


“When the Magnet stimulates parts which are identical, it attracts them by a harmonic fusion. When we unite arches of consciousness, we complete the circle. A cosmic action gathers together all the identical energies and an attraction between the arches of consciousness begins.

…Remember the great cosmic Law.” *



To conclude this treatment of the various intervals – which we have even imagined, with good reason, as living Entities – it remains to examine briefly, as a whole, the complex relationship between the two groups in which they are undeniably subdivided, that is major and minor. These terms must not generate confusion with the same ones used regarding tonalities; here also, in fact, we speak of major and minor, but the sense is completely different and remains in the field of dualism, of expression.

UNISON, the OCTAVE and the FIFTH are called major intervals (or Rays of aspect). They are exact and do not tolerate imprecision. They are the great principles and they possess the same ternary qualities of the divine. They are the reality, they are unitary and they are really the three in one and the one in three. Together they make up the “armonia perfecta maxima” and they are the three primary lights shining eternally. If understood in their superior meaning, they are transcendent yet creative, they are the formless, unmanifested causes of every visible process.

Triangoli intervalliThe intervals which are called minor (or Rays of attribute) are the THIRD, the SIXTH and the TONE. Each one of them – as we have seen – is twofold, that is, it is manifested in two distinct ways. This illustrates their profound nature and shows them as formal, reflected and so illusory and unreal. It should be borne in mind that in these analyses it is intended to speak of the intervals, not of the sounds. Here we are dealing with the value of that psychic entity which is the synthesis of the two values which make up the interval. Or rather, if one wishes to understand this point of view clearly, it must be made clear that this synthesis is in reality something which is pre-existent to the production of the physical interval, is its cause and is manifested, precisely, through the vibration of the two sounds. In the world of physical appearances, which is the reverse of the spiritual order, two sounds are needed to produce an interval and so this appears like their effect. But really the interval is an eternal, ideal, formless value and, when it resounds physically, “it appears”, as if evoked, in the world of phenomena.

It will be understood now why, though being minor, or unreal, the three secondary intervals are not without reality: what distinguishes them from the others is the fact that they appear in a twofold aspect and this is their illusory nature. However, we have already said that the THIRD, the SIXTH and the TONE are never manifested in themselves, but only in one or the other of their dualistic forms. Paradoxically, their essence seems, in this way, still more profound than that of the three primary intervals which, though being transcendent, are knowable through their unitary expression. But one should realize that the latter, inasmuch as it is revealed, is itself also illusory, so that the essence of the primary intervals also remains unfathomable to the intellect.

In summary, though divided into major and minor, the intervals all have a real nature and all reveal the glory of the One.

This said, let us return to the comparison between the two groups.

The lower group of three is not as harmonical as the higher group. In it are present strong causes of contrast and conflict. The TONE and SIXTHS are not always in accordance and in any case are not free from ambiguity, imprecision and uncertainty. This has already been seen.

But affinities exist which link this triangle to the higher one. Here are some of them:

  1. The TONE is connected to the first ray by its functions, already described. Moreover, it is the one which combines the THIRDS and the SIXTHS.
  2. The THIRD is allied to the FIFTH, of which it is the manifesting creativity. But it is also allied to the OCTAVE, mother and container of all the forms and of every essence.
  3. The SIXTH is also linked to the OCTAVE and to the FIFTH, by affinity of nature and function.

Between the two triangles, as the invisible but potent director, is placed the fourth interval, whose qualities we have already tried to illustrate; it is the great mediator; it is “the interval” between the two triangles, higher and lower. Despite this specific function, it belongs to the group of the minor intervals, which is thus a group of four.

This interweaving of two triangles, regulated by a third element, this septenate is the very weft of life. One should see it working in the vital body of any creature; not only that, it must be present and active in any organization. The health, the usefulness, the efficacy and the operational level of any form of life and any human institution depend on its balance, its conditions and the state of its relationships.


“Worlds of the infinite; established world; worlds of harmony; limited worlds; worlds of Light and of shadows – humanity creates them and expresses its own field of action. Thus it demonstrates its creative power. All the thoughts launched into space produce a form and fill the worlds with their powerful vibrations.”


* (Excerpts from “Harmonics”, 1980, E. Savoini’s unpublished text – the quotes are from Agni Yoga collection – the pictures are inserted by TPS editorial staff. Refer also to The Creating Sound).
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