Heliocentric (tropical) Astrology is concerned to grasp the causal impulses of events, those “powers that produce precipitates” which Plato called Ideas. Their ‘incidence’ or occurrence, for human Consciousness, is on the ‘abstract’ mental level. It is on this vibratory plane that the spiritual aspect of the Soul gradually becomes the central power as a solar Heart and ‘Vulcan’.
Similarly, according to the astrological/astronomical key, in our solar Sphere such Ideas or vital energies of Space are associated into ‘ideal Formulas’ on the plane of Ecliptic, in accordance with the angle of incidence of the Luminaries in motion in the circle of the Zodiac. This celestial band is nothing but the qualified Horizon or ‘field of cosmic vision’ of the central Thinker, the Sun or solar Logos, the Soul or “sun of its system.”
Hence the positions or incidences of the Luminaries in the heliocentric and zodiacal Horizon are the very spatial Directions or Rays through and along which the solar irradiation of the Center (Sun-Soul) magnetizes and qualifies the Field. Events and forms of the “three worlds” (mental, emotional and physical) are caused by these Directions or energy channels activated by the cosmic Rapport between the solar Creator and Its Brothers-Planets, the Formulators: “energy follows thought.”
As the code of human thought and language (mantrikashakti for the eastern Wisdom) can only originate from solar and spatial Thought, we can try to translate its Directions or psycho-metries into such Formulas that summarize the Values involved and help us accord with the heavenly Decrees.
The task of the geocentric (tropical) Astrology, considered here according to its original esoteric definition as ‘Science of spatial Relationships’,[1] is then to decode how these causal energies result in precipitating forces or effects in the human and planetary field.
It’s up to us to approach, humbly daring, the elusive Decrees of the Solar Plan and progressively conform our Thought, Desire and Action. Let them be increasingly resonant to the Power, Love and Light irradiated by the Heavens.
As for the main events of our planetary Orbit, the upcoming date of the solstice of June 2015 sees the causal energies of the entire annual cycle (released and imprinted on the Ecliptic at the time of the solstice in December 2014) touching a peak of intensity and ‘ideal’ fulfillment, just before declining in the subsequent waning six months. In the ‘breathing out’ half of the planetary annual cycle, the Causes then begin to ‘veil’ themselves of layers of substance: abstract and subtle at the heliocentric/soul level, more formal and concrete at the geocentric/personal level.
In the solstitial instant of Capricorn (December), these Causes convey, in the terrestrial crucible and ‘simple cycle’ of the Earth, the full potential of higher and ‘deeper’ Cycles of the solar and cosmic Heaven. It is then at the peak of June solstice that the soular and personal Consciousness are going to ‘bear fruit’ from these Decisions agreed by the celestial or inward Builders. So the Vulcan of the Sun (Soul) ‘falls’ in the Valley of manifestation or dark Light of Cancer, while the Earth (illuminated Personality) stands in front of the Light supernal of the ‘Gate of the Gods’, the threshold of the spiritual world guarded (for this precessional cycle) by Capricornus.
Heliocentric tropical Chart
3rd Quarter of 2015 Cycle
Inner Wheel: 21 June 2015 h. 16.38 UHT – Outer Wheel: 23 September 2015 h. 8.21
For the upcoming Cancer Solstice (June 21, 2015, h 16:38 UHT) here are the Formulas (7 heliocentric, causal and global, followed by 7 geocentric, more specifically effective at an individual level) which focus the energy distributed by the 7 sacred Luminaries – in solar consciousness on Earth and in Man (over the entire 3rd quarter cycle of the year 2015, until the next appointment, the September Equinox). Let us hold them in the sacredness of the Heart and sow them in its solar and golden field, day after day, breath by breath, so that they become the living, magnetic and creative seeds of the New:
1) Sun/Vulcan in Cancer – Earth in Capricorn (heliocentric impulse)
The solar Will pushes to build the new world
1) Vulcan/Sun in Cancer
Let Humanity embody a Culture permeated with Spirit
2) Jupiter in Leo (square to Venus and Saturn, trine to Earth, sextile to Mars)
The solar Love governs the constructive forces of the ascent
2) Jupiter in Leo
Let Heart synthesize the varied forms
3) Saturn in Sagittarius (close to Venus, square to Jupiter and Neptune, quintile to Mercury)
The solar Thought activates the dynamic fire of the Goal
3) Saturn in Scorpio
Let Light be the weapon of the Warrior
4) Mercury in Aquarius (sextile to Uranus, quintile to Saturn and semi-sextile to Pluto)
The solar Messenger comeasures with the golden canon
4) Mercury in Gemini
Let the word of Man be born from the synthesis of mind and heart
5) Venus in Scorpio (square to Jupiter, quincunx to Mars)
The Bearer of Light reveals the splendor of Truth
5) Venus in Leo
Let the mind of Humanity open to the Divine Design
6) Neptune in Pisces (square to Saturn)
The solar Savior instills the vision of the highest Good
6) Neptune in Pisces
Let the value of sacredness bring the Sublime to Humanity
7) Uranus in Aries (square to Pluto, sextile to Mercury and quintile to Mars)
The solar Initiator irradiates at the guiding force of the new Culture
7) Uranus in Aries
Let the Plan be understood and realized through complete forms
Presented below is a comparison between the Seven heliocentric Impulses and Formulas of the two solstices, the World Axis of the annual Cycle 2015:
1) The impulse to build a new world is a reaction to the assertion, in the world of Causes, of the mystery of the Infinite at the driving force of the new Culture.
The infinite Direction drawn by the Earth and Sun/Vulcan at the solstice time traces on a cosmic level (about every 13,000 years!) the arc of Union between the Galactic Center on one side and the constellation of the Great Cosmic Christ Orion on the other. This sacred arch is anchored, at the keystone, by the North Pole of the Ecliptic in the constellation of the Dragon and Polaris, the summit currently pointed toward by planetary Will (expressed astronomically by the polar axis).
It’s time for the Beginning of the new Culture, and every Solstice builds one of its steps towards the Infinite.[2]
2) The government of the constructive forces of the ascent is the climax warning of Jupiter, the Solar Teacher, which in Leo attracted to the mystery of the Centre. On July 14, 2015, Jupiter will leave the tawny-orange quality of Leo (1st – 5th Rays: Self-consciousness, mental Power and Construction) to teach the blue-green quality of Virgo (2nd -6th R.: Love and Unity), giving like Prometheus “Fire to Earth” – the government from the Center and the power of the mind kept in the Light to give form to a purpose.
3) Saturn, the Solar Planner, activates the dynamic fire of the Goal: so, step by step, rhythmically, It reveals the mystery of Beauty.
Saturn, which geocentrially ‘retrogrades’ in Scorpio from June 15 to September 18, 2015, in Sagittarius directs Consciousness (over two years) to the distant worlds, expected dreams and visions made real by the power of Trust. In this second half of the year, It is focused by the squares to Neptune and Jupiter (peaking on September 21) which make Saturn ‘the tip of the arrow’ of solar Will pointing to the New.
4) The solar Messenger harmonizes every part of the Work to the golden canon: this is the Middle Way to reflect the mystery of Light supernal on Earth.
The Model or central reference of the year, identified by Mercury, is the Light of Capricorn (1st-3rd-7th Rays), initiatory, planning and organizing; now an Aquarian variation on the theme enters (at the next December solstice It will be instead in Pisces): Light is “the rhythmic motion of fire” that joins in right relations the many to the One Infinite.
5) The manifest Construction of 2015 included the launch of the mystery of cosmic Brotherhood (Venus in Aquarius at the initial solstice); now at the peak, Venus fulfills this task, toward Its minor Brother – the Earth-humanity -, revealing the splendor and Art of True (Scorpio). “Art is the one vital medium of the coming culture.”
6) To bring us back to the mystery of Salvation (Pisces), Neptune, the solar Priest, now instills the vision of the highest Good.
Neptune (God of Waters or joining energies) in Its sign is highly powerful (up to 2025): It engulfs the unsalvageable, while saving the unifying values that lead to the Communion of all parts.
7) Uranus, the solar Initiator in Aries (until 2018), irradiates the Will of the solar central Government; Its wife Gea, the Earth-Humanity, now surrounded in the ‘Light supernal’ of the Peak, resonates with power to Its ‘cosmic traction’ and attests the Fire of the Mysteries at the driving force of the new Culture.
Responding to the instance of a living Astrology, our inner Sun thus holds this axis of the world set up heliocentrically by the two solstitial Points, and projects it on the Plan of Love and Light of the Ecliptic, to create a magnetic solar field on the Earth and in the heart of every man.
Geocentric tropical Chart
Reversing the perspective, that is, from the geocentric perspective concerning the precipitation of the energies at planetary and human level, the solstice Chart (calibrated on the Greenwich meridian) seems to point to a realization or fulfillment of solar or loving consciousness: Jupiter and Venus, supported by the beautiful trine of Uranus from Aries, culminate at ‘medium-coeli’ in Leo. A nevertheless ‘sweated’ success due to the intense planetary configuration called ‘finger of God’:[3] they are as targets of the two rectifying quincunxes (150°) of the destructive Pluto from Capricorn and Kairon the Healer from Pisces. Man and the Individual-humanity will have the opportunity to concentrate their power of self-liberation, to learn how to responsibly govern their own lives and the Planet.
To achieve this triumph it is necessary to ‘take the field’ (the ascendant, the “direction of the soul”, is in Scorpio) and win the rigid presumption and proud vanity of inconsiderate free will (Moon, the “Guardian of the Threshold” and jailer of the soul, is in Leo in the 10th House square to Saturn in Scorpio 1st House and sextile to Sun in Cancer 8th House). It is an inconsiderate or foolish ‘free’ will which is detached from the great rhythms of Space, thus not connected with that unique Order of Hearts which from the Center resonates with the One Infinite.
The Lord of Space is waiting for its dears to restore the Order of Love on Earth.
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