Supermundane and Infinite

(In order to celebrate and ‘precipitate’ on Earth a dose of the today culminating heliocentric opposition/alignment between Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Virgo, here is a beautiful ‘chain of thoughts’ that builds a golden bridge between Infinite and Finite, Supermundane and mundane, between the Two Origins: the Father and the Mother, Spirit and Matter):[1]


The Supermundane is governed by the Infinite, which is its fundamental law and sets it apart from the earthly world, dominated by separation.

Consequently, the Infinite, if applied, transforms the field; all that takes into account the reality of the Infinite impacts separateness, however manifested.

The energy of the Infinite annihilates quantity and gravitation. It is a fact that separate things have weight, without exception, and since this is not the case for the Supermundane, we can deduce that gravity is caused by separation. Quantity and weight are effects of that illusion. All that has weight is quantifiable, and vice versa.


The physical world is immersed in a gravitic field, which is anomalous in relation to the other known fields of energy or force, because it has no negative/reactive effects: the masses attract each other but do not repel. This is not the case of the magnetic, electrical and electromagnetic fields. One might say that in the gravitational field the reaction force might be countered and deleted by some unknown energy.

Now we know that magnetism (love) and electricity (intelligence) exist in the Supermundane, but not gravity, which acts only on the physical level. Therefore it must be the result of separation or, in other words, of the denial of the Infinite. These considerations do not solve the problem of gravity, yet are a prelude to its solution – which however does not seem to be forthcoming, perhaps because it is protected: modern mankind does not seem ripe for using it in a wise way. It is evident from the foregoing that the active presence of the Infinite undoes the separation and its physical effects.


Between the Supermundane and the physical world a gap exists, which is known in the East and shown by the Lambdoma: it is called the “Antahkarana” or “rainbow bridge”.

Lambdoma con equitonali

Its origin is mysterious, and (as it appears from the drawing) does not seem to be the result of illusion, deriving from ineluctable psycho-geometries. The equitonals, as rays flowing from the immanifest, govern the Lambdoma; they are its sevenfold structure, showing that supermundane power which orders the formal world and transfigures it. Those rays, those directions, project forms to the Infinite, from which they really come and upon which they feed. The equitonals determines the rules and the hierarchy of quality, which annihilates quantity and thus separation and gravity.

Actually, the equitonals override the antahkarana, that is they cancel the gap between the earthly and the supermundane.


This example demonstrates that the Supermundane reigns where there is an Order of quality (the harmonic relationships), which expels disorder and the anarchy of quantity. This situation is always present and possible, yet not always evident. Therefore the Mysteries (that is the Order) are in certain epochs obscured by confusion and burn under the ashes.

This chain of thoughts leads to recognition of the value and the important function of 1/1. Tracing the Lambdoma, what is to be placed on that altar? The question is crucial, because the whole tree of its forms, with its infinite foliage, branches out from there in the manifest world.

Suppose we lay a rose there. Due to the power flowing from that Summit, which is both celestial and formal, all the roses existing on the planet would be accordingly transformed, softened, purified and endowed with celestial beauty. They would be transformed just to the point of fully expressing their quality and adorn the world with it.

We could expect this marvel to apply immediately, and especially on the specific rose plant put on the Altar; then transversally and innerly all the roses, as said, would be progressively enhanced.

The example is convincing, as the 1/1 touches Heaven, i.e., the Supermundane, whose law is the Infinite, present and active. However, what matters is building that altar, which is realized by operating simultaneously from above and below.


Here we have to pause. The concrete part of the Altar should be built by Man, which is an altar, but the celestial one is the work of6_Ajna the Sovereign, that is transcendent. Perhaps the pyramids were built for this purpose, and served to establish a society ordered according to supermundane rules.

What is most important is to note, discover and assert that the Altar exists, alive, in every man: it is located between the eyebrows, being the center called Ajna, receptive to the fourth Ray.

When, as a result of a development of consciousness, the human being is no longer identified with the Person, but begins to live as a Soul, this latter, located in the center above the head, projects its own energy into the Ajna center, crossing the gap between 0/0 and 1/1 and realizes the psycho-geometry of the Lambdoma.

Therefore, for any thought-form placed on the altar, the rays of the soul act as equitonals, spiritualizing all the aspects that the thought-form can take on. Thus the magic work is accomplished, introducing the Supermundane in the physical world without interfering with it.


[1] It follows an unpublished text written by E. Savoini on February 27th, 2000 – the pictures are inserted by TPS editorial staff. (Refer also to The Creating Sound).
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