The impulse of the third quadrant of the annual Cycle is irradiated at the threshold of the June solstice and influences the 3 following months till the September Equinox: the primary seed of the Year, sown at the time of the December solstice emerged as an initial manifestation at the time of the March Equinox and is now raised to a peak of accomplishment.
What are the signs of Heaven, thus what is to be realized on Earth?
Our perspective here is both heliocentric, recognized as the Heaven of general Causes and Effects, and geocentric, the Heaven of detailed causes and effects.[1]
Within the overall mission of the human kingdom to “work out and restore the Plan of Love and Light on Earth”, as well as to prepare the field to the new Culture and Civilization, the necessary step glimpsed in December 2015 (the occult beginning of Capricorn) was to establish, on a subjective or ideal level, an Institute of the Heart; in March (the manifest beginning of Aries), this solar Idea was impressed as an image on the mental level and fixed in the general mentality as a central reference of the new Culture.
It matters not in what measure or at what level this happened, because all Ideas, good or useful to the evolutionary advancement, precipitate into Forms and mature when they can, in due course. But just a little flame is enough to light up a dark room, and such is awareness of these subtle actions, which always anticipate the more concrete ones. Energy follows thought, and the “right direction” of a thought, the globally beneficial or evolutionary one, is given by the Sound of a ‘solar’ common Mind, an enlightened and loving “group consciousness”.
As the Ancient Wisdom and common sense teach, the ‘mass consciousness’ is not a key to success, but only the field of realization; despite the enormous apparent resistance, humanity has always been moving forward because culturally guided and illuminated by a more responsible, humble, wise, loving Good ‘minority’: in a word, by an Order of invisible beings.
“…Rulership is not in crowns nor in crowds, but is in the cosmic expanse of ideas. Thus, the Teachings of life complement each other, having no need to attract multitudes…”[2]
And it is this ‘sound’ of the Good, the Beautiful and the True, issued by a common Heart, that flows over the waters of Substance and fecundates it with the seeds of the New: when the evolutionary wave enjoins a general Renewal, wrecks or resistances of the Old are gradually overwhelmed by the inescapable and relentless “will for harmony” of the universal Laws, by the energizing motion of Spirit.
At every solstice and equinox an Appeal to Renewal, quadripartite like every Heart, comes from the Spirit of our planet, our planetary Logos. Its “incessant will for harmony”, at the current “solstice summit” (Cancer-Capricorn axis) beckons to follow the evolutionary direction which organizes units into new collective Individualities, i.e., in ever wider (and above all better) ensembles. The individual is completed in the collective, and the collective, when in golden proportion with cosmic Freedom, organizes and gradually liberates all the individualities through their free will or self-government. When individual and general freedom are aligned, the Good is made and evolution establishes its accomplishments or masterpieces, transferring collective units or groups to ever greater, higher or finer, tasks and sets.
This journey of Consciousness, from the mass (Cancer) to individual (Leo) and then group consciousness (Aquarius) up to the planetary (Pisces), solar and cosmic one, is the path provided for each human monad or spiritual seed. The reality of the monad is indeed even more dizzying, being that spark, individual yet collective, which has within it the potential of building a universe; but, initially, commands only itself, a single atom, a much more ‘ethereal’ than the one indicated by human science.
The Voice of these ‘spatial points’ or units of Life sings in the Heart of the atom, human being, solar system, or universe; It radiates from the center of the sphere and as a ray illuminates it, whether this House is the domain of individual consciousness, or that of the various families and earthly and heavenly abodes, up to the universal one.
For every Atom and auric Egg the principle is the same: it is from its heart or nucleus that the Wave of Life irradiates, the Voice of Spirit, the radiant flame that illuminates the dark room.
Similarly then, for the human Family there is a central human Presence radiating Life and a saving force that “frees from evil”, from the grip of regressive forces.
This sacred Core of Humanity is the “certain hope” of the World, the Heart of that Order or Institute which includes all the fiery seeds of spirit settled in individuals, groups, nations and races taking place over the millennia.
All these thoughts indicate the solstice culmination as an impulse and propitious time for the birth of new evolutionary Cycles: the apparent Sun (Vulcan), according to the evolutionary Wave of planetary Consciousness, crosses the Gate of Men (sign of Cancer), the Door of incarnation of new cycles and seeds, while the Earth strikes the Gate of the Gods (sign of Capricorn), marking a completion, an expansion of consciousness in the right direction, an initiation to the Heavenly Goods or Treasures.
The collective Individual Humanity is driven in the right direction by Its Heart, properly by that central Presence or Jewel of Synthesis which is home to the Beauty underlying every differentiation, appearance and separation: that Beauty which is “the splendor of Truth” and “the mark of Unity” among all the living units.
This right uni-versal direction that resides in every heart leads the common Abode to the Goal, the central Magnet, the Source of Unity.
In the paradigm which is Heaven, the crystal of Unity is guarded by the Lord of Waters Neptune (dominant in Pisces 2011-2025), “which veils the Christ as the initiator of Humanity”, infusing in our Heart the saving vision of the New. Similarly, the Institute of the Heart, the center of the new Group of world servers, guides their gaze in the direction of Unity; so it stands as a planetary Order, as a Hierarchy or an integrated, harmonic and coordinated system of consciousness able to stand firm in the Light of Unity.
From this point of tension, which prepares and accelerates the creation of a new solar Culture, every Heart from its outpost ignites as a Headlight of fulfillment, as a Unit in action which sees the Earth realized as a “lit House”:
The solar Flame flares in the fulfillment of the Work
In the light of the fulfillment sought by the central Unity, let us contemplate the heavenly solstice arrangement around the Heart of the Sun (Sun/Vulcan), those signs of the Heavens which impress with their causal power the upcoming third quarter of cycle (from June solstice to September equinox):
Heliocentric Heaven – 3rd Quarter 2016
Inner Wheel: 20 June 2016 h. 23.35 UHT – Outer Wheel: 22 September 2016 h. 15.22
Here is a possible synthetic formulation which tends to gather the Seven evolutionary Directions carved by the Building Rays of the solar Plan, those Sounds and Lights that can guide ‘causally’ the hearts serving the planetary and solar Unity for this third season of 2016 cycle:
1) Sun/Vulcan in Cancer – Earth in Capricornus:
The solar Flame flares in the fulfillment of the Work
2) Jupiter in Virgo:
The solar Love erects the altar of the Temple
– Jupiter in Libra (from 9 August):
The solar Master draws the luminous lines of future
3) Saturn in Sagittarius:
The solar Thinker orients the Work to the Heart of Cosmos
4) Mercury in Aries:
The solar Messanger exalts the ardor of the advance
5) Venus in Cancer:
The solar Builder prepares the Abode for the coming Light
6) Neptune in Pisces:
The solar Priest shields the crystal of Unity
7) Uranus in Aries:
The solar Initiator enlivens the sacred fire of the Mother
In the solstice heliocentric Heaven, Earth (the place of experience and sphere of “awareness”, of becoming conscious of) culminates at the Summit (0° Capricorn: the power to lead, plan and organize), square to Jupiter (2nd Ray), the Lord of solar Space and its magnetism, in Virgo (2nd-6th Rays: Love and abstract Idealism), the cosmic Mother. Here It is in Its own Sign (It is its “hierarchical ruler”), for pure Love gives Form to Ideas and their evolutionary Cycles. In this case, Jupiter builds the altar of the Temple of the pan-human Unity, the Heart of the Work: the Altar being the rising Christ-Consciousness.
This third quarter of 2016 cycle sees the passage of Jupiter in Libra (3rd R) at August 9 (geocentrically September 9), to beneficially promote the stable equilibrium of the incessant motion, as well as, wherever the Christ consciousness is born, the unanimous and decisive motion of harmonic and harmonious relationships.
The building Flame of the solstice Impulse is powered by the Fire of even 4 Luminaries: the connection Vector Mercury (4th R) and the great Sorter Uranus are in Aries (1st-7th Rays: initiator and ordering Fire), and the Lord of Desire Mars (6th R) and the solar Designer Saturn (3rd R) are in Sagittarius (4th-5th-6th Rays: ardent temperance and constructive persistence).
The Flame flares up, giving life at every level to “the sacred fire of the Mother” (Space, Love) and pushing “the ardor of the advance” towards the Heart of Cosmos.
This Magnet (the Heart of our cosmos is the Sun Sirius, the Primary of our Sun) desires to build a christic (love-wisdom: buddhi-manas) station even on our Earth, and Its power, among the various associations to the zodiac Values, is distributed right through the Cancer-Capricorn axis; in particular, as seen from the solstice chart, Sirius can now ‘directly’ distribute Its cosmic traction through 5 ‘aspects’ to as many points/planets on the Ecliptic, and especially through the Three of cosmic Synthesis: Saturn (Manas-Intelligence), Neptune (Buddhi-Love) and Uranus (Atma-Will: in recent years so exceptionally active in the solar manifestation due to the association/transit in Its sign Aries and the disruptive square to Pluto – Prana, Kundalini-life force).
Venus (5th Ray) is additionally in Cancer beside Its cosmic Master Sirius: Venus[3] is the solar Isis or Syriac Luminary par excellence, the Divine Consort of Sun/Vulcan, of the ‘Heart of the Sun’ in this Second Solar System corresponding to Orion-Osiris among the constellations.[4]
Venus, the higher Manas or ‘golden Mind’, the solar Builder, in Cancer connects Sirius to the Pleiades (the higher to the lower Manas) preparing “the Abode for the coming Resurrection Light”, assisted by the trine to Neptune in Pisces, the Savior guardian of the christic Crystal of Unity, and by the ardent stimulus and lightning Intuition of the now ‘fastest’ Mercury (squared from Aries).
The golden Mind ‘descends into hell’ and resurrects “the prisoners of the planet”, the lunar pitris, those elemental forces that constitute and move the lower bodies of the human being (the ‘cell’ of the planetary Logos), as well as the lower kingdoms: even more because this solstice Door (June 21) is very close to the second full moon of Gemini (June 20), when the lunar forces, formative and regressive, are so controlled by the triumph of the 2nd ray energy of the Sun.
The golden Ratio of Venus enjoins on Earth the reconstruction of all the spatial relationships, between the worlds and among men, in the Name of Love, and in the Light of Wisdom.
At the inverse geocentric level, concerning precipitation of the energies on the Planet down to the individual level, the initiatory date of the June Solstice sees also the supremacy, as in the previous Equinox, of the Mutable Cross signs, the four Powers that propel the emergence of forms and events:
The golden Mind ‘descends into hell’ and resurrects “the prisoners of the planet”, the lunar pitris, those elemental forces that constitute and move the lower bodies of the human being (the ‘cell’ of the planetary Logos), as well as the lower kingdoms: even more because this solstice door (June 21) is very close to the second full moon of Gemini (June 20), when the lunar forces, formative and involutive, are so controlled by the triumph of 2nd ray energy of the Sun.
The golden Ratio of Venus enjoins on Earth the reconstruction of all the spatial relationships, between the worlds and among humans, in the Name of Love, and in the Light of Wisdom.
Geocentric Heaven – 3rd Quarter 2016

The Grand Cross or Grand Square between Mercury in Gemini, Jupiter in Virgo, Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces impresses the Cross of Changes in the heart of every human being and at the center of the common planetary home. Whatever fails to evolve, dies or is transformed by the evolutionary Helix of Life. Mars retrograde in Scorpio (It will return to Sagittarius on August 3) accentuates violently this turnover of obsolete forms, and its quincunx (150°) to Uranus exceedingly accelerates its impetuous work, and tragic for our personalities (also of nations), focused in individual desires and points of view.
The Sun, at the gates of Cancer, is preceded by Its Consort Venus (exceptionally in the same Sign of the heliocentric perspective), that so connects It to Sirius at all levels, and in a very intense way for the opposing dialectic Sirius-Pluto and between the solar Couple Vulcan-Venus and the Moon in Capricorn (still ‘charged’ with the focussing energies of the full moon in Sagittarius-Gemini): the Waters of consciousness receive the transforming Breath of cosmic Love and Wisdom.
We close these signs of Heaven with the sowing of the sevenfold geocentric Formulas, for a right correspondence of humanity to heliocentric causal impulses:
Sun/Vulcan in Cancer
Let us build the Temple of Light
Jupiter in Virgo
Let heart synthesize the manifold forms
(from 9-9-2016)
Jupiter in Libra
Let right relationships prepare the way for Peace
Saturn in Sagittarius
The ardent commitment establishes the right pace toward the goal
Mercury in Gemini
Let human thought grasp the essence of Life
Venus in Cancer
Let sensitivity for Value generate luminous relationships
Neptune in Pisces
Inspired ideas bring the Sublime to Humanity
Uranus in Aries:
Let the New be intelligible to man to be expressed and fulfilled
Let Heart accomplish Its Work
“Surya-Vidya —thus was the Teaching of the Heart sometimes called. In this definition was indicated the fieriness, the sunlike quality, the centrality of the heart. …the heart stands as the temple of humanity. One cannot conceive of the unity of humanity by way of the brain or the Kundalini, but the radiance of the heart can bring together the most seemingly varied organisms, even across remote distances. This experiment, of the unification of hearts across distance, awaits its workers.
The wish to inaugurate experiments of lengthy duration is quite correct, because through them one can create another link between the generations.“[5]
Such an excellent presentation, and just what so many of us need to read and meditate on at this Solstice time. Interesting that the subjective impression received at the Winter Solstice and put into thought forms at the Spring Equinox regarding an “institute of the heart” was equally shared, in that at the Winter solstice the subtle impression was received and in the Spring, recognition of the possibilities to bring to life to help prepare that which was read a long time ago in Esoteric Astrology by AAB: ‘When the task of Saturn and of Mercury has been accomplished, then during the third decanate, Venus, which is the union of heart and mind, will usher in the long hoped for era of love-wisdom, of brotherhood and of expressed brotherly relationships. Opportunity— Illumination—Brotherhood: these are the gifts that Shamballa is planning to confer upon mankind during the Aquarian Age, if man will but prepare for them, accept them, and use them. Only the future will make clear man’s reaction.”