(Here are some seeds of living thought in order to celebrate our Earth transiting at the Summit of the Heaven conjunct Pluto in Capricorn – while the apparent Sun is in Cancer, the Valley and eventually the lighted House of solar consciousness)
From the peak of the annual cycle, in the heyday of the sunlight (northern hemisphere), we can see what is germinated from the fiery seed of the purpose formulated at the December solstice and descend into the valley, embracing it with the eyes of the heart and supporting it with a new impetus.
At the beginning of this second year of the fifth septennium (see) dedicated to establishment of the principles of a new Culture and Civilization, we recognized that:
We are called to found an “Institute of the Heart” in subtle ways, which teaches restoration of any separation to the essential unity, thus strengthening the network that links the hearts and the efforts of the Builders of the Temple. Each Builder may work out their own part, recognizing themself in the common work, cooperating freely and joyously to restore the Plan on Earth.
The Temple of the World is built by all Humanity, and is rebuilt at every cycle on the basis of the previous ones. Thus it is always ancient and ever new.
Today is time for beginnings and we must draw the first outlines of the new Temple, which we certainly will not see realized in the course of our lives. Thus we are committed in a work that requires long times if compared to our earthly lives: we are in the early stages, still unsure but full of expectations. These first steps are revealed while the older crumble, and it is precisely for this reason that the interventions we can and must put in place now are urgent and decisive.
We all feel the acceleration of the vibration that is occurring in this period of transition between the era of Pisces and that of Aquarius, which also coincides, according to what some Teachings tell us, with a major shift in consciousness of the Planet itself. This produces great tension and confusion: many see no way out and lose hope that positive forces can prevail over those opposing, even violently, to change, whose contours, moreover, have not clearly been identified yet.
As it always happens in crucial moments, the armies of the Light and dark ones are positioning on the battlefield: the former are more often unnoticed and undervalued, the latter with fury generate terror, suffering and disorientation, and it is just this way of acting which suggests that they are afraid of being defeated.
Today the disciples of the world are explicitly requested to actively collaborate in the implementation of the divine plan for humanity.
But who are disciples?
Disciples are those who consciously walk the way back to the One in order to serve the world, that is, those who are no longer focused on their evolutionary development or personal growth or success of the group within which they operate. Disciples are those who feel the need to consecrate their lives for the good of Humanity, without fear of losing their particular good.
Disciples are those who are able to stand firm in the midst of the din of battle and, like beacons, trace paths of light that encourage the disoriented consciousness. They are those who know how to read events with the keen eyes of the heart: a heart which recognizes and relentlessly weaves the bright thread of progress amidst the clutter and sirens of doom. They are those who know that the forces of evil in us and around us can only be fought with the power of Love, while the weak consciences deceive themselves, fighting darkness with its own weapons, at the same level: the great Master, unheeded, taught us to love our enemies.
Disciples are those who assume the responsibility of being the golden ratio between the planetary Hierarchy and Humanity.
Much more could be said about disciples, but these few hints are perhaps sufficient to outline those features which, albeit imperfectly, are shared by a certain number of people in the world who, oblivious of themselves and with burning hearts, feel that it is time to engage on the field. And it is on these men and women that Hierarchy relies on to restore the Divine Plan on Earth. They are actually those who, first, realize they have to respond to the Call of the Masters and the invocation of Humanity.
As we have often discussed in these pages, the first step to be performed by all the disciples who, hearing the appeal, intend to take action, is to weave a connecting energy grid, firm and luminous. This constitutes a set of directed paths and harmoniously integrated and interacting centers able to organize and unify the efforts of the many people of good will. This network, woven with the thread of their own lives, directed and ordered in imitation of the Plan, can help to give substance to that critical mass which will enable the realization of events, and thus the anchoring of the Plan in human consciousness. And in this sense something is already moving.

A first hypothesis for the Planetary Plan (its current first 49 Cycle is from 1987 to 2035)
The second step, the one forecast and presented for this year (5.2) by the currently intuited part of the Plan,[1] refers explicitly to the establishment of an “Institute of the Heart”. It is built with the energy substance of this vital center which, by loving Purpose unconditionally, allows its fulfillment. If the Purpose is the central magnet, the Field, the common Heart, loving and identifying with it inevitably leads to achievement of the Purpose at the highest possible level.
The disciples know the way of the Heart and have crossed that (non-existent) door which leads to the Fiery World, or are on the threshold. Thus they are called, imitating the Hierarchy by whose shield they are protected, to safeguard and support with love the actions of all those who work for the good, bringing out their ‘small greatness’ and neglecting their ‘great pettiness’. Thus springs the joy of working together.
The Appeal is resonating with great force in Space, the time is critical and everyone perceives it. Anyone who wishes to contribute to the building of the new world, each at their own level and in their own context, is called to respond, because the time is now. Then, one by one, let us begin to stand up and declare with courage our commitment to serve the part of the Plan entrusted to us: so, in the silence of every heart, we become disciples and form the armies of Light.