The Wheel of Fortune or Heart Centre on the church façade of St Domenico in Matera – Italy
In order to celebrate the energy of Harmony and Beauty transmitted by the current Scorpio-Taurus axis (named the 4th Ray of Harmony through Conflict), let us give resonance to one of the many beautiful and useful initiatives for the Common Good.
Beyond any possible misuse of these specific efforts, we just want to put into evidence the power of Art to build a better Future.
The public consciousness can, through the radiant attractive power of Art and artists, be sensitized/educated to become global and ultimately universal: “Art is the only viable means of the next culture”; “It is not quite correct to say that beauty will save the world. It is more accurate to say that the realization of beauty will save the world.” (Agni Yoga).
Beyond the terrible trials and evidence of the world situation, let our unified vision and sound confidence of the triumphant Good-Beautiful-True give us that impersonal and loving power to build the preordained Future for Humanity: a Humanity resplendent with Joy, Love and Will.