The Science of Love Compassion


Today, the heliocentric conjunction between Venus and Neptune in Pisces occurs, a causal direction for real Love Compassion, the fundamental energy of this Solar System.

Let us impress our highest and wisest Love upon our Beloved suffering Earth through the signs of the Heavens – drops of driving saving force:

“6. The Law of Love.— (…) A treatise could be written on the subject, and yet leave it unexhausted. Much light comes if we can ponder deeply on the three expressions of Love: Love in the Personality, Love in the Ego, and Love in the Monad. Love in the Personality gradually develops through the stages of love of self, pure and simple and entirely selfish, to love of family and friends, to love of men and women, until it arrives at the stage of love of humanity or group love consciousness which is the predominant characteristic of the Ego. A Master of Compassion loves, suffers with, and remains with His kind and with His kin. Love in the Ego gradually develops from love of humanity into love universal—a love that expresses not only love of humanity, but also love of the deva evolutions in their totality, and of all forms of divine manifestation. Love in the Personality is love in the three worlds; love in the Ego is love in the solar system, and all that it contains; whilst love in the Monad demonstrates a measure of cosmic love, and embraces much that is outside the solar system altogether.

This term “The Law of Love,” is after all too generic a term to apply to one law governing one plane, but will have to suffice for the present, as it conveys the type of idea that is needed, to our minds. The Law of Love is in reality but the law of the system in demonstration on all the planes. Love was the impelling motive for manifestation, and love it is that keeps all in ordered sequence; love bears all on the path of return to the Father’s bosom, and love eventually perfects all that is. It is love that builds the forms that cradle temporarily the inner hidden life, and love is the cause of the disruption of those forms, and their utter shattering, so that the life may further progress. (…) Love forms the sheath and inspires the life; love causes the logoic vibration to surge forward, carrying all on its way, and bringing all to perfected manifestation.

(…) The sixth Ray of devotion and the sixth law of love have a close alliance, and on the sixth plane comes the powerful working out in the lower Triad, the Personality, of the Law of Love. On the astral plane, the home of the desires, originate those feelings which we call personal love; in the lowest type of human being this shows itself as animal passion; as evolution proceeds it shows itself as a gradual expansion of the love faculty, passing through the stages of love of mate, love of family, love of surrounding associates, to love of one’s entire environment; patriotism gives place later to love of humanity, often humanity as exemplified in one of the Great Ones. The astral plane is, at the present time, the most important for us, for in desire—not corrected or transmuted—lies the difference between the personal consciousness and that of the Ego.

In the sixth Scheme, that of Venus, this can be seen clearly; it is the scheme of love. Viewed from one angle, the Venusian Scheme is the second, and from another it is the sixth. It depends upon whether we reason from the circumference to the centre or the reverse.

It is the home of the planetary Logos of the sixth Ray. This may sound like a contradiction, but it is not so really; we must remember the interlocking, the gradual shifting and changing, that takes place in time on all the Rays. (…) In the sixth Round of the present chain of the Earth scheme, the sixth law will demonstrate with great clarity and force, as love shown in brotherhood, love translated or transmuted from the astral to the buddhic. So in the sixth rootrace and the sixth subrace a similar analogy will be seen. Out of the shattered form of the fifth subrace of the fifth root race, built up under the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge, with the aid of the fifth Law of Fixation, will emerge the sixth subrace of brotherly love—love shown in the realisation of the one life latent in each Son of God.”[1]


“Study and meditation combined are the factors which all aspirants should employ if they seek to produce this needed integration and a consequent life of service. Thus the aspirant can test out both his point of integration and the extent of the serving quality produced by this integration. If aspirants would study their physical plane life with care, they would discover that they are either working automatically in response to physical plane conventional ideas of goodwill or of being kind, or they are working emotionally because they like to help, they like to be liked, they like to relieve suffering (owing to their hatred of the discomfort which suffering brings to them), they believe in following the steps of the Christ Who went about doing good, or because of a natural, deep-seated life tendency. This is a hopeful and finalising unfoldment.

Aspirants will eventually find out (when the physical and emotional phases of the integration are over) that there follows a phase of intelligent service, motivated in the first instance by mercy, then by conviction of its essentiality, then by a stage of definitely spiritual ambition, then by a submissive following of the example of the Hierarchy, and finally by the activity of the quality of pure love; this pure love increasingly expresses itself as the higher integration of soul and personality proceeds. All these phases of intention and of techniques are right in their own place, just as long as they have teaching value, and whilst the higher next phases remain vague and nebulous. They become wrong when they are perpetuated and carried on when the next stage is clearly seen but not followed. Ponder on this. It is of value to you to realise the true significance of these varying phases of integration, carried forward—as they are—under evolutionary law.

All these steps upon the way of integration lead to that culminating stage wherein the personality—rich in experience, powerful in expression, reoriented and dedicated—becomes simply the mediator of soul life between the Hierarchy and Humanity.”[2]


“On the buddhic or intuitional plane (the fourth level of the cosmic physical plane) the mind nature— even that of the higher mind or the level of abstract thought—loses its control over the initiate and is henceforth only useful in service. The intuition, the pure reason, complete knowledge illumined by the loving purpose of the divine Mind—to mention some of the names of this fourth level of awareness or of spiritual sensitivity—takes its place and the initiate lives henceforth in the light of correct or straight knowledge, expressing itself as wisdom in all affairs—hence the titles of Master of the Wisdom or Lord of Compassion given to Those Who have taken the fourth and the fifth initiations; these follow very closely upon each other.”[3]


You speak of wide compassion as the key that opens wide the gates. Explain in words the simplest the need that this involves.

The need of gentle mercy, which knows and sees yet understands; the need of tears of crystal to wash away a brother’s sins; the need of fiery courage that can hold a brother’s hand, and lift and elevate him though all the world cry “nay”; the need of comprehension, that has experienced and knows; the occult sense of oneness must guide unto the gate.

What else will lead a man to the portal of the Path?

Compassion first and conscious oneness; then death to every form that holds and hides the life; next wisdom linked with learning, and the wise use of the Word; speech of an occult nature and the silence of the Centre, held in the noise of all the world.”[4]


[1] A. A. Bailey, “A Treatise on Cosmic Fire“, Lucis Collection, pp. 595-6.
[2] A. A. Bailey, “Esoteric Healing“, Lucis Collection, pp. 509-10.
[3] A. A. Bailey, “Rays and Initiations“, Lucis Collection, p. 700.
[4] A. A. Bailey, “Rays and Initiations“, Lucis Collection, p. 764.
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