The coming year cycle will be dedicated to Sowing of the Principles of the new Culture (see the relevant webinar), the 3rd Goal of the 5th septennium (5.3) in a first 49 Year Cycle oriented to impress, one per year, the 49 Goals of the Planetary Plan. This Plan for the planetary evolution into the new Culture and Civilization is indicated by the esoteric Teachings and has to “be worked out” by humanity itself.
In Italy we have been trying to “carve the paths” in this respect since the ‘80s, through a formulation and assertion of the possible 49 Ray Goals of the planetary Plan (see the key text “TPS – The Distant Goals – compendium 2017” in the Documents page) for these present decades and encompassing the next centuries of advancement (allegedly for the first 700 year decanate of Aquarius Age): 7 main and 42 lesser Goals, all harmonically related to each other in an integrated Pythagorean System (Contact the TPS editor staff for more information).
These inferred “7 main centers of the Planetary Plan” are:
–1st R.) Restoration of the Mysteries
–2nd) Return of the Christ
–3rd) Group Initiation
–4th) Imitation of the Hierarchy
–5th) New Culture – New Civilization
–6th) New World Religion
–7th) Order – Restoration of the Plan on Earth.

A first hypothesis for the Planetary Plan (its current first 49 Cycle is from 1987 to 2035)
Thus, in the current seven years (2015-2021) dedicated to the New Culture and New Civilization (5.5) – the specific mission of TPS project and website -, we are now entering its 3rd Year (2017) and 5.3 Goal: Sowing Principles of the new Culture.
The relevant solstitial Signs of the Heavens help us to find how and what to sow. “Energy follows thought”, and thought follows the Direction impressed by the creating Sound of a higher plane or Will.
So let the higher solar Will be manifest, according to the harmonics or pulsations of Its Plan, those “magnetic vortexes which are the rhythm of the Planets”.
Consequently, in the 2017 heavenly Impulses or Directions sounded by our Earth in alignment with both the Sun and one of the other Planets/Luminaries of the solar System, we will sow some connected seeds and formulas for the new solar Culture on Earth, namely on the line/direction of each particular Ray/Luminary Sound:
The Ray seeds associated to these possible “7 Verbs of human Activity” are also corroborated by the relevant ‘column’ of Formulas from the Lambdoma or “systemic thought-form” of the new Culture/Civilization, associated to one of the 7 possible Ray Sectors of human activity (see the article A Matrix of the New Culture/Civilization and the 5th working direction of TPS: Manifestation).
Today, the 28th December is the first solar Direction of the 5.3 endeavor, qualified by the Sun-Mercury-Earth accord along the initiatory axis Capricorn-Cancer, an Impulse and Sound particularly propitious for the 4th Human Hierarchy, driving It to Harmony through Conflict, true Beauty and real Art and Expression.
From the Lambdoma of the new Planetary Culture:
What is the Purpose of the new planetary Art?
To reflect the Harmony of Cosmos
What is the Field of Service of the new planetary Art?
To understand the real essence of things
What is the Plan/Project of the new planetary Art?
To reveal the identity between the Good, the True and the Beautiful
What is the Model of Reference of the new planetary Art?
To unite Heaven and Earth
How to manifest and build the new planetary Art?
By proportioning all parts with the harmonic canon
How to form the community of the new planetary Art?
Harmonizing by affinity
Which are the Order and Rule irradiating the new planetary Art?
To express Beauty
Here follows a septenary of Seeds for the new planetary Art Expression (freely extracted from E. Savoini, Seeds 1994, unpublished text):
- The art of the new Culture is positive and supported by the will-to-Beauty.
- Art expression is neither sectarian nor decadent. On the contrary, it tends to rise and improve; it expands itself without borders.
- Expressing is guided by precise rules: it takes position against disorder and fights it.
- Expressing operates with love, without which neither art nor beauty can exist.
- Art expression erects new forms by imitating the Heaven, which It fully reflects in each of them.
- Art is the smile of the new Culture.
- The new art recognizes and uses spiritual geometry.