Political Unity


We want to celebrate the 1st sector (first 5 degrees) of Aries, the Constellation of Beginnings and Electric and Initiatory Fire, and whose cosmic quality and Formula is “Unity through Struggle”. Aries is the main systemic Sign transmitting the 1st Ray of Will and Power in the rising age of Aquarius, so we want to align with this Source of real Government with some thoughts by H. T. Laurency on Politics Unity (from The Philosopher’s Stone I, pp. 15-6):

“1The task of the state is also to work for political unity on the basis of free conviction, since the will to unity alone can bring about an enduring solution of the political, social, and political-economical problems. Unity, solidarity with the community at large, the co-operation and mutual assistance of all, is the only rational and in the long run tenable ground. That path of hatred and division which mankind has pursued with so desperately meagre results should have a sufficiently illuminative and sufficiently deterrent effect. We should be able to learn at least something from history.

2“Divide and rule” was the motto of short-sighted politics, rating power higher than unity. Such politics would be impossible if political parties collaborated instead of opposing each other. The party institution means division and antagonism, poisons public spirit, and counteracts political unity directly and indirectly.

3If the will to unity cannot grow strong enough in a nation to overcome egoistic class politics, then values are easily destroyed which it would have been possible to save with good will. There are more rational ways in which to achieve unity than through dictatorship, which, constantly in fear of non-existent dangers, brutally watches over its own security and which, moreover, does what a small, temporary power clique arbitrarily sees fit. Freedom is easily lost and is very hard to regain. There exist possibilities of disregarding whatever separates, of choosing such individuals as are able to animate discussions and decisions with the spirit of unity. There exist relatively simple resources for making political fighting organizations as well as class parties superfluous by means of wise legislation and by government power as a watchful assistant.


4Power abolishes freedom. Arbitrary power abolishes or restricts arbitrarily the freedom of others. Anyone who strives after power over others for another reason than to liberate others, is an enemy of others. No nation has any right but arbitrary right to rule other nations. And anyone who seeks to dominate the world is an enemy of mankind.

5The individuals’ will to unity and their right to freedom are the rational justification of the state. All attempts to defend the possibilities of oppression by temporary power − that is: possibilities of arbitrary justice − remain arbitrary. The foremost task of the individual as a member of society is to contribute to the realization of unity and freedom in a state organized as rationally as possible.

6All rights must be based on the individual’s right to the greatest possible freedom within the limits of the equal right of others to freedom. Any kind of oppression, persecution, or violation of the right of others is a crime. No collective has more right within the limits of the equal right of all than has one single man. Any kind of organization formed for the purpose of feathering its own nest at the expense of others is criminal. Undue advantage of any kind is a crime.

7The right of the state in relation to the individual − his necessary obligations to the state disregarded − can only be its right to social education of antisocial individuals who violate the laws of the state and the right and freedom of others. The state has no right to do evil that good may come thereof.

8Political racial problems breed racial hatred since to most people the idea of race is an emotion, and in this case hatred.

9Action presupposes a standpoint. All standpoints are more or less temporary, since they are temporarily conditioned by the necessity of action.

10We are all of the “masses” when emotion decides our standpoint, when in each particular case we cannot make an independent and rational standpoint clear to ourselves.”

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