The Basis of Educating is Love

In the annual day of the heliocentric alignment between our Earth and the Master of solar Love Jupiter, let us impress all human hearts with the following integrated system and fiery matrix of 49 living Seeds. Let these Formulas and Forms of fiery Thought put and nourish the foundation of a new Education, the second sector of our new Culture and Civilization.*

Let Solar Love trace the bright lines of the Future.


  • Love, Space and consciousness are one entity. The law governing them is the magnetic attraction.
  • Educating means magnetizing in order to guide towards Light.
  • The educator must know how to use the magnetic power.
  • Those who love can educate; can reflect the light of Heaven; can be so transparent as not to be noticed. These are real teachers.
  • As everybody has his own way, educating is multiform and knows all the ways.
  • Educating guides to Truth, which is only one and is the Goal. It pulls consciousness out from the darkness of confusion.
  • Educating means to liberate with order.


  • The Hall of Educating is the infinite Space, which is the real School.
  • In the School of Space everybody learns to live, because Truth is Life.
  • The Teaching proceeds gradually, yet is continuous.
  • The supreme teacher is Heaven, which is the positive aspect of Space. The lesser educators simply reflect it.
  • Also educating, like governing, descends from above and is for everyone. Yet everybody has to learn on by themselves.
  • Education is one for all. It manifests itself in thousands different ways and is learned in thousands ways, yet it is unitary like the white light.
  • Space also contains confusion, which is ignorance, but it remains regular, magnetic and well-ordered.


  • Educating proceeds according to a universal program, for human beings and heavenly stars.
  • Educating begins from Space and guides into higher, increasingly wider spaces.
  • Educating provides freedom, yet burdening with responsibility. Those who know more, can give more answers.
  • Confusion prevents knowledge; but those who become temporarily confused with Truth without losing themselves are wise.
  • All teach and learn, yet everybody learns by themselves. The education process is secret.
  • Teacher and pupil are merged in the heart, the place of all communions.
  • Educating is powerful in the heart, from where it is spread out, from where its waves arise.


  • The real educator knows the middle Way, the channel of the infinite flow of lessons to be learned.
  • Educating includes any human activity; it is always present in all of them, in the centre.
  • Educating means growing, progressing and improving.
  • Teacher, Guide, Sage, Mate, Friend, Counsellor: they are all beautiful names through which a pupil recognizes the Saviour.
  • Educating is constructive. Any constructive work has an educational power.
  • The magnetism of love unifies the field of knowledge, whatever it is. It marks out the ways leading to the Truth.
  • Love makes order without forcing.



  • Educating is like giving birth and bringing up. The educator’s children are many. His family is big.
  • Educating establishes a relationship, linking together with spiritual bonds.
  • Master’s love is impersonal and turns on pupils’ consciousness.
  • The Master lights up many living fires, composing a firmament in imitation of the Heaven.
  • Educating builds in Space a composite set of Centres.
  • The Centres created by the Master have a relationship that unites and distinguishes them p.
  • Educating means to build a hierarchy to be included into another higher one.


  • Impersonal love has always a purpose, even without intending it: to communicate and expand.
  • Knowledge is a common Good, and the more is given, the more is known.
  • Learning is not an obligation, yet is necessary for anyone.
  • Teaching is not an obligation, yet is inevitable. Thus it is a free activity of heart.
  • The great Master teaches without pupils, cultivating Space with love. In this way, He multiplies His forces.
  • Teaching and learning are sacred rights and duties. In that we see the magnetic bipolarity of educating.
  • Educating-learning is a ritual action: it links the higher to the lower and makes them equal. In this respect, it is the same like governing.



  • Educating creates organisms of knowledge, which in turn create other ones.
  • The organisms created by educating have their centre in the heart.
  • Educating comes down from above, learning goes up from below. When they meet, systems of knowledge are created.
  • The meeting place is central: it is where the unit reflects itself into many. Education acts just here.
  • Educative centres created by love are different and distributed in Space, yet they are grouped into minor and major systems.
  • Each system of knowledge is unitary in itself and, at the same time, is member of a larger system.
  • The result of educating is orderly and hierarchical, open and organized.

* See also the second column of the Lambdoma for a new Culture/Civilization.
The 49 Seeds are extracted from “Seeds 1994” by E. Savoini, unpublished text.
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One Response to The Basis of Educating is Love

  1. Nancy C. says:

    An outstanding piece of work and the extreme value of education in helping to fashion the new culture and civilisation is beautifully outlined. The link to the lambdoma at the bottom of this article should not be missed…It is possible for those who have even a tenuous connection with the monad to begin to register the destiny of the spirit determined by the Ray, which will guide them unerringly on the way.

    Infinity – Book 1 (1930) – 328:
    In rotation, the luminaries attract and enfold the energies in their orbits; hence, the creativeness of the luminaries saturates the Universe. The quality of the seed of the spirit is established for an entire Manvantara and comprises an essence identical with that of the luminary. Certainly, the monad is likewise saturated by the luminaries, as it constitutes the seed of the spirit.

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