On the edge of Pisces, in the heliocentric Heaven or that of general causes, the perfect trine (120°) takes place today between the Luminaries that transmit the systemic energies of this 12th Sign to our planet: the 2nd divine Ray of Love-Wisdom (Jupiter) and the 6th Ray of abstract Idealism and of the return to Being, to the “Father’s House”, to Communion (Neptune).
Jupiter and Neptune are the two solar Mothers according to esoteric Philosophy, the Lord of the Waters and the Lord of solar Space. Accordingly, Their Ray Numbers 2 and 6 and are associated, in the microcosm of man, with the centers of the solar plexus (6th astral plane or that of emotions) and of the heart (4th buddhic plane or that of pure Reason, Love expressed through Wisdom, as a reflection of the 2nd monadic plane, that of the Major Builders – those Luminaries which, at this ‘plane of vibratory reality’, act as the vital centers of the solar Logos, and are the higher Prototypes of the human monads).
Hence their corresponding energies and principles are the purified desire and sensitivity (Neptune which substitutes Mars) and Love-Wisdom (Jupiter).
“Love is fallen and blinded when desire is rampant; desire vanishes when love triumphs.” (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, Lucis Trust, p. 171)
Their trine today (360°/ 3 – creative interval of the Fifth) between the two Water Signs, Scorpio (4th Ray) and Pisces (2nd-6th R.), combines this sacred interaction between the Three Equal Principles of Life (2-4-6):
Heavenly Love is the Victor and is poured out
through the ardor of sensitive hearts.
The 3rd Water Sign is thus evoked: “Two planets are exalted in this sign, Jupiter and Neptune. As this is the sign of rebirth, these two planets indicate the successful development and eventual use of the form aspect and the development of psychic sensitivity both in the higher and the lower senses.” (Ibid, p. 341)
The expansion of Consciousness (Jupiter) occurs only by increasing the sensitivity of the Substance (Neptune) to the impressions of Life (Sun / Vulcan).
Desire, on closer inspection, is nothing but sensitivity so intensified or turned on to become a driving force. “Desire translates will into action”.
Due to this Space Polarity 6-2, Neptune-Jupiter, Desire is at the service of Love – and Love is the higher Will of our ‘current’ solar Logos. It is that synthetic and invincible Force, that ardent and creative virtue which sees and conquers ‘what serves the Whole and everyone dreams’, the Good. Desire moved by Love is the sure Hope for victory, for the return back to Good; it is the Fire of true abstract Idealism which builds and realizes it, in the ‘here and now’ and also, in the becoming, in due time according to the spatial Art of the Cycles.
Being ‘slow’ or deep Luminaries, their Cycles and aspects or psycho-geometries influence the more general or transpersonal causes of world events, analogous to the other compound Cycles, such as the primary one between Neptune and Uranus, or between Uranus and Saturn, Jupiter and Saturn or those with Pluto.
What we see farther or higher is, in reality, what pulsates and resides in the most profound and central. And the Firmament is the perfect ‘figure’ to reveal to us this mystery which is so evident to be not recognized but by the heart, by the ‘sun of its system’, where dwells buddhi, Love, the Christ principle and central electric fire that gives impulse to every atom and sphere of life.
In particular, the Cycle of Jupiter-Neptune is the octave superior to that between Jupiter and Uranus, the Polarity of the beneficent accomplishment, being the periods of revolution of Uranus and Neptune in this double ratio (Uranus 84 Earth years, Neptune about 164). It repeats and passes the accomplishment of the Good around the solar Space.
While Uranus and Jupiter meet every 14 years, building a 6-pointed Star in the Sky every 84 years, Neptune and Jupiter conjoin with each other every 13 years or so, each time in the subsequent sign, and completing a whole round of 12-13 conjunctions every 166 years, or one year cycle of Neptune.
The last of their conjunctions were therefore in Aquarius in 2009, or previously in Capricornus in 1996, the next will be in 2035 in Aries and in 2047 in Taurus.
United they magnetize and connect the 12 steps, petals or degrees of the open spiral of the solar Heart, the Zodiac, the Horizon and the Wheel which moves, by Love, the Evolution of Consciousness on the common plane of the Ecliptic.
Their next union will be in 2022 (June 6), right in Their sign Pisces (the last conjunctions, always in Pisces, were in 1856, 1690, 1523 …). Here we have, and perfectly today due to their trine, the energies of the 2nd and 6th Ray combined with those of the liberating 1st Ray of Pluto (in a collaborating sextile from Capricornus), as all three are transmitting agents or rulers of Pisces: their Accord inserts into the depths of consciousness the burning seed or desire for the saving force that, in due time, will make us emerge from the identification with the material aspect of becoming, to reveal the Essence, the Unity of All and the reality of Man as the incarnated cosmic Love (Buddhi or sixth Christ principle).

M. M. Caravaggio, Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto, 1597, Villa Ludovisi, Roma
We therefore celebrate this triangulation on the Causal plane via the current Formulas of the two Luminaries (see here) and Their Formula of Synthesis:
2) Jupiter in Scorpio:
The Solar Guide teaches the Art of harmonic construction
6) Neptune in Pisces:
The Solar Christ infuses saving force into the human hierarchy
The Sacredness of Space is the Mystery and the Goal of the Heart
Excellent article! Reminds one of this passage from A Treatise on Cosmic Fire (Alice A. Bailey):
“There is again a very close esoteric connection between the fact lying behind the Biblical words “the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters,”81 and the ordered lawful activity of the Great Mother as she performs her work of body-building under the impulse of desire. The true relation between the astral plane and the physical plane will only become apparent as students carefully bear in mind that the astral plane of the solar system is the sixth subplane of the cosmic physical plane, and constitutes the sumtotal of the liquid substance of the logoic physical body. When this is realised, the work of the deva essence takes due place; the factor of desire, or of astral motion, and its reflex action upon the physical body via the sixth subplane will become apparent, and the Great Mother will be seen actively engaged, under the influence of desire, in the work of building, nourishing, and producing that warmth and moisture which make manifestation possible. The Mother is the greatest of the devas, and closely linked [Page 901] with the devas of the waters, for moisture of some kind or another is an essential to all life.
The sixth principle, therefore, or the love aspect (the Christ principle), and the sixth plane, are connected; there is an interplay of energy between the fourth cosmic ether, or buddhic energy, and the sixth plane, or astral energy. The devas on both these planes belong essentially to groups over which Neptunian influence presides, hence the astral plane can, and eventually will, directly reflect the buddhic.
The greater building devas on the second plane of the solar system, the monadic plane or the second cosmic ether, direct the energies of the manipulating devas of the fourth cosmic ether, the buddhic plane.
The manipulating devas of the fourth cosmic ether will, in due course of evolution, work out the plan in objective perfection through the medium of the living substance of the lesser devas of the liquid or astral plane. When they have done this two results will be seen: first, the astral plane will perfectly reflect the buddhic plane and, secondly, the result of that will be that the physical plane will produce the exact vehicle needed for microcosmic or macrocosmic expression through the force of water, or desire.”