Idea and Form: Hierarchy and Humanity

Today Mercury (4th R.) and Uranus (7th  R.) are heliocentrically aligned at the incipit of Taurus (as each 3 months, that is, the revolution period of Mercury around the Sun/Vulcan 1st Ray): the two Luminaries work together to make the forms ever more perfect and resplendent with Beauty, especially now that the energy of the 7th Ray, ‘rising’ and vibrating ever more powerfully, is fed by the subtle power of the 4th Ray that is about to enter manifestation (from 2025).

In this Day of causal (heliocentric) Harmonic Rhythm and Magic Beauty, let us therefore sow the relevant formulas 4.7 and 7.4 in order to nourish with life the matrix for a new Culture and Civilization (see here). Its Goal 4.7 Conforming human canons to hierarchical ones” and the 7.4 Harmonizing Form and Idea” answer the questions:

“What is the Model (4) of the new Organization (7) in order to irradiate the Order of the New Culture (7.7)?”
The hierarchical Principle,
“What is the Rule (7) to reflect the Harmony (4) of the Cosmos?
The World of Ideas. 
And therefore:

Let us conform human canons to hierarchical ones:

let us harmonize Form and Idea.

“The Hierarchy (a name covering the working disciples of all degrees) has for hundreds of generations sought to aid humanity, and since the fifteenth century has steadily approached closer to the physical plane and sought to make a deeper impact on the human consciousness. This has resulted in a recognition which has in it (at this time) the seeds of world salvation. (…) Today, so numerous are the inner and outer disciples, and so many are the world aspirants, the pull and the magnetic appeal are largely equalised, and what will happen in the world unfoldment and in the recognitions by the races will be the result of mutual interplay of the two intents (I am choosing my words with care)—the intent of the Masters to help humanity, and that of the world aspirants and disciples to aid in that helping. Esoterically speaking, a point of contact, a moment of “spiritual intercourse,” is imminent, and out of that moment a new world can be born”.

(Alice A. Bailey, Externalization of the Hierarchy, New Era, 1985, p 21)

“Certainly the power of Hierarchy is the most vital, and only by this bridge can one build. Thus, in the foundation of each great beginning is laid the energy imbued by the law of Hierarchy. Only upon the law of closest coalescence can one build. Only upon the basis of the affirmation of the principle of Hierarchy can one affirm the highest possibility. The Creative Will proclaims that a blended consciousness provides the solution of concordance.”

“The vitality of all origins is affirmed by the fiery principle of Hierarchy. Only the principle of the Highest Hierarchy affords balance and striving to each affirmation. Therefore, in establishing cosmic principles the main impulse is the Chain of Hierarchy. The creativeness of humanity depends upon these affirmations, and only adherence to the Highest Chain affords the necessary force. Thus, each chain is a link of a greater chain, and the might of this Chain reigns in Cosmos. Hence evolution intensifies each smaller chain, linking it to the great, limitless Chain of Hierarchy. Thus the Might of the fiery Hierarchy soars high. Yes, yes, yes!” (Hierarchy 48 and 227, Agni Yoga Collection)

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