Signs of the Heavens year 2019 – 2nd quarter cycle

Aries is the Sign of Beginnings and spiritual Power: the passage of the Sun-Earth axis (Sun/Vulcan 2nd-1stR.: the Real Government, and Earth 3rdR.: Humanity) along the equinoctial direction AriesLibra(1st-3rd-7thR.) is the manifest Beginning of a new Cycle for the evolution of consciousness.[1]

The Aries-Libra axis, the alpha and omega of the 12 Qualities of Consciousness (the 12 petalof the Heart, or Zodiac[2]), is the vector of the Power and the Law of Life emanating from the Great Bear, the Source of the Seven Rays, and promotes the path of initiation in the human kingdom.

Heliocentric Tropical chart of the 2nd Quarter 2019
Inner wheel: Mar 202019 h. 21.58 GMT – Outer wheel: Jun 21 h. 15.54


As mentioned several times in these quadripartite readings of the annual Cycle, the 4 cardinal beginnings which ‘drive’ and support all formal developments, are the entry doors for the causal and causative energies of the Solar Plan into the Planetary Plan.

Particularly in these years, due to the presence of Saturn (Third Ray of Creative Intelligence) and Pluto (First Ray of Will/Power) in the initiatory Sign of Capricorn (1st-3rd-7th R.), each equinox or solstice avails itself of a further critical and powerful thrust towards Renewal and Regeneration; even more this March equinox, which sees the simultaneity of the first of two full moons of Aries (March 21st and April 19th).

2019 has been designated as an eve yeato the fateful 2020 (see the Solstice signs of the Heavens), waiting for the arrival in Peak also of the Master of solar Love and enthusiastic Wisdom, Jupiter (Second Ray of Love-Wisdom), thus ‘closing’ the perfect Triangle of the Three Rays of Aspect.

In this second equinoctial beat of the causal Cross, vector of the Impulse to manifestation and to abstraction (Aries, Electric Fire, the First), Jupiter and Venus (Fifth Ray of Mind and Knowledge) stand out in the dynamic and ascending Third Fire of Sagittarius (4th-5th-6th R.), to instill in their lesser Sister, the Earth (3rd R.: Humanity), the Wisdom or constructive Strength of the igneous Thought that realizes the evolutionary Goals, the new Culture and Civilization.

And therefore, the synthetic Formula of this second quarter cycleof the planetary Heart at the service of the Solar Plan is:


Jupiter, in squaring regime to Neptune (Sixth Ray of Abstract Idealism and Devotion), the God of the Waters and the other Solar Mother in Pisces (2nd-6th R.), teaches the human Heart to magnetically melt fire and water (ascending motion and in depth motion) in order to purify and resolve the apparent oppositions between burning action and silence, between the Sword of Spirit and the renunciation to the lesser self synthesized in divine dispassion or Compassion.

Uranus (Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order and Magic) in Taurus (4th R.), in a beautiful trine (120°) to Venus (now being challenged by the Arietine warrior Mars, 6th R. not sacred, opposite from Gemini) and in quincunx (150°) to Earth at the gates of Libra (3rd R.), regulates and coordinates the two Golden Brothers, particularly revealing with clarity – to the awakened humanity – the opposite reasons and laws of the two Minds, intuitive and separative, enlightened and blind.

Finally, the multiple tensions sustained by the great Lord of the Center Mercury (Fourth Ray of Harmony through conflict) in the Sign of Balance Libra, make the sovereign Law of the Golden Ratio shine, which relates the parts in the name of Unity: that which is beautiful is intact around a Center.


Here are then, as a onepointed synthesis, the Seven Formulas of the second impulse and season of the 2019 cycle:

1) Sun/Vulcan in Aries – Earth in Libra:


2) Jupiter in Sagittarius:

Let the flame of Love reveal to hearts the Truths of Heaven

3) Saturn in Capricorn:

Let creative Intelligence light up the stations of the Planetary Plan

4) Mercury in Libra:

Let relationships between the worlds reflect the Golden Proportion

5) Venus in Sagittarius:

Let the fire of mind define the evolutionary directions

6) Neptune in Pisces:

Let the superior vision inspire the ideal of a planetary Order

7) Uranus in Taurus:

Let the rhythmic motion of Fire raise the vibration of Humanity


This Septenary of Active Formulas tends to fix, from the mental causal plane,[3]  the Directions impressed by the Rays Builders of the Solar Plan, those Sounds and Lights that rule the solar evolution of the Planet and Humanity.


At the inverse geocentric level, the one pertinent to the precipitation of energies on the Planet up to the individual level,

Tropical geocentric chartof the 2nd Quarter 2019

Inner wheel: Mar 20 2019 h. 21.58 GMT – Outer wheel: Jun 21 h. 15.54

as already indicated, the exceptional intensity of this March equinox is attested, due to the proximity of the two full moons of Aries (on March 21st, h 1:43 GMT and on April 19th, 11:12) close to the passages between Signs, full moons associated with the resurrection energy of Easter.[4]

Even the orthodox ruler or distributor of the energies of Aries, Mars in Taurus (4th R.), the desire that transforms into action the Will of Vulcan, is on the equinox targeted by as many as 6 planetary directions, as well as the Moon[5] in Virgo (2nd-6thR.), thus making swirl the Fire of this important initiatory passage in the splendid earth triangle set up with Capricorn: Saturn and Pluto, Mars and Moon remove the inertias and the obstructing ties to give form and light to the Christ consciousness of the Heart of the Sun, to the saving force of the Soul (Mercury and Neptune in Pisces) that will lay the foundations of the Brotherhood of Fire (Venus in Aquarius, sextile to Jupiter in Sagittarius and square to Mars): the Destiny of the human kingdom (quincunx between Venus and lunar node in Cancer, magnified by 8 planetary aspects).


Let us work to the construction of the new Thought

to realize the Brotherhood of Fire.


[1] The main reference of these readings of the Heavens is Esoteric Astrology by A. A. Bailey. See also “Introduction to Astrosophy” (in Italian) and “From linear time to cyclical time” in the “Documents” page of TPS website.
[2] The perspective of these readings of the Heavens here is both heliocentric, recognized as the Heaven of general Causes and Effects, and geocentric, the Heaven of detailed causes and effects.
Being both tropical perspectives, they concern the celestial energies in relation to the Planet and Humanity. These causal energies are transmitted by the zodiacal Wheel of the 12 Signs, the 12 Archetypes of the evolution of Consciousnesscorresponding yet not coincident, at the phenomenal level, with their relative astronomical or sidereal Constellations.
[3] By causal level the esoteric tradition indicates the abstract mental plane (higher manas), that extremely ‘subtle’ vibration or energy/substance of which the human Soul or egoic body and lotus are constituted, that group consciousness able to recognize through Wisdom the common Good.
The heliocentric perspective, as if the Heart of Humanity was already at the Center, that is in the Sun/Soul leading the Planet, is therefore associated with this plane of Causes.
[4]“…you will find the future emphasis laid throughout the world upon the Easter Festival, the Festival of the Risen Christ; upon the Wesak Festival, the Festival of the Buddha or of Illumination; and the June Full Moon, the Festival of Unification carried forward by the Christ, the Master of all the Masters and the Teacher alike of angels and of men…
Easter. This is the festival of the risen, living Christ, the Teacher of all men and the Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy. He is the Expression of the Love of God. On this day the Spiritual Hierarchy which He guides and directs will be recognised, and the nature of God’s love will be emphasised. This festival is determined always by the date of the first Full Moon of spring, and is the great Western and Christian festival.
[At the full moon of Aries are liberated] The Forces of Reconstruction. These will work to restore morale and psychological health, thus implementing the resurrection of humanity from the death cycle through which it has been passing. The restoration of men’s mental condition to a wholesome and happier approach to life is the primary objective. These forces will bring about the emergence of the new civilisation—which is definitely man’s creative work.” (Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 401, 420 and 482, Lucis Collection).
[5] The Mother of Form, receptive and generative, which together with the Sun actually ‘veils’ other Planets or energies for Esoteric Astrology. On the human level, It stays for the vehicles or bodies of the personality built by the lunar pitris.
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