At the door of this fiery Equinox, we forward this ‘Call to United Action’, a vision that has arisen between some representatives of various groups and communities of the Group of World Servers (see video) to prepare for the next deadline of its seven-year cycle indicated by the Tibetan Master (21-28 December 2019).
Here is an extract to recall it:
“In December, 1935, the energies of Capricorn were augmented by the pouring in of forces from a still greater constellation which is—to our zodiac—what the zodiac is to the earth. This augmentation will take place again in 1942 … By means of this augmentation—during the coming Aquarian zodiacal cycle—groups on earth can avail themselves of the tide of Capricornian influences which will flow into our radius of registration every seven years. The one just past, gave a tremendous impetus to the work of the New Group of World Servers, and was the cause of the very good reaction in the world to their particular impulse. This worked out in every nation and in every group as a marked tendency to good will. In 1942, there will come another planetary inflow of which we all are begged to avail ourselves, and for which we are urged to make due preparation. This “week of group impact” occurring every seven years, will run from December 21st till December 28th, and if this should at any time fall at the period of the full moon, the opportunity will be most significant. This possibility must be watched. This week should be regarded as pre-eminently the “festival week” of the New Group of World Servers, and after 1942 advantage must be taken of this period, and special preparation made. This fact invites the attention of all of us.
… on the mental plane the major linking takes place, from the angle of the three worlds as a whole. It will be apparent, therefore, that certain developments must have taken place in the individual before he can consciously become a functioning member of the New Group of World Servers, which is the principal group at this time definitely working under the Law of Group Progress.” (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology II, p.196-7, Lucis Collection)
As you will read, this convergence seems to sanction a new wave towards the conscious Unity of the NGSM, necessary for the expression, in due time, of a central human Presence.
We can think that the NGSM (of which we are a part) is becoming more and more responsive to this Monad of the One Humanity or Center/Unit of planetary Consciousness.
Here is the letter:
A Call to United Action
in Preparation for the Festival Week of the New Group of World Servers.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is common knowledge that we are in the midst of a rapidly unfolding and unprecedented planetary crisis as we stand on the threshold of a new epoch. This temporary turmoil has been brought about by the sounding of a new note of planetary purpose that is meeting resistance as it ’troubles’ the world of matter with its prevailing thoughtforms and emotional conditioning. Crisis situations, when intelligently engaged with, present us with unique opportunities that lead to inner transformation and outer advancement.
We are a circle of groups coming together to focus a shared intention for the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) so that we can rise to the needs of our current situation, standing as one as we step more fully into our role as planetary stewards.
The NGWS has a responsibility to model right human relations. This requires us to identify, own and seek to overcome our own illusions and glamours of separation so that we together can help prepare the way for the Coming One. We are called to co-create a feld of love that is receptive to the impetus of the will energy and thereby to assist in the mobilization of the Will-to-Love in Humanity.
Our intention is to focus together on the building of a group chalice and to cooperate as a united distributing agent for the unique energies that will be made available to us throughout 2019, especially during Festival Week (December 21 -28), a peak event in the seven-year cycle of the NGWS.
We are in the process of working out a program for united action. This will include activities we can participate in as individuals and within our various groups as well as provide opportunities for us to work together in our wider subjective group. We will align with the astrological impulses available to us during this significant year and come together via a range of shared activities during Festival Week.
The upcoming equinox of Aries will be our initiating pulse. We will link together at this time in a global silent meditation, affrming our unity of purpose as a world group.
This is a co-creative group endeavor in which we are learning to work together as a whole of many parts. Our combined individual and group efforts will assist in the weaving of the new garment of Gaia.
We invite your participation and input. Please subscribe to our mailing list via the link here to receive information about coming events and updates. We appreciate if you help us to widen the circle by sharing this letter with other groups. Please share your comments via festival.week2019@gmail.com
In loving cooperation, in the Spirit of Oneness.
And here are the upcoming initiatives:
Please join the Aries Equinox Silent Circle Gathering
on March 20th at 19:00 GMT/UTC
(check time in your timezone here)
This meditation will focus on the Unity of the New Group of World Servers.
In order to participate please register here.
This Gathering will help us to strengthen
a World Group alignment in preparation
for the subjective simultaneous meditation
at the exact time of the Equinox at 21:58 GMT/UTC the same day.
There will be an Equinox exact time online broadcast (in English and Finish)
for the world meditation organized by Morya Federation.
The broadcast will start at 20:10 GMT/UTC. Use this link to join.
On March 23rd, at 19:00 please join a follow up Sharing Circle meeting
to share our impressions following five days of the Aries Solar Festival.
Translation between English, Spanish and Russian will be provided.
To participate please register here.
The Equinox Silent Gathering will follow this outline:
- Welcome.
- Sounding intention/Seed thought in different languages.
- Silent meditation.
- Great Invocation in Seven languages.
This Gathering initiates a series of inter-group meetings focusing the World Group intention in preparation to the Festival Week of the New Group of World Servers in December 2019.
In Spirit of Oneness
hi, I volunteer to attend the March 23rd, Sharing Circle meeting, because the languages are translated between English, Spanish, and Russian. Please – if someone wants to make a remark on the 5 days Aries festival, but are unable to attend the webinar – let me know, Jette Løvdahl 1.2.
Today we start with an international group a meditative silence and subjective alignment with the worldgroup from 8 pm CET on for 5 days as well.
Wisdom Group
Academy of Wisdom teaching EU