Human Order Flower
On this powerful day of alignment with the fiery energies of the Earth-Sun-Venus-Leo axis (1st -5th R. – Sirius – see today article Sirian Leo Alignment Earth-Sun-Venus), on the eve of the Syrian full moon on the day of the Assumption of the Mother (August 15th, h. 12.31 GMT, 6.31 NY time), and in preparation to the Festival Week of the New Group of World Servers next December 2019 (see previous article A Call to United Action of the NGSM and A Call to United Action 2), here is the further step towards the unification of the human Group, intuited and concerted by an international nucleus of representatives from various groups serving the planetary Common Good, as a Planetary Server:
Dear Brothers and Sisters on the Path,
The clarion call for the unification of World Servers goes forth. As our purpose becomes recognized through inner resonance, the world group mobilizes in a self-organizing dynamic coming together as a unified Planetary Server. We recognize this as a shift in the collective identity – a deeper order of identification as a Planetary Server working through many groups and initiatives around the world. The Livingness of the self-organization of the Planetary Server also reveals itself. The transition of the initiatory planet Uranus during the period of 2018-2026 through Taurus, the sign of the World Servers Group, indicates an opportunity for the transformation of the world group.
The World Servers’ Festival Week in December 2019 is the pivotal moment in the last years of the Forerunner* as we approach 2025. It is an opportunity for the World Group to come together in an act of Consecration. During the Festival Week we, the unified World group, will come together as the Planetary Server on the mountaintop of Capricorn. There we will stand as a group Unicorn whose receptive, upwards-spiraling horn will facilitate transmission from the Hierarchy. We will become co-resonant with the energy of the Ashram of the Christ.** This is akin to a mystical wedding – as a Group we will become wedded to the Christ.
How might we prepare for this Sacred Wedding? Our task is to take ownership and responsibility for what is happening in our individual lives and bodies, recognizing ourselves as parts of the whole. Vestiges of the old that are still fractured or impure should be transformed through fire, liberating the soul from the gravitational pull of emotional and mental conditions that keep us prisoners on the planet. Then we may stand in front of the Christ saying, “We are ready.”
What is our highest hope for the Festival Week and beyond? We will enter into a new spiritual contract. Our experience of group life will be radically different, a result of an expanded field of integration and identification within the One Life. The effects of this effort will reach far beyond the Festival Week, refining and upgrading the intergroup infrastructure not only to receive but also to anchor and distribute the new impulses as they come through. We are becoming causal, bringing forth new thought forms and putting them in place.
This full moon (1) and beyond, let us reflect together what it means to prepare for the Festival Week, and how these preparations might be effectively made manifest. How might we prepare ourselves for this Sacred Marriage as willing and effective Planetary Servers?
Beginning at the time of this month’s Leo Solar Festival, we invite you to align with the World Group in visualizing and realizing our emerging collective identity as the Planetary Server. Every day, at 9pm GMT, dress inwardly in your ceremonial white clothes, and link as a soul with your companion souls via the group heart, with the will intention and in gratitude (if the exact time link-up is not possible in your locale, please do it any other moment). As we come together daily in collective silence, let us begin identifying the meaning and purpose of the World Group in a new way, extending the field of connection beyond our own groups. Let us listen with our Group ears wide open to what is seeking to be expressed through us.
In the Light of the One Work,
Festival Week Preparation Circle (see the list of the names here).
* The so-called Forerunner stage ends in 2025 and is mentioned in the text by A. A. Bailey, “Externalization of the Hierarchy”, p. 530, published in 1957 – TPS ed.
** The term Christ means not only the historical Figure of the Christ, but also the Christic Principle on a planetary, solar and cosmic level: Love-Wisdom, Buddhi in Sanskrit, the Spiritual Soul or Intuitive Consciousness – TPS ed.
(1) The Leo Full Moon is the main Festival of the New World Religion, connected to Sirius-Leo-Sun, “the Star of Initiation”, directly associated to Capricorn, the Festival Week Sign. This year the Sirian/Isis full moon occurs on the exact day of the Mother aspect/Virgin assumption, and seems to complement the rising Unicorn of the Christ/Osiris aspect.