In the Sign of the Mother Virgo which transmits the 2nd and 6th Rays (precisely, in its 2nd sector, 5°-10°), here are some thoughts on the New Planetary Education (by Francis D.):

Triangles – by Francis D.
Formulas on the new Culture & Civilization:
1.2 Loving Infinity
2.2 Attracting to the Wisdom of Heaven
3.2 Expanding collective consciousness
4.2 Comprehending the centrality of the Heart
5.2 Educating toward the golden proportion
6.2 Nourishing the ideal of One Humanity
7.2 Teaching the mastery of Space
The 2nd column of the lambdoma lists the Education Formulas of the new Culture & Civilization. Rather than being a knowledge gathering function, the focus of these formulas is to use the Law of attraction to transform knowledge into wisdom through love. Said another way, it reveals the education of consciousness, the 2nd aspect. The informing principle of these 7 formulas is the 1.2 vertex, Loving Infinity, reminding us that God is Love, and that the vibration of love is what makes the expansion, or education, of consciousness possible. It is the root energy of Becoming, and only through it, can the other six formulas exist.
We live in a 2nd ray solar system. Its governing law, the Law of Attraction, makes possible our essential unity. Through it, and the Law of Radiation, we draw to and through ourselves all that we need to become consciously aware of the ray ashram to which we belong. In that achieved unity, and through our field of service, our heart-mind attracts the Wisdom of Heaven, the 2.2 formula. This is a function of the intuition, which turns knowledge into wisdom, and thus reveals the next phase of consciousness, of service, and revelation of divinity.
Through every individual spiritual breakthrough, our essential unity asserts itself, and another victory over the illusion of separation is made. This is the power of love working from within without. Initially in heated conflict with the personality, its inner influence is eventually recognized, then accepted, then aligned with, until the personality becomes a vehicle for love in action, in service of an ever-expanding collective consciousness, the formula for vertex 3.2.
Through the revelations of the wisdom of heaven, we begin to comprehend the centrality of the heart, the formula of the 4.2 vertex. This comprehension is long in coming, for first we must spend lifetimes expressing ourselves through our lower chakras, until through the conflicts thus engaged in, we move from an emotional polarity centered in the solar plexus, into the intelligence of the heart. This is an essential victory in consciousness, for it moves us from darkness to light, from the unreal to the real, and from death to immortality.
The Noble eightfold path, which include right understanding and intention, right speech, action and livelihood, and right effort, mindfulness, and concentration, are all based on rightness, the outer demonstration of goodness. The formula for this optimal relationship with all those we come in contact with can be expressed through the Golden Proportion, described as the ideal moderating position between any two extremes, and is thus the formula for vertex 5.2. This proportion is naturally expressed by the number five and the pentagram, which, we’re told, flashes above the head of the acolyte at the time of his or her initiation.
Educating consciousness happens through nourishment. Because of its essential selflessness, and because it is inherently an agent of the soul, the heart nourishes all within its environment. In group work, which is the natural province of the heart, it teaches, and demonstrates through example, the fact of our essential unity; thus it nourishes the ideal of One Humanity, the formula for the 6.2 vertex.
Space supports the Self and the infinite aggregate of Selves, for it is the Mother of All. Mastery of Space, the formula for vertex 7.2, is peculiarly contingent on awareness of the fact that there is no ‘space’, that is to say, 3d spatial existence is a function of our our mayavic physicality, but does not govern our essential selves. Thus mastering space as the source of our being, is the very nature of the Path of Return.