The first quality of Libra is the will-to-decide, to be independent and autonomous. In this hall, justice is obtained and administered. Consciousness learns to judge without fail one’s own actions and those of others, in other words, to choose and weigh freely, according to the true and not the false laws. This activity is found in all human operations and works, whenever a dilemma is presented between two different ways, between two levels, minimum or maximum; and this will-to-decide has such importance (because it decides the future) that if at any time it is lost or neglected, civilization disintegrates; it is thus time to resume the right, “lawful” way.
There exists in man an interior and individual principle capable of finding the way of salvation, which always coincides with righteousness. Libra is its zodiacal and celestial correspondence.
That the first quality, now said, is actually a power is shown by the fact that during the choice, and for its action, the waters of space placate. The continuous fluctuations and disturbances, that disrupt space by blowing like a mighty wind, diminish and everything becomes quiet. This is clearly felt in the consciousness of those who are evaluating, and who, after all, could not reach a verdict if it were not the case. During the deliberation of the choice a state of calm intervenes, temporary like a truce, or a pause of silence, which can be very brief or prolonged.
This is the contribution of the second divine quality of Libra. Concentration implies a tension that appeases the irregular oscillations of substance. Libra equalizes the opposites and distributes equity, which cancels energy inequalities.
All choices are always pregnant with innumerable changes and consequences; it is a sovereign act of innovation. Where freedom is denied or subtracted or limited, true choices are not possible, genuine decisions cannot be made.
This is clarified by the example of planning. Design can be defined as a series, more or less numerous, of positive and free choices; or, better, as the application of Libra‘s energy to any planning theme. In times like these, of general confusion, it is almost impossible to design effectively – when one is able to do it, to some extent this contributes to dissolving chaos.
If one understands well that choosing is fundamental to man, that is his inalienable right (perhaps the only one), it is recognized that the third divine quality is supreme in this sign, since it sums up all the others in itself. Its presence within the solar system ensures that this prerogative is administered in equal parts or portions among creatures.
Libra transmits the third Ray, which knows freedom.
The astrological symbol of the sign is the scales, and is an obvious reference to the peaceful and static equilibrium. Precisely at the equinoctial moment (autumn)[1] of the fastest descent of the solar motion, Libra opens a pause, albeit outwardly imperceptible, allowing for the right action and true vision. As always, the great mirroring power of the Fourth helps consciousness in deciding and carving its own path, relieving it from unbalanced and polluting useless attractions.
It seems that it keeps open, in Libra, the secret door through which one passes from illusory form to the real world without form. In Aries, Libra’s polar opposite and sign of the spring equinox, there is no possibility of choice: there, to obey the solar command is imperative.
Choice is a culminating and final act, and closes a time period of experiences to start a new one, on different, higher and brighter bases. But it is certain that such an authoritative and legitimate act crowns a multitude of minor choices, which have gradually prepared and built it.
When at last the greatest choice is imposed, one understands that the Five, duplicating each thing or development, is a power that is a prelude to unity, and not only disperses the one in the many. It has already been noticed as expressing in other signs, but in Libra its virtue is evident, and the indispensable usefulness of the cycle of formal experiences is clear.
The pairs of opposites merge two by two, as well as two by two were separated.
The path that crosses between the two great streams of force is the sacred Way. It is the one that seems deserted and hostile and is the sweetest and most populated. It seems an impossible way, and is the easiest. It seems unreal and is the very testimony of the reality from which salvation comes.
In Libra we do not see the goal: neither the ultimate one, nor any of the others that precede it, as signs of victory. But one can see the Way, unique and right, where to put down the foot and move the step. So this sign is the forerunner of achievement, its first announcement – but it is not yet the Summit. Here the decisive change is possible, after which the incessant and roaring becoming will be placid and meek like a tame and even docile beast.
The Sacred Way leads to the Center by passing from center to center; it leads to the Fire by touching every other fire.
Libra is rich and generous with gifts. Its seventh quality bestows the Rule of Art, another way of saying Divine Law, which can and must be pursued in all the daily practical activities.
This last concept expresses the truth that the Formulas (inner entities) cause, construct and regulate the Forms (external entities), and that the reverse path must also be viable, that which, in other words, goes from these to those. And this phrase illustrates, in another way, the function of ritual and rituality, which in all things expresses the Law.

Triangles – by Francis D.
* From E. Savoini, “The Solar System in Space”, 1993 (in translation from Italian).
[1] For the northern hemisphere – TN.
Contemplating (=attract inside our own temple) the infinite Kosmos, we choose the middle Way of Be-ness.
In an ongoing attempt of trying to learn to place thoughts into a spherical context (hard but fun) some unique views of balance have presented themselves.
1. A spherical example of ‘balance’ is the dynamic equilibrium between the pressure generated by fusion in a stars core and the pressure of the stars mass trying to collapse the core.
2. When Hercules takes the weight of the ‘celestial sphere’ (‘the worlds’) in sympathy for Atlas his mass would have to momentarily be more than ‘the great attractor’ at the centre of the Laniakea Supercluster of which we are a part of.
3. To stand under something in the curvature of space is to be at the bottom of a gravitation cone of an orbit (which gives the appearance of being at the centre). Could these pictures in part represent the dynamic and unifying relationship between meditation and life?