The Seven Aspects of Sagittarius






If the beginning is in Capricorn the arrival is in Sagittarius: here then the initial will for the common Good is realized. It is a fulfillment, but not total, because the intermediate phases have not always been performed to perfection; because not all have done their duty entirely; and also because the very departure did not point with absolute precision to the goal. Therefore, Sagittarius is a partial goal, but necessary to clarify and see better another one.

This is how the inevitable stages of the Work and Workers are born, punctuated by the beat of the annual cycle of the Sun. Growth after growth, with accelerated motion, according to spiral orbits and solar rhythms.


The Archer aims for the Center and strikes it. With this he conquers it. But he must take possession of it, and move there where the arrow of his will has arrived in flight. Already lord of the Center, he must now subdue the field.

This is how the Archers army proceeds; from center to center, passing through countless unlimited fields. From Fire to Fire, from Light to Light, for love.


According to the synthetic symbolism of Sagittarius the whole annual project can be reduced to aim at a target, launch the arrow, go and collect it where it flew. The will governs the first of these phases, love the last, the direct and intelligent motion the second. But each of the three divine aspects is present and active in each of the phases, in different doses.

Many years, many shots, many centers.

But the last victory, the last goal, the real victory, the final seal are achieved when, expert and now master of his art, the Archer does not aim, does not shoot, does not gallop to recollect the arrow. When he has then forgotten what the Arc, the Arrow and the Target are, he is definitely striking. A single, but fatal shot.

That blow, in fact, destroys time and distance, which are the two real obstacles and the only targets. At that moment, what has been said before comes true, that is, the whole project (and not only the annual and solar one) is reduced to this: to aim at the goal, and let it call back to itself the arrow that annihilates it.


In Scorpio, as we have seen, the mirror directs the last conflict between inner and outer and guides the Warrior to triumph. In Sagittarius, the mirror is placed between the Archer and the target and its secret magic composes that supreme balance of parts, measures, energies that eliminates the final illusions. But the mirror has always remained to reflect, as is its nature, from the very beginning in Capricorn, thus balancing the entire annual work at every stage.

It mirrored:

Capricorn in Sagittarius,

Aquarius in Scorpio,

Pisces in Libra,

Aries in Virgo,

Taurus in Leo,

Gemini in Cancer,

and these in those. And it mirrored the pairs of polar opposing signs, and from the whole, from the innumerable reflections, it elaborated the synthesis.

Its multiple and continuous intervention measured the proportions of all events, of all the countless cycles of any process. A structure was born with many, apparent and hidden, symmetries that while making the work beautiful, keeps illusions at bay.


As described, the fourth quality, the Imitator, has great power in Sagittarius, which transmits the fourth Ray.


The many shots of the Archer, the many arrows, the many goals have certainly been prepared by the fifth power, which admirably indicates the unity of the whole after having dismembered and formalized it.

Several times, during this brief and incomplete analysis of the Zodiac (guided precisely by the Five), the dual function of the five-pointed star was recognized, which distances the conscious beings and at the same time calls them to itself. In Sagittarius, it expresses its maximum power, and forces the Archer to discover the one true target, which, as has just been said, is twofold: time and distance, but we can name it with a single word, separation.


It follows that Sagittarius, in addition to the fourth, also expresses the fifth Ray.


Sagittarius is the place where many realities are recognized, that is, many wonders. The Bow, the one held by the victorious Archer, that of the last shot, when everything has been forgotten and true memory rules, connects, with its two extremities, the Highest and the Abyssal, the two poles of the spatial Being.

When the will-of-being tends the rope, two clear triangles are drawn, that is, a six-pointed star, also called the star of Life. This powerful weapon, of which much more could be said, throws the arrow that hits and cancels the five-pointed star, the origin of each target and therefore also of the Bow and its star.

A single blow extinguishes that light that has built all the forms to reveal the Being, the Common.

Such a wonder concludes all the wonders and deserves to be called the greatest.

Sagittarius celebrates Communion, and transmits the sixth Ray.


All the moves of the Archer are rituals and solemn, ordered and precise. Striking the target is a ritual that celebrates the accuracy of spirit.

Spirit, which is the Archer, with its gesture joins substance.

* From E. Savoini, “The Solar System in Space”, 1993 (in translation from Italian).

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