In the second sector (from 5° to 10°) of the Sign of Gemini, transmitting the pure 2nd Ray of Love-Wisdom and the art of golden relationships, we publish a contribution by a coworker, Lauren L., presenting a vision of a “Covalent Cooperatives Model”:
Covalent Cooperatives is a social model, inspired by the stronghold and beauty of Nature and its Laws.
Working with the logic of science and the heart of wisdom teachings, this work weaves the worlds of the seen and unseen to expand on form and function. Therein is merged accepted and oft-hidden truths as a means to build solid foundations for future communities.
If one is interested in any field or aspect of life, the CCM model applies as it encompasses the plan of Nature and of human evolution as part of it.
Here is the document in English Covalent Cooperatives and in Spanish (thanks to Angela B.S.) El Modelo de Cooperativas Covalentes.

Is this nerd gospel? I am so curious. I forget how i stumbled upon this but please share what this is about….i am so intrigued and love what i’m hearing so far.
Beautifully stated and presented…. what is said for the minds of today, and what is invisibly presented for the minds of tomorrow. Excellent.
A most impressive work! Can be read more than once, as so much is outlined and great food for thought. Somewhere read the phrase Identification with the Whole in this piece but cannot find it at this moment, however, wanted to add:
“IDENTIFICATION WITH THE WHOLE” A most important first step towards the future consummation in the ongoing evolution of humanity’s consciousness.
In this fifth root-race, we strive to plant the seeds on the mental plane of the recognition of our identity as being parts of One Whole. If the third initiation is to be taken in this 5th root-race, followed by a conscious recognition of the monad, the seeds previously planted will assist with this process for humanity, in the same way that the Master’s works have assisted in putting into context all the initiations, recognized by those undergoing them.
Part of this Identification which eventually will lead to Union through Synthesis, is the recognition that duality is an illusion, and that our essential identity is that of the One Life, called by some God. That humanity having been created in the image of God will grow into the eventual perfect expression of that Identity so that we can fulfill out Destiny of being “an outpost of the consciousness of God in the Solar System”.
Just as the united energies of the Great Bear, Sirius and the Pleiades control and energize our solar system, with the Great Bear as the Head centre expressing the Will of God, worked out into form by the Pleiades, the Throat Centre, using the energy of Love-Wisdom from Sirius the Soul, so too is the eventual destiny and responsibility of humanity in the final seventh root-race, humanity will work through
a. The thousand petalled head center life or spiritual aspect,
b. The centre between the eyebrows Son or consciousness aspect,
c. The throat The Holy Ghost or creative aspect. (LOS, p. 307)
A resume of the Godhead.
Thus bringing into manifestation our planetary purpose, mysteriously related to the revelation of love upon our little planet, the Earth, through the process of creation,
It is not too early to present the end from the beginning as we can understand it, as:
AY 131. The addition of other subtle energies to the physical and chemical manifestations of life will increase their influence upon humanity. If the chemical properties of rays from the more distant planets can affect the human organism, then certainly the very close emanations of Earth, influenced by those innumerable cosmic formations, provide a lever for the strivings of humanity. Patterns of change in human activity cannot be perceived by subjecting apparent fragments of evidence to human logic…”
Lauren! This is excellent, well done TY. A wonderful sharing service that calls forth my soul. Dear reader i highly re, 25 pgs so not too long: succinct. TPS, a testament to who you are to magnetize such a person.
A most encouraging response, thank you for your heart-felt insight Jeffrey. Lauren L.