The 12 days of Ascent

Like every year, the 9th of June is the first of the 12 days that lead us to the Summit of the Summer Solstice: in this Round Table of 12 terrestrial rotations (from June 9 to 20) our Sun is aligned with the Stars of the Orion Constellation (see here for details about the alignments to each Star – in Italian), finally connecting to the Solstitial axis Cancer – Capricornus.

The dates depend upon the luminaries. The rays of the strained luminaries direct the cosmic shifting. The variety of combinations brings striving into the construction. Each shifting has its affirmed guaranty. Thus, when the dates approach, the cosmic rays give impetus to the consciousness. Thus, when a shifting brings the events into tensity, the cosmic tension creates in conformity. When Cosmos calls to a new affirmation, the Magnet unites with the luminaries. Thus, the oneness in Cosmos strains all currents and ceaselessly creates in Infinity.
(Infinity II – 251)

Thus, all actions of cosmic forces create in powerful cosmic coordination, and all worlds serve the law of unity. Therefore, humanity must include itself in this law! (Infinity II – 255) 

The self-sacrifice of an Agni Yogi lies in the creative impulse and in the offering of his strivings toward the manifestation of the higher energies. Therefore, when the spirit of an Agni Yogi strives toward transmutation, We say: “Since basically transmutation is directed toward purification of the space, the spirit verily is evincing a most fundamental quality.”
(Infinity II – 258)

During these 12 days of alignment, we are summoned to enter into a deep and intense concentration, in order to reach the Solstice Summit on June 20, in the Fire, Beauty and Light of Life.

Like the heavenly Archer, let us orient the Arrow of the human heart to the Galactic Heart, in resonance with the Silence of the Centre where the Purpose of God is known.

In the unfathomable depths of Being,

The Archer concentrates, loses and forgets himself…

He is the Bow,

He is the Arrow,

He is the Target,

The Four are One.

The Fire burns in Him, the Four ignite,

He aims and shoots…

The earthly Arrow reaches the celestial Target

And in return, the heavenly Arrow

Reaches the earthly Target.

So in this Gesture of sublime Beauty,

The Light of Life spreads.

Each seed germinates and blooms

In the gardens of human consciousness.

From the Place of Fire, it contemplates and reflects its Original Beauty.

May we assert with one heart, with one soul:

“Lord, may Your Fire burn in our Hearts,

May Your Light illuminate the Earth,

May Your Beauty shine throughout the Universe”.


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One Response to The 12 days of Ascent

  1. tom mcnamara says:

    Thank you .

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