Heliocentric chart of the Third Quarter 2020
Inner wheel: 20 June 2020 h. 21.44 GMT– Outer wheel: 22 September 2020 h. 13.31 GMT
At the June solstice, the culmination of the 2020 annual cycle, in the heaven of the deepest Causes[1] the Star of Initiation shines in the Summit: our Earth (Third Ray of Personality) enters the Door of the Gods Capricorn (while Sun/Vulcan the Door of men Cancer), where 4 sacred Luminaries exceptionally stand out, in sequence:
– Venus, Fifth Ray of Mind and Knowledge, the golden Brother of the Earth and hierarchical ruler of Capricorn (1st, 3rd and 7th Ray),[2]
– Pluto (First Ray of Will or Power, vicar of Vulcan in the Center), the Destroyer and Reformer,
– Saturn (Third Ray of creative Intelligence), exo- and esoteric ruler of Capricorn, the Architect of rebalancing (karma) and of the future,
– Jupiter (Second Ray of Love-Wisdom), which at the summit together with Venus teaches how to transfigure individualistic desires into spiritual love and service (esoteric ruler of Aquarius).
Spiritual love is the key that resounds very powerful in this solemn solstice, as the solution to every obstacle and suffering, as the Great Planetary Service. But we must ascend to be able to express it, to make the here&now sacred (sacrum-facere) through the art of living: that is, in the laboratory of human consciousness, sacrificing all attachment and irritation (Pluto), fear (Jupiter), doubt (Saturn) and inertia (Venus).
“Nothing can stop the spring” and, as presented for the last explosive equinox (see Resurrecting video), such is the injunction of Heaven, the Aquarian necessity to proceed towards the Light, Love and Power of Brotherhood. This requires all the wisdom of the solar part of human consciousness (Venus), and in this sense this third solstice step is presented as quite ‘luciferic’ (Venus), that is, activator of human intelligence and potentially light bearer.
In this initiatory climate, our spiritual energies (the Solar Assembly gathered on the summit to deliberate) are supported by
– the sextiles (60°) to the power of Love (Pluto-Jupiter) from Neptune, the Sixth Ray of abstract Idealism and Devotion, which inspires the desire for salvation from its deep waters Pisces (2nd -6th Rays),
– the trine (120°) to Venus from Uranus, Seventh Ray of the Order and ceremonial Magic in Taurus (4th R.), procreative and illuminating of effective solutions to the prevailing egocentrism and the blindness of the concrete mind (Mars, Personality of Sixth Ray, square to Uranus from Aquarius), in favor of the higher Intuition (sextile to Mercury, Fourth Ray of Harmony through conflict, in the Sign of the Goal Sagittarius and joined to Antares, the Heart of the Scorpion that kills any obstacle to impersonal Love).
In summary, this solstice Conclave, symmetrical to the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius of the next solstice (on December 21, 2020 at the geocentric level, while at the heliocentric level on November 2), provides a very precious tension to shoot the Arrow at the Target.
We need to help our desperate humanity to transform its impotence into power to Liberation, will-to-good and goodwill:
The Solar Government establishes the Prototype of Hierarchical Humanity
The bow of our common consciousness is one, and one is the string of our heart that must have the right tension; one is also our hand that strikes with determination the arrow of fire to the Centre of the centers, in the moment it perceives that everything is in perfect balance, that is when it feels and knows that the archer, the bow, the string, the arrow and the target are just one.
With our eyes fixed on the 2025 watershed (see The seven steps towards 2025), let us therefore assert the Seven Resolution Formulas for this third impulse and season of the 2020 cycle:
1) Sun/Vulcan in Cancer – Earth in Capricorn:
The Solar Government establishes the Prototype of Hierarchical Humanity
2) Jupiter in Capricorn:
Solar love draws consciousness to the Great Service
3) Saturn in Capricorn:
The Light of Purpose irradiates Freedom of Being
(from 3 September in Aquarius):
The solar Light directs to universal Brotherhood
4) Mercury in Sagittarius:
The Magister Musicae leads to the splendor of the Far Worlds
5) Venus in Capricorn:
The Star of Initiation shines in the Summit
6) Neptune in Pisces:
The Communion of Hearts guards the Fire of the True
7) Uranus in Taurus:
The sacred Work of the Builders asserts the magic of Unity
This Septenary of active Formulas tends to fix, from the mental causal plane, the Directions impressed by the Ray Builders of the Solar Plan, those Sounds and Lights that rule the solar evolution of the Planet and Humanity.
May we identify ourselves, as if, to the best of our ability, with the solar Sources of events and follow their evolutionary dictates.
‘He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind’.
(No’ si volge chi a stella è fisso – Leonardo da Vinci)
Conversely, at the geocentric level, which pertains to the precipitation of energies on the Planet up to the individual level:
Geocentric tropical chart of the Third Quarter 2020
Inner wheel: 20 June 2020 h. 21.44 GMT– Outer wheel: 22 September 2020 h. 13.31 GMT
Here we can note the Saturn’s retrograde return in Capricorn (from 2 July to 17 December 2020) to ratify the karmic needs in order to balance pending accounts, before the dawn of the New Day (on December 21, conjunction with Jupiter at 0° of Aquarius!).
In particular, in this solstice-strike the planetary aspects to Mars and Neptune (Sixth Rays) in Pisces are dominant. But what is most significant is the pre-new moon and annular eclipse* climate of Cancer (the matrix of the Ocean of Substance, just ruled by Moon and Neptune), charged by the squares 90° and quincunxes 150° to Jupiter and Saturn, which underlines the mandatory need for emotional detachment of mass consciousness. This seems quite impossible at the current level of humanity (hence suffering, obstinacy and dangerous delays) yet is necessary to build a house lighted by spiritual Love and Service (Venus, the solar Pollux and esoteric ruler of Gemini, trine to Saturn in Aquarius and quintile 72° to Mars-Neptune).
The One Humanity is our destiny and nothing can prevent the epiphany, in the Aquarius era, of the solar Angel, the Heart of the Fourth Human Hierarchy at the service of Evolution and Harmony.
“Urusvati knows the balance between harmony and evolution. These correlative concepts are often taken as being contradictory, but, in reality, can evolution ever be inharmonious? And how can harmony be created without evolution? Yet people prefer to understand harmony as an immobile and inactive state, and use it as an excuse for their irresponsibility. While the world is in convulsion people prefer to sit in sweet oblivion, and call their benumbed condition by the lofty word “harmony.”
However, the strong chords of harmony are tensed, and as they expand they contribute to evolution. Similarly, the benefit of evolution is in its continuously accelerating motion. It is beautiful to realize that the world is perpetually evolving, in ever-increasing striving and motion. People do not look into the future, but secretly dream about an impossible static condition. But there can be no static evolution. The spiral of evolution is an eternal ascent that even the convulsions of chaos cannot arrest.
In their earthly condition people cannot always notice the beneficial growth. All growth comes with pain, with lightning, and in storm, and only a perfect consciousness can perceive the radiance of Truth. Every evolving thinker must transmit his understanding of Truth while on Earth. If he does not apply Truth in life, man is not worthy of being called a thinker. Thought is life, and life is moved by thought.
Thus you realize the two foundations of Our Life. We live in harmony for the sake of evolution. We must evolve, otherwise We shall be transformed into mummies. One must be able to love the movement of evolution, for in it eternity is realized.”
(Supermundane I § 97, Agni Yoga)

Author: F. Donald