Cancer Full Moon: Construction of Ideals

5.6 – Construction of Ideals
5 July 2020 – 04.44 (GMT)

Cancer Full Moon: the Ideal of Synthesis


Synthesis must be understood as the apparatus of the laboratory of life.
(Hierarchy § 326)


… the synthesis of spirit opens all spheres.
(Agni Yoga § 508)

… on the path of the Great Service, on the path of Communion,
synthesis is the one luminous path of the heart.
(Heart § 1)

He whose thinking is without synthesis
cannot approach the life of the Universe.
(Supermundane III § 486)


He who can understand synthesis will understand Hierarchy.
(Hierarchy § 162)

Synthesis is always beneficial.
(Supermundane III § 699)

… only consonances of tensions of the best qualities
provide the synthesis of ascent.
(Brotherhood § 63)

In fact, the beauty of synthesis will remain throughout life.
(Brotherhood § 427)

Categorizing leads to undesirable complication.
We always advise you to strive for synthesis.
(Supermundane IV § 745)

On the path to the Fiery World one must revere the Bearers of Synthesis.
(Fiery World III § 60)

The realization of synthesis will be like a step
toward the transformation of the race.
(Hierarchy § 325)




Suggested listening (click on the pics for the relevant videos):

Culture is the reverence of light. Culture is the love of humanity. Culture is fragrance, the unity of life and Beauty. Culture is the synthesis of uplifting and refined achievements. Culture is the weapon of the World. Culture is salvation. Culture is the moving force. Culture is the Heart. If we gather all the definitions of Culture, we find the synthesis of effective blessing, the centre of enlightenment and creative Beauty. (Nicholas Roerich)

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One Response to Cancer Full Moon: Construction of Ideals

  1. Karima Cynthia Clayton says:

    Loved the music. Going in sequence I felt as if I were being serenaded to heaven. (and 22,2. a number for unity, partnerships and melding of ideas) Being in Christ’s presence. (Barber) Waltzing in my light body. And what words can be used for Casado’s Suite for Cello? The expression of synthesis. I wonder what inspiration or story is behind this piece? His eyes and heart tell me there is some depth involved. His intensity compels me to want to nourish and support him and all beings.

    I love the quote on culture. Will pass this along. We are forming a new culture now. Also love the top picture of the Rays surrounding the tube of light and blue diamond portal~ where a person used to be. Is that Nicholas’ ?
    Thank you for this delightful post. The 8th Ray of synthesis is here!

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