Today we celebrate the first of the two Leo full moons*, which according to the Esoteric Astrology of the Trans-Himalayan Tradition are associated with Sirius, and dedicated to establishing contact with our planetary Hierarchy of Inner Guides or Masters, to Whom this Identity (that is the cosmic Soul of our solar system) is connected.
The full moons of Leo/Sun/Sirius will be the major celebration of the New World Culture and Religion, primary alignments for the evolution of the solar or egoic Consciousness (the Soul) of humanity.
In the field flooded by concentrated and individualising solar Fire (Leo), the Sun of suns (Sirius/Greater Dog), the Great Mother (Isis) and Father of our Sun, rules and guides with Its reflection Procyon (Lesser Dog) our Sun to carry out the cosmic Will of Orion/Osiris with intelligent Love.**
In such Dates/Directions, the solar Consciousness of humanity responds to the Call from Above, to the Heart of the Sun, by raising personal consciousness (of self, of the I and one’s field, or of the solar system for our Sun) towards a progressive decentralisation and identification with the greater Self.
In Leo, therefore, a further dose of solar Fire or Love flares up, or evolutionary Necessity, which is another name for the “Christ consciousness” or group consciousness, expected for the common advancement (towards the One Humanity, towards a planetary Order): the Logos of Sirius is the Source of the Law of Karma or Rebalancing and of the energy of Liberation, for us human beings from the minor identifications of the personality (individual or group, nation, ethnic group, etc.).
Let’s further substantiate the relationship between Sirius and the full moon of Leo.
The Sun of suns is the progenitor of all the gods and goddesses of our “local” Firmament, with receptive function (Isis) in the Egyptian myth with respect to Orion (Osiris), as well as a unifying function for all its “lost parts”. Once they are reunited, Osiris becomes fruitful again with Isis, who then assumes the function of Great Mother.
But Sirius is also the Father of our Sun.
It is, in short, the cosmic Mind or Manas that welcomes spatial Love (cosmic Buddhi) and generates and connects the worlds:
SIRIUS (Gr.). In Egyptian, Sothis. The dog-star: the star worshipped in Egypt and reverenced by the Occultists; by the former because its heliacal rising with the Sun was a sign of the beneficent inundation of the Nile, and by the latter because it is mysteriously associated with Thoth-Hermes, god of wisdom, and Mercury, in another form. Thus Sothis-Sirius had, and still has, a mystic and direct influence over the whole living heaven, and is connected with almost every god and goddess. It was “Isis in the heaven” and called Isis-Sothis, for Isis was “in the constellation of the dog”, as is declared on her monuments… Sirius is also Anubis, and is directly connected with the ring “Pass me not” [“Anubis is the Egyptian Pluto, also son of Isis, the Egyptian god of generation, depicted with the head of an animal, dog or jackal, also called ‘the Lord of the Underworld, of the lower world or Hades’ in which he introduces the souls of the dead (the reincarnating entities); since Hades is in a way the womb or uterus”]; it is, moreover, identical with Mithra, the Persian Mystery god, and with Horus and even Hathor, called sometimes the goddess Sothis… (Theosophical Glossary)

Osiris, Anubis and Horus
Procyon of the Lesser Dog is the alter ego of Sirius of the Greater Dog.
In mythical symbols, Orion, the Hunter of the skies, the Great cosmic Soul, chases the constellation of the Hare, the Matter, and controls it with the help of the two Dogs, Canis Major (Sirius) and Canis Minor (Procyon), the upper and lower Manas (Sirius and Pleiades at a higher level), hence (in the quoted text) the acknowledgement of Procyon as a secondary solar System of 5th Ray:
“Canis Major is the immortal Hound of Heaven, that chases forever the lesser Dog, the underdog, the man in physical incarnation. … In Canis Minor, the “underdog”, the same writing tells us that the name of the brightest star signifies “redeemer”… In Canis Minor we have the story of the aspirant, of our present lot. Dwelling within us is the inner ruler, the hidden divinity, the redeemer. We go forth conquering and to conquer, but we have to do it as the burdened disciple, bearing for others and serving. In Canis Major we have portrayed our future and a consummation, glorious beyond all present realization.” (The Labours of Hercules, pp. 33-4)
The association Cygnus-Sirius-Procyon (line of the 2nd Ray/Solar System – axis Aquarius-Leo [1] and Jupiter-Sun for our solar System [2]) refers to the Second Aspect of the cosmic Soul, the “space Cross” at the centre between Monad and Personality, between Spirit and Matter, between heaven and hell.
Synthesising the energy of the Axis, the Cross of the Swan (Aquarius), like Orpheus for Apollo, helps the Sun of suns (Dogs and Leo) to precipitate the light of Wisdom, distributing the water of eternal life to all hearts.
So let us turn our inner gaze to the Heavens, which show us the only true exit door: the summit of the Work, the golden way of the perfect Heart that opens the gates of Infinity.
All worlds are on trial,
and the Tablets of the Creator are inscribed with the records of the trial.
And the Sun of Suns shines to the everlasting Song of the Great Labour.
(Leaves of Morya’s Garden – The Call § 200, Agni Yoga Series)

Sirius A and Sirius B (arrow)
Let the Will of Love and Light of the cosmic Christ be done!
* The second will take place on August, 22 at 2.30 pm, just before entering the Sign of Virgo at 11.36 pm.
“August, which is ruled by Leo, is the month of the Dog-star, or of Sirius, which thus brings Sirius into close relation to Leo. Leo, in the cosmic sense (and apart from our solar system altogether) is ruled by Sirius.
Sirius is the home of that greater Lodge to which our fifth initiation admits a man and to which it brings him, as a humble disciple. Later, when the new world religion is founded and is working, we shall find that the major, monthly festival in August, held at the time of the full moon, will be dedicated to the task of making contact, via the Hierarchy, with Sirian force. Each of the months of the year will later be dedicated (through accurate astrological and astronomical knowledge) to whichever constellation in the heavens governs a particular month, as Sirius governs Leo.” (Esoteric Astrology, p. 299)
** In this liturgical and solemn year, the seventh of the fifth seven-year period, we intend to celebrate the Full Moons as dates or directions of connection with the supreme stellar sources, rulers of our local universe, our cosmic Abode, the Entity in which “we live, move and have our being”.
To nourish this inner, rhythmic and powerful rite, we present at each ‘celestial appointment’ some extracts from the text The Order of Orion, “an astrosophical investigation of the solar and cosmic essence of humanity” (only available in Italian at the moment), to trace the possible infinite paths between the Moon and the One.
[1] See for more information: Full moon of Aquarius – Swan
[2] Leo-Aquarius is the ruling axis of the creative Hierarchies of the first and last subplanes of the cosmic physical Plane, that of the solar system in manifestation, associated with the primal polarity of the Sun-Moon, Spirit and Matter.
Leo and Aquarius, through the Sun and Jupiter, are connected to the second Ray. “The individual consciousness develops in the world. Thus man becomes a server of the world. The World Server.”