Symmetrically to the full moon of Pisces (February 2021), today we celebrate the full moon of Virgo, the Sign of the Great Mother, the matrix or ‘womb’ and virgin matter/substance that nourishes and veils the Christ child, the Christ consciousness (Buddhi). The Mother Virgo is connected to the Father Pisces for “the universality of the periodic births and rebirths of the Saviours of the world — the solar Gods”.
“Virgo, is a very large constellation, which corresponds on the galactic equatorial plane* to several constellations (Argo Navis, Crux, Centaurus).
As a cosmic garrison of the full moon of the Great Mother-matrix-matter Virgo, in this astrosophical investigation, the symbol of the Ship Argo is preferred, as a vessel, container or material vehicle: it is a multiple constellation composed of Vela (the Sails), Puppis (the Stern) and Carina (the Hull), united in the astronomical vision until 1760, and contains 64 stars of which the main one is Canopus, the brightest asterism after Sirius.

The symbol of the ship refers to a means of transport that allows a journey on the water: Canopus [1] is its helmsman (of Menelaus’s ship for the Greeks); among the nomads of the desert it was considered as a pole star of the South and in Persia its white and blue brilliance indicated the lights of spiritual thought.
The Ship Argo in the Sumerian civilisation “was associated with the cult of Ea, the god of primordial waters, protector of sailors and fishermen. It was said that he swam in front of the ships in the shape of a human torso ending in a fish tail.” [2]
Argo is: “ARGHA (Chald.). The ark, the womb of Nature; the crescent moon, and a lifesaving ship; also a cup for offerings, a vessel used for religious ceremonies.” (H. P. Blavatsky, Theosophical Glossary)

Likewise in Egypt Horus – the Sun – was the “mystical Child of the Ark”, or argha, symbol of the matrix or womb (the Moon, the esoteric ruler of Virgo, veiling Vulcan), the boat that had carried Osiris and Isis beyond the flood, as well as Isi and Ishwara in the Hindu tradition (the trinity veiled by Virgo and the 3 parts of the Ship Argo).
The Ship Argo (Virgo) is close to the constellation of Canis Major; and in ancient times it was known to be pulled by its tail as well as by Anubis-Sirius (Leo-Lion). Its 50 rowers and argonauts, as well as the 50 daughters of Danaus, seem to refer to the 50-year cycle that the invisible Sirius B takes to orbit around Sirius A (as well as to the asteroid Chiron or Kheiron, “the wounded healer”), that jubilee and celestial fulfillment that follows every hierarchical cycle of 49 years = 7×7 (see The Seven Steps towards 2025, footnote n. 2).
So the Pisces-Virgo axis is connected to cosmic constellations that refer to the idea of descent into the primordial waters, in order to release the power of the conscious return to the heavenly Wisdom, through the countless rebirths of the divine journey of the Monad/Spirit.
In the greatest depth, in the heart of the atom, of Matter, the Mother aspect or Substance, lies the maximum potential of the Spirit, of the universal Energy.
I am the Mother and the Child. I, God, I, matter am.

* In this liturgical and solemn year, the seventh of the fifth seven-year period, we intend to celebrate the Full Moons as dates or directions of connection with the supreme stellar sources, rulers of our local universe, our cosmic Abode, the Entity in which “we live, move and have our being”.
To nourish this inner, rhythmic and powerful rite, we present at each ‘celestial appointment’ some extracts from the text The Order of Orion, “an astrosophical investigation of the solar and cosmic essence of humanity” (only available in Italian at the moment), to trace the possible infinite paths between the Moon and the One.
For today’s full moon, see also the association, from the galactic point of view, of the constellation of Virgo to Coma Berenice, from the solar point of view “the mother of form only”, the woman who sacrifices her hair to serve: the Hair brings to mind the directive function of the Head of the Mother of the galactic World that gives energy and consciousness to the “latent Christ”, to the Son aspect, to all the Suns in evolution in the Milky Way.
“Then there comes the later stage in the history of the race and of the individual, when we find Coma Berenice symbolically emerging—the Woman bearing the Christ Child is seen. Here matter begins to reveal its true function, which is to bring to the birth the Christ in every form”. (A. Bailey, From Bethlehem to Calvary, p. 67)
[1] Canopus is: AGASTYA (Sk.). The name of a great Rishi, much revered in Southern India; the reputed author of hymns in the Rig Veda, and a great hero in the Râmâyana. In Tamil literature he is credited with having been the first instructor of the Dravidians in science, religion and philosophy. It is also the name of the star “Canopus”. (H. P. Blavatsky, Theosophical Glossary).
In Sanskrit aga means ‘serpent of fire’ from the Indo-European root ag ‘to move tortuously’, ‘in a zig-zag way’; it is the same as Agni ‘it moves tortuously [ag] among the flowing waters [ni]’: ‘lightning’, ‘flash’, ‘fire’. (F. Rendich, .
[2] It is also associated with the ship that transported from Egypt Danaus, the ancestor of the Greeks or Danai with his 50 daughters, the ship of the 50 Argonauts (Argo in Greek means “swift”), the famous companions of Jason (whose name means “healer”), that set out in search of the Golden Fleece (Aries), an allegory of a shamanic journey “of a committee of adepts on the pirogue of the spirits or snake pirogue.”
“First of all it is the journey and wandering from place to place of the race from which the “tenth”, or Kalki Avatar, so called, is to issue. This he calls the “Kingly race born in Argos” (888). But Argos has no reference here to Argos in Greece. It comes from Arg or arca—the female generative power symbolised in the moon—the navi-formed Argha of the mysteries, meaning the Queen of Heaven. Eustathius shows that, in the dialect of the Arg-ians, Io signified the moon; while esotericism explains it as the divine Androgyne, or the mystic 10 ; in Hebrew 10 is the perfect number, or Jehovah. Arghya in Sanskrit is the libation cup, the navi-form or boat-shaped vessel in which flowers and fruit are offered to the deities. Arghyanath is a title of the Maha-Chohan, meaning “the Lord of Libations”; and Arghya Varsha—“the land of libations”—is the mystery name of that region which extends from Kailas mountain nearly to the Schamo Desert—from within which the Kalki Avatar is expected. The Airyâna-Varsedya of the Zoroastrians, as a locality, is identical with it. It is now said to have been situated between the sea of Aral, Baltistan, and little Tibet; but in olden times its area was far larger, as it was the birth-place of physical humanity, of which Io is the mother and symbol.” (H. P. Blavatsky, Anthropogenesis).
Thank you for this overwhelming amount of celestial information and legend. Although I am not able to contain all, the effort to expand my vision of Life is beneficial. I also know where to go for reminders. Your scholarship is appreciated.
Yes… Chiron.. Yes….all and more of these correspondences and more, as I have written….Easter to Pentecost 49 (7×7 days/weeks)(the 7 rays times the 7 rays all in ONE)….orbit of Chiron plus the comma (resurrection) to the 50…This synchronicity exits in matter, in every atom, as is the Cosmic Christ in every Atom…..throughout the Universe….This is the Great Singularity.