Dear World Servers,
The festival of Wesak is approaching. Let us set aside our differences and come together as one world group, in shared unity of purpose.
You are invited to join a silent intergroup meditation from 19:00 to 19:30 GMT on May 15th (the day before Wesak on May 16, h 4.14 am GMT). Please join via this link [no longer active] or subjectively.

Since this meditation will be silent, it can be integrated in the gatherings our various groups will be having in preparation for Wesak.
It will be a moment in which we stand together as a dedicated world group, in alignment with the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet,* in united determination to play our part.
Please share this call with your networks.
In preparation to the silent intergroup meditation, the 2025 Initiative coordination group will hold a short guided alignment at 18:45 GMT. You are welcome to join us at that earlier time, using the same link as above [no longer active].
In the Light of the One Work

* 1965-2025: Climax of Initiation in the West
At the last Centennial Conclave of Wesak 1925, after millions of years since the Atlantean period, the Great White Brotherhood – the greater ashram of Lord Maitreya, shifted its focus:
“This process [of grounding buddhic energy] has been greatly facilitated since the entire Hierarchy shifted its location (since 1925 A.D.) from the higher mental levels to the buddhic plane, thereby making direct and unimpeded etheric reception possible.
This is one of the significances of the words which we read in The New Testament that ‘the veil of the Temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom’—a symbolic way of expressing the unveiling of an unimpeded channel.
This was made possible by the Christ as the Avatar, working in cooperation with the Master Jesus, and also by the point of evolution reached by the humanity of that time.” (Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.405.)
Almost one century has elapsed since that momentous event in 1925 – between the two World Wars, when many disciples entered the portal of initiation. A similar period now approaches in 2025, and all members of the various ashrams are being tested and sifted in their fitness for broader service. 2025 is also a time of great culmination for another cycle that began in 1965:
“In the time of the Buddha and through the stimulation He produced there was a great gathering in of Arhats. These were men who had achieved liberation through self-initiated effort. This period, in our Aryan race, marked a climax for the East.
Since then the tide of spiritual life has steadily flowed westward, and we may now look for a corresponding climax in the West, which will reach its zenith between the years 1965 and 2025.
Towards this end, the adepts of the East and of the West are unitedly working, for they follow always the Law.” (The Light of the Soul, Alice A. Bailey. p.xi.)