From the Lambdoma of the Genesis of Ideas:
3.5 Plan – The Plan is the projection of divine Thought
5.3 Consciousness – Consciousness is the ratio
between Spirit and Substance
This Polarity of Ideas expresses and realizes the primary relationship between:
3.3 LIGHT – Light is the rhythmic motion of Fire
5.5 – MANIFESTATION – The Manifestation is
the emergence of the divine Design
3.3 LIGHT – Light is the rhythmic motion of Fire
“Light is movement. It is, in fact, the maximum dynamism […] Light blends continuous and discontinuous, thus cycles are born, which are ‘continuously discontinuous’. For these reasons it is argued that Light is the cause of all movements. The Will fixes the purpose; the Space welcomes it and lends it the necessary substances; the Light reaches it [the purpose]. That is Motion. Light realizes evolution […] Light is the energy that moves things and consciousnesses; it leads to the goal, and there is no other reason for motion.” (Enzio Savoini, Lecture notes of the 3rd Septennium. Theory of Light I-II, unpublished paper, September-November 2001)
5.5 – MANIFESTATION – The Manifestation is the emergence of the divine Design
“Apart from Cosmic Substance, Cosmic Ideation could not manifest as individual consciousness, since it is only through a vehicle (upâdhi) of matter that consciousness wells up as ‘I am I’, a physical basis being necessary to focus a ray of the Universal Mind at a certain stage of complexity.
Again, apart from Cosmic Ideation, Cosmic Substance would remain an empty abstraction, and no emergence of consciousness could ensue.” (Helena P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine. Cosmogenesis)
Let us consider the relationship between LIGHT and MANIFESTATION; the manifestation of light expresses this relationship of the 3 and the 5, in that the Fire of the Mind illuminates, through the mirror of the Centre (4), the fulfilment of the process of becoming that Substance goes through. The relationship of the two well-known aspects of the Mind in Man (abstract Mind, concrete Mind) reflects the fundamental duality of Spirit and Substance, which is, in short, the foundation of Consciousness.
As Blavatsky writes:
“The Manifested Universe, therefore, is pervaded by duality, which is, as it were, the very essence of its Existence as ‘Manifestation’. But just as the opposite poles of subject and object, spirit and matter, are but aspects of the One Unity in which they are synthesized, so, in the manifested Universe, there is ‘that’ which links Spirit to Matter, subject to object.
This something, at present unknown to Western speculation, is called by the occultists Fohat. It is the ‘bridge’ by which the Ideas existing in the ‘Divine Thought’ are impressed on Cosmic substance as the laws of Nature.
Fohat is thus the dynamic energy of Cosmic Ideation; or, regarded from the other side, it is the intelligent medium, the guiding power of all manifestation, the Thought Divine transmitted and made manifest through the Dhyân Chohans, the Architects of the visible World. Thus from Spirit, or Cosmic Ideation, comes our consciousness; from Cosmic Substance the several vehicles in which that consciousness is individualised and attains to self —or reflective— consciousness ; while Fohat, in its various manifestations, is the mysterious link between Mind and Matter, the animating principle electrifying every atom into life.” (Helena P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine. Cosmogenesis)
The Light (of the Spirit) when it encounters the Manifestation (in the Substance) gives birth to Consciousness.
Cosmic ideation, which projects its intention into the substance in order to manifest it, gives birth to the Plan.
3.5 Plan – The Plan is the projection of divine Thought*
From the Latin planum, plain, neutral noun adjective of planus, plane. From the Indo-European root *PLA-/*PAL- which expresses the idea of equal surface, without roughness. Sanskrit plata: expanse. In addition, the idea of plane recalls that of “level”, within a larger structure. The importance of being on a plane is indicated by the sky: all planets move around the Sun, along orbits that are on the same plane.
In geometry, the plane is an infinite set of points all arranged consecutively along two — infinite — directions (or straight lines) that qualify it: equating the two directions with Life and Space, the plane is expressed by the infinity of points (Space) set on fire by Life. To use a consistent expression, it is the spatial consciousness of purpose. It is infinite by its very nature, and qualified by the consciousness of the central purpose or fire.
According to F. Rendich, the reference Indo-European root would be “prat”, in which we can identify the following two components: [pra], “going forward”, and [t], “from one point to another”, “spread on the surface”, “expand” (Comparative etymological dictionary).
The Plan/plane is therefore a living entity that arises from the projection of Divine Thought:
“The power of orientation comes from light, which rises in the east and follows its course. The planet flies on the ecliptic, which is the plane, and is oriented: therefore it is intent on carrying out its own project. Since it has a magnetic field, it loves; it gets exposed to the light, and with these two energies it builds a plane/plan, that is, it stands firm on the ecliptic.
We can understand, in this way, that the ecliptic is fundamental for the purpose, economy and life of the System. It follows that each star, if it supports and directs a space system and an evolving community, must have an ecliptic, the basis of its cosmic creative magic. If it is missing, that star is passive or dying, and in any case it is not creative: it does not have a Plane/Plan. Nobody knows how to construct a geometric plane with external means. It is possible to obtain an almost flat surface of limited size, sufficient for the maneuvers that need to be performed, but not a pure and simple Plane. Instead, it is possible to set up a living inner Plane/Plan by combining Love and Light, but no one does it on purpose. Love and Light, therefore, are the energies necessary to build the Cosmos and every other entity, directed by the Will that establishes the purpose.
[…] Love (magnetism) and Light are living energies, spread throughout all regions of Space. It can be inferred that a field of interaction is born, that is, a plane/plan or a multiplicity of planes.
[…] It is therefore justified and correct to affirm that Love and Light, interacting, produce a psychic and geometric plane/plan, on which the will draws purposeful figures. Plan and Project are equivalent terms. A plan would be meaningless without a purpose, and any will, to be fulfilled, needs a plan.
[…] Any psychic energy is animated by a latent purpose, from which it draws its qualities. This is demonstrated by the fact that the careful study of any object (ie of a geometric entity) reveals its purpose. A project implies a defined purpose: therefore a plane/plan, animated by two energies, tends towards a coordinated aim and is identified with a project. Since the plane is a two-way element, the purpose is always twofold, and its two manifestations are reached, at the non-existent limits of the plane, following one or the other of the directions of travel. This illustrates the two possibilities, regressive and evolutionary.
[…] The Plan/Plane is therefore a psycho-geometric ‘object’ produced by two energies (Love and Light) which, oriented by a third (Will), is the bearer of a Project.
[…] The Plan is implemented while it is set up, without processes or developments: it makes no sense, in the Infinite, to think of operations arranged in sequential order. A Plane/Plan, theater or stage of a becoming, is a limitless creature. The secret of this condition lies in the action of the cycles, which, supported by their creative rhythmic discontinuities, are the matrices of continuous developments. In short, the cycle is that supermundane device that transforms being into becoming according to the rule, and returns the result (the expansion of consciousness) to the original being.” (Enzio Savoini, Lecture notes of the 3rd Septennium. Setting up a Plan, unpublished paper, January 2001)
The Plan/Plane is therefore what underlies the coherence of the Ideas; it implies the identification of the dates that carry specific energetic currents of tension as the culminating points of the cycles, that is, the creative discontinuities that allow the Ideas to descend into consciousness:
“Ideas, in their world, are active, otherwise they would not produce effects. A Cause can never be inert. Where order and harmony are the Rule, there cannot be inertia or lethargy. Ideas are therefore in a constant creative activity, and for their perfect collaboration they act according to a Plan. The world of Ideas is the homeland of all the Plans, of the general Programme which prepares itself in order to multiply into infinite different manifest aspects.” (Enzio Savoini, Man on the planet and in the Heavens – from: Italian published version)
The understanding of the Plan (on the part of the light of the Disciple’s intelligence) illumines the consciousness of the World of Ideas, the Fiery World.
“[…] The work every aspirant, therefore, seeks to do is to bring the brain consciousness in line with that thought which reaches him via his own soul-consciousness, and in the consummation of this, the divine plan is gradually worked out into manifestation on the physical plane. As each son of God brings the active mind stuff for which he is responsible into such a condition that it becomes responsive to divine thought, then will the plan of the ages be carried to a conclusion. No man need despair because of his seeming incompetence or apparent littleness for to each of us is entrusted some part of the plan and we must work it out; without our cooperation there comes delay and confusion.” (Alice A. Bailey, The Light of the Soul, p. 410)
“Look from out thy window, Weaver, and see the pattern in the skies, the model of the plan, the colour and the beauty of the whole. Destroy the carpet which you have for ages wrought. It does not meet your need… Then weave again, Weaver. Weave in the light of day. Weave, as you see the plan.” (Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology II, p. 168)
Through the proper understanding of the Plan, the Disciple/One-Humanity works to expand its consciousness, sowing oneself in order to sow the seeds of the new culture.

Spectrum with the esoteric sequence of the Seven Rays
5.3 Consciousness – Consciousness is the ratio between Spirit and Substance
From the Latin conscientia, knowledge, conscience, derived from the verb conscire, to have consciousness, to be aware, composed of the preposition cum, with, and scire, to know. The Indo-European root is not yet defined: for most scholars it is the Indo-European *SKA-/*SKI- which expresses the idea of cutting, dividing, since to know it is necessary to distinguish and separate; for F. Rendich it is the root “cha”, which expresses the idea of dividing, akin to the root “ci”, to seek, witnessed by the Sanskrit ci-Ke-ti, to observe. It is also related to the root “sās”, which means both “to cut” and “to cut out”, “to order reality and then show it and describe it piece by piece” (Comparative etymological dictionary). Greek schisma, cut. The term “consciousness” literally means “knowing together”, where the preposition expresses commonality and the noun means division: for the dialectic of component elements, it is a highly meaningful term. It denotes the fundamental ratio (understood as a “relationship”) between Spirit and Matter.
“The elements are spatial substance, which can neither be weighed nor measured, and semi-amorphous crystals when they take the form of so-called elemental manifestations. The essence of the unmanifested spirit saturates the substance of space. It is said of a person that he is born and he dies. About an elemental spirit one can say that it flashes forth and goes out. The consciousness of a manifested spirit pierces the substance of the elements like an arrow, and like a magnet it gathers that molten substance. The birth of an elemental spirit is conditioned by the contact of the manifested consciousness. Truly, cooperation knows no bounds!” (Leaves of Morya’s Garden II § 232)
Consciousness cannot be manifested without the wonderful RELATIONSHIP between Spirit and Substance, between Monad and Matter.
Man strives to improve himself, to understand this relationship, since the human being in essence is Monad (Spirit). In the growth path towards the Spirit he reaches the point where he understands that he is an evolving Consciousness, that at a certain evolutionary level will manifest the Causal Consciousness (vehicle of manifestation for the relationship with the Solar Angel/Soul), becoming a true sower of light, of love and will-to-good! Sowing the new Culture is working to expand consciousnesses.
“The life at the heart of the solar system is producing an evolutionary unfoldment of the energies of that universe which it is not possible for finite man as yet to vision. Similarly the centre of energy which we call the spiritual aspect in man is (through the utilisation of matter or substance) producing an evolutionary development of that which we call the soul, and which is the highest of the form manifestations—the human kingdom. Man is the highest product of existence in the three worlds. By man, I mean the spiritual man, a son of God in incarnation.” (Alice Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, p. 13)
If we take this as a hypothesis, the construction of the causal body becomes the main fundamental value of our life: in reality we are causal consciousness, that consciousness that attracts, immersed within our existence, within embodied life, as its magnetic field. This consciousness, which attracts all other situations, which attracts work, people, opportunities and everything that builds our world, is the internal magnetic consciousness, the light inside the cell.
We can in fact apply the law of analogy and correspondence: all of life began by inserting a point of light inside a cell of matter, and this happens in every part of our body; each cell in our body has a point of light within itself, and the individual is a slightly larger cell that has a point of light in him as causal consciousness, expanded by the Solar Angel.
5.3. Consciousness and Plan
The infinite wisdom of Venus, luminary of the 5th Ray, and of Saturn, luminary of the 3rd Ray, joyful bearers of never-ending teachings, transmitters of Divine consciousness and understanding, give us, little bipeds, that FORCE that leads us to take action and manifest the LIGHT, so that the understanding of the Plan enlightens our Consciousness. This makes us Sowers because we realise…
“The identity between the Seed and the Sower”.
Only then will the aid to humanity and the understanding of the Divine Plan be objective and the Initiate, the real name of man, will act as Causal Consciousness.
By following the Cycles, that is the motion of the living entities of the Consciousness (the Luminaries), we identify and enliven the right moment and the right dose of energy to sow our consciousness; the Light illuminates us on all planes and at all levels and thus, having sown, we get to…
“Plan the cycles and rhythms of the advance”.
The causal Consciousness, connected to the higher Consciousnesses, knows how to plan this progress and knows how to build the Future:
“You have heard about the three kinds of thinking—by the brain, the heart, and the consciousness. The brain is reasonable, the heart is sensitive, and the consciousness is wise. Your consciousness calls out to the Guide, ‘Help!’ and My consciousness says the same thing, and My Guide’s consciousness will speak so also. There is no burdening in this call. The arm is stretched upwards, knowing that the Hand of Help will be extended during this dangerous ascent. And it is not for us to judge where the danger lies.” (Supermundane § 489)
Consciousness is the result of Knowledge, arising from Relationships and Ratios, fixed into the mind through the Light of Intelligence, inherent in the Substance-Matter itself.
Consciousness is closely connected to a Plan/Project and behind each Project there is always a concentrated Thought, functional to the Goal and to a State of Necessity.
“Sow a thought and you reap an action:
Sow an act and you reap a habit;
Sow a habit and you reap a character;
Sow a character and you reap a destiny”
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)