Mother of the World – Solar Festival of Aries

Today, solar Festival or Full Moon of Aries (Earth and Moon in Libra), the fourth of the 12 Festivals of this year 6.2 dedicated to Space, Infinity and the Christic Principle of Love-Wisdom as the Basis of the New World Religion, let’s celebrate an admirable symbol of the generative and creative power of the Infinite: the Mother of the World.

The regenerating capacity of cosmic Love is boundless and allows all hearts to fully radiate the fiery power of their Love, which in turn reverberates in Space, the sacred veil of the Mother.

“The symbol of the Mother of the World,
giving form and purpose to the entire Breath of Cosmos,
transforming the kernel into incalculable manifestations,
crowns our Earth with beauty.
The Mother of the World is the great creative force in our being.
“Thou hast abided in the cults of the ancients as earth,
as sun, as fire, as air, as water.
“Thou, the All-bestowing! Thou the All-revealing!
Thou who hast made manifest to humanity
the great and joyous realization of the Mother!

Thou who hast indicated achievement and who hast veiled thy Image!
Thou who hast manifested to us the Fire of Space!
Thou who hast taken upon thy shoulders the burden of human actions!
We beseech Thee, restore to us our lost smile!
Grant us mastery of the sacred Fiery Might!” (1)

Along the cardinal axis Aries-Libra, on which quivers the Fire of Resurrection ignited by Christ’s words of Life

“I am the Resurrection and the Life”

is carved the high road that leads to the most abundant Life, sprinkled with the light that Mercury, the esoteric Ruler of Aries, relentlessly contemplates and reflects from His Model, the Heart of the Sun.

“Mercury is the winged-footed pupil, imitating the Master out of love. (…) Mercury … is that Guide who walks confidently on the tightrope stretched over the abysses of space: “beautifully, carefully, and fleetly”. Mercury is the Way, but also that Musician who makes it sound like a vibrating string. (…) Mercury is the divine Artist. It expresses the heart, and its Orbit diffuses it throughout Space”. (2)

The touch of harmony that Mercury spreads over the waves of Space finds its splendour in the Mother of the World, “the Beauty that makes things divine”. (3)

Bathed in this light woven of Harmony and Beauty, the solar System sings the praises of Mother and Son, makes the Heart of Space pulse so that it expands to encompass every remotest atom of life, and finally transfigures every lump of matter into the full radiance of the Spirit of which it is the veil. Thus the forces of evolution are tirelessly aimed at building the Light of the New Age.

“There is no power that could hold back the tide of the New World. We regret the useless waste of energy of the expiring consciousness. We welcome with a smile the daring of those who realize their right to expand new achievements. Each mistake, if committed for the cause of the New World, becomes a flower of valor. No matter how skillful the effort to embalm the old world, it remains a skeleton of horror. The old world rejected the Mother of the World, but the New World begins to perceive Her lustrous veil.” (4)

On this solar Festival where the Fire of the central Heart brings back to life, transfiguring it, the matter which is burning on the altar of Space, the hearts of all beings turn to celebrate the Mother and her mighty power of Creativity and infinite Love.

“There cannot be the manifestation of life in Cosmos without the vital forces provided by the Origins. Verily, the power of the Origins spiritualizes the forces. Therefore, the power of the Mother of the World imbues all Space.” (5)

“Upon the highest summit the Mother of the World stands effulgent. She came forth to defeat the darkness. Why are the enemies fallen? And whither do they turn their eyes in despair? She has cloaked Herself in a fiery veil and encircled Herself in a wall of fire. She is our citadel and our inspiration.(6)

The disciples consecrated to Service, driven by the will-to-good, respond to the Mother’s Call and solemnly place their hearts in the vessel of Life, so that it may be reborn nourished by the sacred flames of Love.

“Thou, spirit, striving to the Creator of Cosmos,
turn to the Mother of the World.

Proclaim what thou seest.
Space is revealed as manifesting the utmost creativeness.
The immensity of Space and the inalienability of the cosmic forces
enrich the kernel of our being.

The levers of evolution are the finest energies
which may become the possession of men.

When you will accept the predestined,
then the direct result will lead you on.

When you will understand how to fly in the kernel of the spirit,
then you will communicate with the higher worlds.
Learn to understand all the grandeur of flight in the kernel of the spirit!”

(Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 22)

The Fire of the Mother is the great creative Force of the Universe



See the calendar of all the celebrations online (passages into the 12 Signs and Solar Festivals of the full and new moons 2023 – in UTC hour) – with related links: Online celebration dates 2023
1. Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 38
2. First Vertex, The solar System in Space, available only in Italian
3. E. Savoini, Rebuilding the sanctuary of human life. Virgo, unpublished paper, 1976
4. Agni Yoga Series, Agni Yoga § 55
5. Agni Yoga Series, Infinity II § 479
6. Agni Yoga Series, Agni Yoga § 317


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