Since the dawn of time, the period that coincides with the beginning of February and the middle of the sign of Aquarius has been marked by intermediate festivals between winter and spring that celebrate the manifest return of light within the wheel of the year (the symbolism of the seasons in the northern hemisphere determines many celebrations that are held in the southern one as well – see Zodiacal Rituality in the two terrestrial Hemispheres).
Examples include: the ancient Egyptians celebrating Nout, who at dawn took the name Khepera and the shape of a scarab; the Celts with Imbolc who celebrated the return of light or those of Ireland in honour of the goddess Brigid (celebrated on 1 February after evangelisation); the Lupercales festival of the Romans; or a pagan cult further north that celebrated the bear beginning to emerge from its lair, signifying the return of spring and light.
It is this search for light after winter that is said to be behind the making of the round, golden pancakes that resemble the solar disc and evoke the return of spring and the time of year when, gradually but increasingly faster, the day gets longer and longer.
While, in mass consciousness, our ancestors had perceived the importance of this annual period, the Catholic Church has long tried to eradicate pagan cults and ancient festivals.

Simeon’s Song of Praise – Aert de Gelder (1645–1727)
This was done in the 5th century, in 472, when Pope Gelasius I instituted the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, celebrated on February 2nd, i.e. 40 days after Christmas… which, in a barely veiled way, corresponds to the pagan rites of the solstice.
This feast commemorating the Presentation of the baby Jesus at the Temple in Jerusalem is also called Candlemas, because of the processions made with candles.
This time of year, celebrated for millennia, halfway between the December solstice (winter for the northern hemisphere) and the March equinox (spring), but also of transition between the old and new worlds, reminds us of the transition from the age of Pisces to the age of Aquarius that we are currently experiencing.
It is on this that we are invited to reflect.
“The coming in of the Aquarian Age, Christ foresaw and reduced to pictorial form for us, thus preserving for us—down the centuries—a prophetic episode, the interpretation of which is possible of demonstration only in our time and age.
Astronomically, we are not yet functioning fully within the influence of Aquarius; we are only just emerging from the Piscean influence, and the full impact of the energies which Aquarius will set loose has not yet been felt.
Nevertheless, each year carries us closer to the centre of power, the major effect of which will be to induce recognition of man’s essential unity, of the processes of sharing and of cooperation and of the emergence of that new world religion whose keynote will be universality and initiation. If the word “initiation” signifies the processes of “entering into”, then it is indeed true today that humanity is undergoing a true initiation as it enters into the new age of Aquarius; it will then be subjected to those energies and forces which will break down the barriers of separation, and which will blend and fuse the consciousness of all men into that unity which is distinctive of the Christ consciousness.” (A. A. Bailey, The Reappearance of the Christ, pp. 81-82)
It is a time of crisis, error and reorientation that echoes that which humanity went through in the last century and to which we are invited (exhorted) to actively contribute:
“If it is so hard, my brothers, to arouse aspirants, such as yourselves, to urgent service and a full sense of responsibility; if men and women with all the information that you possess cannot be aroused to sacrificing effort, you can gain some idea of the magnitude of the task with which the Hierarchy is confronted at this time. You can realise, perhaps, the sense almost of frustration which could sweep over me (if I were limited by any time concept) when, for instance, those to whom I look for cooperation, are preoccupied with their own affairs, have no sense of immediacy and prefer to concentrate upon their own development, their own families, their own problems, rather than achieve the larger world view which would lead to full cooperation. The averting of a world debacle is the aim of our effort and towards this aim I have asked your help.” (A. A. Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p 79)
“I challenge all workers and all members of the New Group of World Servers to leave their personal problems behind. This is a time of crisis and such problems must be solved through complete self-forgetfulness. I ask you to work anew with fresh ardour in joyful service, forgetting past weaknesses and failures in the urgency of that which I ask all to do for the world. There has been much lack of joy in the service rendered to the world lately. When I speak thus, I refer not to happiness, which is a personality reaction, but to that joyous confidence in the law and in the Hierarchy which lies behind the Biblical words, “The joy of the Lord is our strength”. “Rise up and fight, Arjuna”, preserving the flame of love intact, permitting no breath of hate to disturb the serenity of love or upset that inner poise which will enable you to sound forth the clarion note of world understanding, that will rally all men and women of goodwill to the aid of the Hierarchy. …
The Spirit of Peace is hovering close to humanity, seeking opportunity to make His Presence felt. The Spirit of Peace is not an abstract concept but a potent Individual, wielding forces hitherto unfamiliar to our planet. Great Forces are awaiting the hour when They can function as the Liberators and the Deliverers of mankind. But the door to Their entrance must be opened by humanity itself and it will be opened by a united act of the will, expressed through some formula of words and expressed in sound. It will be brought about by an activity performed simultaneously by all men and women of goodwill and by all the world aspirants and disciples. The door will not open unless the act of invocation is backed by the focussed will. The directed determination of the man or the group who is using the suggested formula, prayer or invocation is essential.” (Ibid., pp 172-174)
“Hierarchy, responsibility, group interplay, and forgiveness or sacrifice—these are the four categories of recognition which will enable each person to do his part and take his share in bridging between person and person, between group and group, and between nation and nation, thus establishing that new world of recognised corporate relationships which will eventually produce the civilisation of light and love which will be characteristic of the Aquarian Age.” (A. A. Bailey, Education in the New Age, pp. 130-131)
As the esoteric qualities of the sign show, the approaching age of Aquarius will be characterised by an increased development of group consciousness, a consciousness of the whole. And this regardless of the level of individual and collective consciousness or fields of activity.
“In Aquarius, the man awakens to the beauty of group life, group interest and his individual responsibility towards the group and begins to live his life and to spend himself in the service of humanity…
Group Consciousness ………….. Aquarius” (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p 145)
“To those who have not yet reached this point in evolution and whose vision is not so clear, nor their natures so disciplined, there remains the important work, on a lower level, of working with their kind. Their attributes and qualities bring to them those who resemble them; they do not work in such loneliness and their work is more outwardly successful, though not always so. It must be remembered that all work, in the sight of the Great Ones, is of equal importance. For those souls who are at the stage where a home or office provides sufficient experience, that is for them the supreme effort; their attempt to work is—on its own level—as great an achievement as to fulfill the destiny of a Christ or a Napoleon. Forget this not and seek to see life truly and not with its distinctions—men-made and dangerous. A disciple who has not yet the fuller vision of a more trained worker and who is only just learning the ABC of public work may, with all his failures and dense stupidities, be doing as well as an older disciple with his wider knowledge and experience.” (A. A. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, p 632)
“3. Group endeavour, carried forward as a group, to love all beings and to apprehend and understand the true significance of the Aquarian technique of group love and work.” (A. A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age I, p. 4)
“The Brotherhood is a community of souls who are swept by the desire to serve, urged by a spontaneous impulse to love, illumined by one pure Light, devotedly fused and blended into groups of serving Minds, and energised by one Life. Its Members are organised to further the Plan which They consciously contact and with which They deliberately cooperate.” (Ibid., p. 23)
“I would remind you also of the integrity and solidarity of the human family. We are one people—one in our relationships, and capacities and desires, our origin and our goal. It is this essential and recognisable integrity which is emerging at this time powerfully in the human consciousness. … In every land and among widely differing peoples, the same desire exists for understanding, for the establishing of right and peaceful relations, and for the expression of that basic goodwill which is one of the deepest human characteristics and our divine inheritance.” (A. A. Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pp. 80-1)
“The times are ripe for a response to these ideas; the recognised pain and distress of the world will open both hearts and purses. The idea of a Christmas appeal and call to prayer and to invocation of the Prince of Peace will be potent in evoking a desirable reaction, and will serve also to blend into closer unity all who recognise the work the Hierarchy is attempting to do. I would ask you to call for help from all sides, and to let these ideas work out into the world on the basis of their usefulness and opportuneness. Omit from this appeal none that you know, for through them millions can be reached and swung into the desired activity.” (Ibid., p 174)
“In the coming cycle I emphatically tell you that the true work will be carried forward (the work of spiritually welding the world into a synthesis and the production of a recognised brotherhood of souls) only by those who refuse to be separative and whose words are watched so that no evil is spoken; these are the workers who see the divine in all and refuse to think evil and impute evil; they work with sealed lips; they deal not with their brothers affairs, nor reveal that which concerns them; their lives are coloured by understanding and by love; their minds are characterised by a trained spiritual perception and that spiritual awareness which employs a keen intellect as the corollary of a loving spirit.” (A. A. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, p 631)
“… it might be stated that the effort of the past has been to raise the consciousness of humanity through the pioneering efforts of its foremost sons. The effort of the future will be to bring down into manifestation the consciousness of the soul through the pioneering efforts of certain groups. It has therefore, as you will readily understand, to be a group effort because the soul is group conscious and not individually conscious; the newer truths of the Aquarian Age can only be grasped as a result of group endeavour.” (A. A. Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 30)
The Age of Aquarius, the premises of which are in manifestation, in its full expression and understanding, will be characterised by Service.
“Service is usually interpreted as exceedingly desirable and it is seldom realised how very difficult service essentially is. It involves so much sacrifice of time and of interest and of one’s own ideas, it requires exceedingly hard work, because it necessitates deliberate effort, conscious wisdom, and the ability to work without attachment. These qualities are not easy of attainment by the average aspirant, and yet today the tendency to serve is an attitude which is true of a vast majority of the people in the world. Such has been the success of the evolutionary process.” (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology II, p. 121)
“3. The science of Service, which is a definite technique of at-one-ment. We shall now consider the broad outlines of this science, for it is the major releasing factor in the disciple’s life.
Secondly, this Law of Service is something which may not be escaped. Evasion brings its penalties, if that evasion is conscious. Ability to serve marks a definite stage of advance upon the Path, and until that stage is reached, spontaneous service, rendered in love and guided by wisdom, cannot be given. What is found up to that time is good intention, mixed motives, and oft fanaticism. …
This law is the imposition upon the planetary rhythm of certain energies and impulses which emanate from that sign of the zodiac into which we are steadily moving. Therefore, there is no escape. It is the effect of this force which, in some countries, is regimenting the masses in such a way that the individual serves the group by a forced negation of his personal self. His own ideas, his own personal well being and his own individuality are subordinated to the whole, and he is rendered relatively futile from the angle of his soul unfoldment. He is forced to conform, willingly or unwillingly to group conditions. This is one of the lowest manifestations of the impact of this law upon the human consciousness. In its highest expression, we have the service rendered upon the planet in all the kingdoms of nature by the Hierarchy of Masters. Between these two extreme expressions, there is a vast distinction, but both are equally brought about by response (the one consciously rendered and the other unconsciously directed) to the Law of Service.
Thirdly this Law of Service was expressed for the first time fully by the Christ two thousand years ago. He was the forerunner of the Aquarian Age, and hence His constant emphasis upon the fact that He was the “water of life”, the “living water” which men needed. Hence the esoteric name of this law is that of “water and the fishes”. The Piscean age slowly, very slowly, prepared the way for the divine expression of service, which will be the glory of the coming centuries.” (Ibid., pp. 118-9)
“The Master looks not at a worker’s worldly force or status, not at the numbers of people who are gathered around his personality but at the motives which prompt his activity and at the effect of his influence upon his fellowmen. True service is the spontaneous outflow of a loving heart and an intelligent mind; it is the result of being in the right place and staying there; it is produced by the inevitable inflow of spiritual force and not by strenuous physical plane activity; it is the effect of a man’s being what he truly is, a divine Son of God, and not by the studied effect of his words or deeds. A true server gathers around him those whom it is his duty to serve and aid by the force of his life and his spiritualised personality, and not by his claims or loud speaking. In self-forgetfulness he serves; in self-abnegation he walks the earth, and he gives no thought to the magnitude or the reverse of his accomplishment and has no pre-conceived ideas as to his own value or usefulness. He lives, serves, works and influences, asking nothing for the separated self.” (A. A. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, p. 188)
“This tendency to aspiration and to service is right and good and should be seen as forming part of the coming universal consciousness and equipment of the race as a whole. It is steadily coming to the surface owing to the growing strength of the Aquarian influence which (from about the year A.D. 1640) has been gaining in potency and is producing two effects: it is breaking down the crystallised old forms of the Piscean age, and is stimulating the creative faculties, as they express themselves in group concepts, and group plans. As all of you well know, this is the cause of the present disturbed conditions, and these conditions can be summed up in the words: impersonalisation wherein the state, group or groups are regarded as of more importance than the individual and his rights; amalgamation, which is the tendency to fuse, blend, and cohere and to produce that interrelation which must eventually mark the intercourse of humanity and produce that “synthesis of all the single men”, which Browning so truly remarks is the goal of the evolutionary process and marks the conclusion of the journey of the divine prodigal; and sensitive intercommunication between units, groups and combinations of groups, both on the subjective and objective sides of manifestation.
In these three words—impersonalisation, amalgamation, and intercommunication—you have summed up for you the outstanding phenomena which are appearing among us at this time.” (Ibid., pp. 619-620)
Thus, the consciousness of service and the overall consciousness related to the evolution of humanity in Aquarius will be jointly revealed and expressed.
“Humanity is on its way to a right understanding of services; it is becoming responsive to this new law and is learning to react to the steadily imposing will of that great Life who informs the constellation Aquarius, just as our solar Logos informs our solar system and our planetary Logos informs our earth planet.
The idea of service is, at this time, the major idea to be grasped for (in grasping it) we open ourselves wide to the new incoming influences. The Law of Service is the expression of the energy of a great Life, who, in cooperation with Him “in Whom we live and move and have our being”, is subjecting the human family to certain influences and streams of energy…
This unfolding of what we might call “the consciousness of the heart” or the development of true feeling is the first step towards group awareness.
This group awareness and this identification with the feeling aspect of all groups is the quality which leads to service—a service to be rendered as the Masters render it, and as the Christ demonstrated it for us in Galilee.” (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology II, pp. 122-3)
The meditation indicated for the disciple stage of the new age illustrates the purpose:
“1. At the time of the Full Moon (covering five days) picture to yourselves an ocean of blue and upon the horizon can be seen slowly rising a blazing sun.
2. Picture yourself as throwing yourself into the ocean, free of all encumbrances, worries, anxieties and cares, and as swimming towards a rowboat, lying midway between you and the rising Sun. As you swim, you become aware of your group brothers, also swimming in the same direction. You recognise, know and love each other.
3. Then visualise yourself as climbing into the boat. When all of the group are in, then see yourselves as each grasping an oar, and together, rhythmically and steadily, rowing towards the rising Sun. There is harmony of stroke, of purpose and of direction.
4. Then see—between you and the rising Sun—a figure moving toward you. It will be myself (the Master D.K.), coming from the light, in your direction. In the clear pathway of the light you can see me distinctly. You see me together.
5. Then say, inaudibly, yet as a group:
“Into the light we move, beckoned thereto by thee. Out of the dark we come, driven thereto by the soul of all. Up from the earth we spring and into the ocean of light we plunge. Together we come. Together we move, guided and led by the soul we serve and by thee, the Master we know. The Master within and the Master without are One. That One are we. The One is all—my soul, thy soul, the Master and the soul of all.”
(A. A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age II, p. 127)
Loved this meditation!!… then… we We First Focused on It… and Now…Margo 6.1