Today we celebrate a double conjunction, that between Earth and Dubhe, the star associated with Pluto, which together with Merak indicates our North Star, and that between Mercury (the Messenger of the Gods, the Magister Musicae, the divine intermediary who at the centre and from the centre reflects the energies of all the other Luminaries) and Pluto (the Destroyer of all that hinders synthesis, guardian with Vulcan of the first Energy of Will and Power). Their encounter, astride the summit of Capricorn and the field of service of Aquarius, burns and consumes limitations and all that constrains the Spirit; it purifies and uplifts by unifying in the Beauty of Being the consciousness of the lives of the entire solar system.

Nike of Samothrace – Louvre, Paris
Across the deserts, seas, and mountains,
You transport yourselves in one breath.
And there, face to face, we meet.
There is no space. Time exists not.
The power of knowledge is manifested.
Is it easy to soar when you have wings?
I shall say, it is easy for those who sense their wings…
Soar with your thoughts.
Fly by affirmation.
Fly by love.
And you will realize the joy of flying…
All is attainable.
(Agni Yoga, Leaves of Morya’s Garden I § 328)

Købmagergade 37 – Copenhagen
The art of mastering life is the prerequisite for all further forms of expression, whether they are paintings, sculptures, tragedies, or musical compositions. (Paul Klee)

Antonio Canova – Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss | Louvre, Paris
Richard Strauss – The Ride through the Air | Variation VII – Don Quixote