The Dance of Fire

Ken Browar – Deborah Ory | NYC Dance Project

Manuel de Falla – Ritual Fire Dance

In today’s heliocentric sky, bustling with aspects and directions, in addition to the quadrature between Earth and Jupiter, a conjunction in Leo’s fire stands out, a conjunction between Mercury (the accelerator of evolution, the winged-footed herald who swiftly and tirelessly reflects the central light of the Sun throughout Space, mirroring the Pattern of patterns in the hearts), Mars (fearless and valiant guardian, together with Neptune, of the energy of Devotion and abstract Idealism) and the asteroid Terpsichore (the Muse of movement that prepares for the Sacred); with their celestial dance they teach mankind to fly, to express the eternal movement of the spirit, to give wings to thought, to launch itself upwards to gravitate constantly around the central Fire of the Good, the True and the Beautiful, to express the music of the far off Worlds, which is in fact the Art of Living of the new Solar Culture!

Those who live under the power of Beauty are attracted toward constructiveness. They create by their potentiality the mastery of spirit. They regenerate life through Beauty… The domination of spirit and heart is a great cosmic law. Therefore the Fiery World creates through the power of spirit. (Fiery World III § 28)

In boundless harmony is contained the whole cosmic creativeness. Only harmony can reveal to the planet the higher spheres. Only harmony can establish the chain of aspirations to the far-off worlds. The conception of the far-off worlds should be applied to all which strives toward perfection. Therefore Our harmonies are so powerful. The fire of the centers is harmony; the fire of the spirit is harmony; the fire of the heart is harmony. (Infinity I § 269)

Sandro Botticelli – La Primavera (Spring, detail)

Dance is an art of anti-dualism and, as such, rejects the underlying conception of the Western tradition: the separation of material and immaterial, that reduces the body to a casing of the soul. A long tradition in which dance, we know, has been slowly denied its own matrix of original cohesion between self and other, sensible and ultra-sensible. To the point of dissolving the primordial union of dance and the sacred, which, we could say, is also that of body and spirit… The dancer’s body is the one that best reveals that there is meaning in the body, taking its power of expression to its maximum degree. It is the one that testifies, more than any other, to how much the body has become the search for the passage from the inside to the outside and vice versa, according to a system of equivalences between inner and outer world that prescribes the one to be fulfilled in the other. (Paul Valéry – Dance and the Soul)

Sylvie Guillem – Tokyo Ballet | Bolero (M. Ravel)
Choreography: Maurice Béjart

How may one affirm the beginning of understanding? The spirit will teach one to apply the signs of straight-knowledge, but let the treasury be filled! Only desire to enter into the rhythm of the cosmic pulsation! (Infinity I § 19)


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One Response to The Dance of Fire

  1. gillchrisnfk says:

    The rhythm of music makes it difficult for most people to just stand still and the rhythm of life does the same.

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