Anniversary of the Italian Soul | 1861–2025

“If one day all the Spirits of the Nations, inspired by their own Sun at the centre, their own Heaven in the Heart, were to come together in harmony to understand their System of golden relations, we might indeed witness the ‘sacralisation’ of our Planet, governed by an ordering system and organisation of united Peoples capable of consciously saving and liberating the common Home.” (1)

Urged by this hope, and this responsibility, we can imagine our Earth as a future ‘outpost of light and consciousness’, a luminous lacework of fruitful and harmonious relationships. And in this ‘terrestrial heaven’ where Nations shine like stars, our ‘Bel Paese’ can also offer its sparks of creative fire.

The date of 17 March, which we celebrate today with particular solemnity, marks not only the annual recurrence of the date of the Unification of Italy (17.3.1861), but in this 2025 also the return of Neptune (according to the perspective of heliocentric Astrology) to its radix position.
The Luminary has a special relationship with Italy in that, according to the indications of the Tibetan Master (2), the chords of the Nation’s Soul vibrate to the sound of the 6th Ray, conveyed by Neptune.
In this ‘elective affinity’ we find not only the most common attitudes, and attributions, of the Italian Nation (a ‘highly intelligent’ people, as the Tibetan Master defines it, but individualistic, sensitive but also impressionable, disposed to idealism and sacrifice or emotional fanaticism, or supportive and compassionate, or even affectively dependent, profound but also psychologically ‘fragile’…), but we also glimpse the very essence of its role and the nature of its contribution to the planetary assembly.

The passage of Neptune on the same position of 1861 reaffirms the Italian vocation to the highest ideals and shows its tension towards immaterial planes of existence; it tends to cleanse the personality of the Nation from the veil of illusion and confusion in which it has long wrapped itself; finally it calls the consciousnesses of the Italian people to a deep rebirth, favoured and assisted by the prolonged immersion of the Luminary in the purifying and regenerating waters of Pisces.
Neptune’s position in the 7th sector (25°-30°) of Pisces paves the way to a great capacity for transformation, regeneration and ‘transference’ through Compassion; the Soul of Italy, once the mists of confusion and the illusions of the inferior self have been dispelled, will therefore be able to “see”, that is, to penetrate into the “intelligent substance” (Virgo-Pisces axis) and bring there the liberating power of Communion, of Being One.

A glance at the heliocentric Chart of the birth of the Italian Nation (17.3.1861, 0.00 – Turin) shows us that, on the Virgo-Pisces axis, Neptune has as its counterpart Mercury (4th Ray) which represents the ‘Personality’ aspect of Italy and which, again in that chart, is in conjunction with the Earth-Moon and perfectly opposite Neptune himself (3).
The conjunction of Mercury with the Earth leads one to think that in order to obtain, through clear intuition, the Harmony that guarantees Unity and thus precipitate the contemplated Model (Brotherhood, the spiritual seed of the New Age) it is necessary to ‘raise and illuminate’ the matter or bodies of the Italian Personality (Earth-Moon), thus making transparent, with the help of Mercury, the thought-forms or even the more concrete ones, so that they show the essence that informs them and not the material layers with which they are clothed.
Neptune and Mercury, with their aspect of opposition, thus delineate the inner weave ‘of the Italian habitus’, a weave well highlighted in the natal chart by the ‘path’ traced by Them in the zodiacal circle that echoes Italy’s motto ‘I carve the Paths’. (4)

A reading of the 1861 heliocentric chart also emphasises that “Neptune (6th Ray), the God of Water, is dominant at the edge of ‘His Sign’ Pisces, Sign of Salvation … , in oppositional tension with the Earth and Mercury (4th Ray) on the edge of Virgo, which ‘rules’ or translates exoterically; spiritual sensitivity and compassion (6th Ray, Neptune-Pisces) must transcend the concrete and hypercritical mind of the Italian People (Mercury-Virgo, the Mother-Matter), to mould ever more precise and beautiful forms, out of Love (…). Italy, the cradle of the Catholic religion (of 6th Ray again), of ‘maternal’ attachment and appearance, must finally be a womb of planetary Brotherhood.
The basic framework of the ‘causal potentialities’ of the Italian spirit, its heliocentric chart, when updated in the light of current planetary cycles or transits reveals a fundamental ‘time’ for its evolution and planetary mission: Neptune, after its first turn or cycle of approximately 160-170 years, has now returned to Its Sign, Pisces, and will be … on its natal position in conjunction with Saturn at 0° Aries, at the dawn of the New Day, in 2025, the date indicated by the Teaching for the externalisation of the Hierarchy and of the 4th Ray (Mercury), that of the human kingdom itself, responsible and in charge of the triumph of enlightened Thought and Beauty.
Here, then, is the possible future task of the awakened Soul of Italy: to turn our gaze to the Vision of Unity and carve paths of Light in the name of the One Humanity, bringing Beauty and Harmony, so that these may be manifested, in due time, in a cultural and social Project at the Service of the Idea of Brotherhood and the ideal of right human relationships: in a Prototype for a planetary Order.
” (5)

This task of the Italian Soul is also underlined, on this date, by the passage of Mars (6th Ray), Sun and Jupiter (both 2nd Ray) progressed on the position of Saturn (3rd Ray) in the natal chart of the Italian Unity; this meeting of supreme lights, which occurs in Virgo, lights up the Italian horizon with the purest aspiration and urges the Nation to activate, in the clear light of Saturn, a lucid and penetrating gaze on Its future, accompanying this vision with an expansion of national and planetary consciousness, increasingly aimed at achieving the Common Good.
The Unification of Italy, therefore, seems to be a Project of Harmony and Unity, and in the Heavens the main path to follow (the Model expressed in the motto ‘I carve the Paths’) is traced by the immaterial lights of Neptune and Mercury. This year 2025, moreover, in the lambdomic scheme of the distant Goals (6) is connoted precisely by the energies of the 6th and 4th Ray, proving a particular tuning with the Italian Nation, that is also informed by the same energies.

The return of Neptune to its position therefore calls for adherence
to its planetary role with ever greater vigour and clarity:

Italy: leader to the World of Ideas through Beauty!



1. See TPS, a Study of the Italian Nation (only in Italian, at the moment) based on the esoteric indications of the trans-Himalayan tradition and the astrophysical reading of the geocentric and heliocentric charts of the Unification of Italy (17 March 1861).
2. “Italy has a sixth ray soul and hence her devotion to her past and to the ancient “glory which was Rome” (for this is closely tied up with the memory aspect of the soul) and to the concept of the restoration of the Roman Empire. But as it is the soul ray which is upon this stream of ray influence, it is interesting to note that Italy carries forward her plans with very little hate and with the minimum of persecution and of resentment…” (A. A. Bailey, The destiny of the Nations, p. 59)
3. “It is interesting to note that the fourth Ray of Harmony or Art, which will begin before long [2025] to come into power again in its major aspect, is to be found prominent in the destinies of India, Germany, Italy, Austria and Brazil…” (A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology I, p. 384). The artistic genius, which Italy manifested in the past and which peaked in the Renaissance, can be ascribed to the 4th Ray Personality of the Nation, the Ray of Harmony, that is about to “rise” to a new splendour.
4. The Tibetan Master speaks of Italy’s motto regarding the great skill of the Romans as builders of roads throughout much of Europe; secondly, he offers insights into the Christic renewal of the Church: “Her motto, esoterically stated, is, as you know: I carve the Paths. This will be true eventually in the spiritual as well as in the literal sense. Rome was the great road builder and road maker of Europe in the far distant past; today the British race (who are largely re-incarnated Romans and hence the friendly feeling which basically exists between the two countries in spite of outward appearance) are the original railroad makers. This is all upon the material side. Upon the spiritual side, as I told you in an earlier book, the whole field of religion will be re-inspired and re-orientated from Rome because the Master Jesus will again take hold of the Christian Church in an effort to re-spiritualise it and to re-organise it. From the chair of the Pope of Rome, the Master Jesus will attempt to swing that great branch of the religious beliefs of the world again into a position of spiritual power and away from its present authoritative and temporary political potency.(A. A. Bailey, The destiny of the Nations, p. 59)
5. See TPS, L’Italia (only in Italian)
6. On this subject, see the document: Enzio Savoini, The distant Goals


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