We present a contribution to TPS in line with the sowing of “Ideas, Formulas and Forms for a new Culture and Civilization”; it is a deep study of Cycles [1] which “explores the problem of Time as applied to human history thus far unfolded; it looks at the dating methods of science and precession cycles used by the ancients in traditions such as the Hindu, Egyptian and Mayan civilisations. Some highlights of the past are examined, such as the origin of the human soul, the mystery of how apes were created, why the great Atlantean war and subsequent cataclysm ensued, through to the present day, into the next rootrace.”
The author’s approach is offering a new yet ancient paradigm to comprehend our roots:
“In promoting the idea of a greater chronology for human history, it is simply a matter of revitalising an existing paradigm – an inherent part of the ancient wisdom of several cultures; of rescuing that which has been surreptitiously kidnapped, abused and ridiculed; of recalling that part of our racial memory that is known – intuited, recognised and understood.
The key to all these considerations is to experiment and not dismiss these ideas out of hand or reject them with a rigid emotional adherence or clinging desperation to old ideas; to utilise the information ‘as if ’ it were literal and true.
One of the factors also involved are certain prejudices to various teachers of the ageless wisdom. In this regard, the author simply asks the skeptical reader to suspend any lingering doubts and reserve any judgments, allowing the clarity and consistency of these authors’ statements to speak for themselves.”
“Many investigators have done excellent work in the areas of astronomical theories, archeological data etc., yet their figures rarely venture outside the last 5,000, 10,000 or 25,000 years. (e.g. most of the best selling authors in the field of the Mayans and 2012.) Speculations about the date of building the Great Pyramid, through certain astronomical alignments, have been advanced and these investigators are most certainly on the right path, having made major discoveries.
H. P. Blavatsky (HPB), author of The Secret Doctrine and teacher of the ancient Vedic tradition of cycles, states that if the three precession cycles depicted upon the Denderah Zodiac were taken into account, 78,000 years ago (26,000 X 3) would be a more accurate figure for the building of the Great Pyramid.[2]
Because the world paradigm view of history has been ‘fixed’ at a much lesser figure, few have wished to stray beyond those boundaries, even to the point of rationalising certain data as ‘symbolic’ or simply dismissing it as ‘fanciful’.”
“In The Secret Doctrine, HPB gave a wealth of information on the ancient cycles derived particularly from the Vedas and similar Hindu scriptures such as The Mahabharata. This world view sees our solar system at about the half way mark in its evolution – 155 trillion years of a 311 trillion year cycle – or ‘Occult Century’! It posits the evolution of human consciousness as having proceeded from ancient Lemurian times about 18.5 million years ago.
These time spans are related to the ancient cycles called yugas, that take place within the larger cycles of the manvantaras.”
“… modern science and occultism roughly concur on some of the big cosmic cycles, yet it is ironic that time scales for the sciences such as archeology and anthropology, there is required such a huge addition of time for the birth of civilisation: from 3,000 – 4,000 BC, back 18.5 million years!
Yet when equating the esoteric record of time with the current accepted geological record, there is a massive subtraction of time: from around 65 million years for the Jurassic Age, down to around 28-20 million years. The big dinosaurs may well have existed 65 million years ago but according to the The Secret Doctrine, the Jurassic Age was closer to twenty million years ago – at least around the time of the reptile extinction. Disparities and contradictions abound, yet they are not irresolvable or irreconcilable.
Consider that around 500 years ago, it was thought that the Sun orbited the Earth and now that illusion has been stripped away and transcended. Yet despite all the amazing scientific advances since then – and expansions of human consciousness – with regard to Earth’s true history, we still live in medieval times.”
“Forms, whether they are land masses or humans, come and go, but the consciousness remains and moves forward cyclically; it is the soul’s evolution toward liberation that is the most important factor – individual, group, racial, national and global.
Once Humanity understands the true chronology of world history, a foundation of understanding can be established that will lead to breakthroughs in many areas of human endeavour. Correct knowledge of time will then be applied to all the sciences and the mystery of the origin of the human soul will be unveiled for all. This is the promise of the imminent Age of the Water-Bearer, Aquarius.”
[1] This article collects some authorized extracts taken from the 2011 essay by Phillip Lindsay, here also available in a shorter version.
[2] The Secret Doctrine II, H. P. Blavatsky – p. 432.