The seven aspects of Leo






The centers, scattered in Space and immersed in its maternal waters, are affirmed in the Father’s will: they flash and direct. They assume power and rule the fields entrusted to them. Their domain can be exercised in a centripetal or expansive way. They can, in short, take away or give freedom. In the first case, they absorb power and light from the field; in the second they reinforce it and flood it with their own light. In one case the center is only pseudo-powerful; in the other its power is authentic and legitimate.

Each center therefore burns, either because it takes or because it gives. In Leo the consciousness is centralized and isolated or expanded to communicate with Space. This is the annual and general affair, and the Sun is the shining example of the righteous power.


It is clear from this note that Leo transmits the first Ray, which the various creatures, or systems of centers, use freely according to their consciousness.


Space was exalted in Cancer; in Leo (for a necessary equilibrium) It passes, so to speak, into the background, It remains silent and listens to the voice of the Lord, Who runs through It in every direction. When the Center exercises its power in a centripetal way, the field gradually dries up and gradually its energy is exhausted; in the other respect, it grows and the field is fertile and increasingly abundant are the harvests, without limits.

Space always follows the central Fire.


The third quality in Leo oversees the execution of its projects. One could say that it focuses on directing the great work, which now enters its most intensely active phase. The power of the Three acts through the hands of the agents, and then multiplies, and the latter remain free or fall into slavery – this depends on the way in which the center rules.

In any case, intelligent activity builds the forms according to the prepared plans and the rhythms assigned to each one.


In Leo the fourth quality reflects the Three in the Five. The agents are impressed by the luminous lines of the project and are driven to work. The Designer is only one; the Workers are many. The mirror acts in this manner, distributing the one in the many according to measure and proportion. Blessed are Space and Work, if the workers are happy, if they work in harmony and for harmony, if they know they are free and show it.

If the true power of Leo‘s sign lies in its fifth quality, it is because of the always secret action of the fourth, in its task of balancing Earth and Heaven.


The Fifth culminates in Leo. In the multiplication of forms and parts, in the various rhythms, in the regular but variable succession of phases, the Five celebrates, in truth, the glory and triumph of the One. All the works, once completed, are in fact unique, and in their every part. All organized systems are individual and endowed with special unique qualities. From each region of Space there arise unitary entities that reproduce the great Mystery.

If the One is the only reality, nothing else can exist in manifestation. Leo‘s fifth quality celebrates and demonstrates this great theorem. Even before the form is entirely completed and mature, in Leo is born the individual who will never be lost again.

Things appear separate and isolated, but only to human reason, and only for some time. The reality of the One combines all its simulacra; but it is good to admire the action of the Five, which divides and distinguishes only to sing the triumph of the invisible.

Leo transmits the fifth Ray.


The motion that rules in Leo is that of the Sun. Its general power is demonstrated in all developments; it breathes in any creature. It is a spiral traversed by a fiery center in a mysterious orbit.

It is remarkable that the course followed by the Lord of the Solar System is still a simple conjecture for modern science, which fails to identify its destination or attraction, but above all it does not attach importance to it, as if the terrestrial man has little or nothing to be shared with that great Wanderer.

Yet the Sun presides over its community, and it rules towards a precise and prefixed goal, according to definite rhythms and heading to the total sacrifice. This should not leave indifferent those for whose good everything is accomplished. But one day (commanded by the Sun) humanity too will accept the idea of a solar brotherhood – but not before having realized the planetary one.

The sixth quality of Leo prepares every year such an achievement: it is a true planetary collective work, which is a prelude to the greater cosmic community.


In the annual culmination of the fiery energies of the Sun, the great ritualist is at work and monitors the pulsations of the creatures. It offers gifts, according to the rhythms and project, establishes the spiritual Hierarchy, and builds the Order of the general freedom.

* From E. Savoini, “The Solar System in Space”, 1993 (in translation from Italian).

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One Response to The seven aspects of Leo

  1. NancyC. says:

    Perhaps a most auspicious time to begin saying and entering into the meaning of the Gayatri.

    13: 1. Man is an animal, plus a living God, within his physical Shell.—S. D., II, 85. S. D., II, 284.
    a. Man is the Macrocosm for the animal, therefore he contains all that is meant by the term animal.—S. D., II, 179, 187.
    b. Divine consciousness is received from the living God.—S. D., II, 103.
    c. The animal forms the basis and the contrast for the divine.—S. D., II, 100.
    d. The light of the Logos is awakened in animal man.—S. D., II, 45.
    2. Man is the Tabernacle, the vehicle only, of his God.—S. D., I, 233, 281; II, 316; III, 66.
    Compare S. D., II, 174. Read Proverbs VIII.
    Study Biblical description of Tabernacle:—
    a. Outer court, the place of animal sacrifice and purification.
    b. The Holy place, the place of consecration and service.
    c. The Holy of Holies.
    The first corresponds to the life of the personality.
    The second to that of the Ego, or Higher Self.
    The last to that of the Monad, or Divine Self.
    3. Man contains in himself every element found in the universe.—S. D., I, 619; III, 584.
    a. All in nature tends to become Man.—S. D., II, 179.
    b. All the impulses of the dual, centripetal and centrifugal force are directed towards one point—Man.—S. D., II, 179.
    c. Man is the storehouse…he unites in himself all forms.—S. D. II, 303.
    d. The potentiality of every organ useful to animal life is locked up in Man.—S. D., II, 723.
    4. Man tends to become a God and then God, like every other atom in the universe.—S. D., I, 183.
    Compare the atom and the Microcosm, man. Illustration:—S. D., I, 174. Every atom has seven planes of being.—S. D., I, 205. Read S. D., I, 201.
    a. Every atom contains the germ from which he may raise the tree of knowledge. (Of good and evil, therefore conscious discrimination).—S. D., II, 622.
    b. It is the spiritual evolution of the inner immortal man that forms the fundamental tenet of the occult sciences.—S. D., I, 694.
    c. Atoms and souls are synonymous terms in the language of the initiates.—S. D., I, 620-621.
    5. Human beings…those Intelligences who have reached the appropriate equilibrium between Spirit and Matter.—S. D., I, 132.
    Read also carefully:—S. D., I, 267, 449; S. D., II, 190.
    a. On the descending arc Spirit becomes material.—S. D., I, 693.
    b. On the middle turn of the base both meet in man.—S. D., I, 214, 271.
    c. On the ascending arc Spirit asserts itself at the expense of the material.
    d. This is true of Gods and of men. See S. D., II, 88.
    e. Man is therefore a compound of Spirit and matter.—S. D., II, 45.
    f. In man the intelligence links the two.—S. D., II, 102, 103.
    See note to S. D., II, 130. Compare S. D., II, 394.

    A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Footnote 13, p. 653 (Alice A. Bailey)

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