Signs of the Heavens 2020 – 4th quarter of cycle

Heliocentric chart of the Fourth Quarter 2020

Inner wheel: 22 Sep 2020 h. 13.31 GMT – Outer wheel: 21 Dec 2020 h. 10.03 GMT


After the impulse of abstraction of the previous equinox and the Arrow of Directed Will launched at the solstice peak, we are going to experience the last discontinuity and quarter cycle of the year 2020, when the fruit of the work done is harvested and the year to come is glimpsed.

This is a unique year, we see it everywhere on Earth for the many challenges to the correct management of values, common space and resources, but it is so for the whole solar system, for the repeatedly announced conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius of the next solstice (21 December 2020 at a geocentric level, while at a heliocentric level on 2 November), which marks a decisive stage for the establishment of the New Era on the Planet and a new orientation of the entire solar Plan.

So let us look, as usual, at the causal[1] energies available (heliocentric chart) in order to support the construction of the future as knowingly as possible.

With our eyes fixed on the 2025 watershed (see The seven steps towards 2025), let us assert the Seven Rays Formulas, intuited through a group heart storming, for this fourth impulse and season of the 2020 cycle:

1) Sun/Vulcan in Libra – Earth in Aries:


Solar love draws consciousness to the Great Service

2) Jupiter in Capricorn:

Solar love draws consciousness to the Great Service

      Jupiter in Aquarius (from 12 October):

   The planetary Heart resounds to the infinite Love

3) Saturn in Aquarius:

   The solar Light directs to universal Brotherhood

4) Mercury in Sagittarius:

The spiritual Eye opens up to cosmic vision

5) Venus in Gemini:

The Golden Mind aligns with the Sun of the suns

6) Neptune in Pisces:

The Communion of Hearts guards the Fire of the True

7) Uranus in Taurus:

The sacred Work of the Builders asserts the magic of Unity


As directions between the Solar Centers for this entry into the Sign of Libra, some beautiful sextiles to our Earth stand out, at the fiery and initiatory gates of Aries, flanked and propelled by the two Lords of the Sixth Ray of abstract Idealism and Devotion: Neptune inspiring desire for salvation from His Deep Waters Pisces (2nd – 6th Rays) and Mars, Sixth Ray Personality, propulsive from His Sign Aries. The higher Triad (1st, 2nd and 3rd R.) at this time therefore sends energies to support (sextiles 60°) the initiatory ascent (Capricornus-Aries) of our Planet and its kingdoms:

Pluto (First Ray of Will or Power, vicar of Vulcan in the Center and esoteric and hierarchical Ruler of Pisces), the Destroyer and Reformer in Capricorn,

Jupiter (Second Ray of Love-Wisdom, esoteric ruler of Aquarius), which expands consciousness to the Great Service, to the Idea of an infinite Brotherhood, together with

Saturn (Third Ray of creative Intelligence, exo- and esoteric ruler of Capricorn), the Architect of rebalancing (karma) and of the future, now finally in Aquarius (since September 3 heliocentrically).

For humanity, the Ascent to the New takes place, as is attested every day, through a progressive process of reckoning and redirection, which in particular, in this equinoctial gate, is solicited by the Earth-Mercury square, Fourth Ray of Harmony through conflict, on the edge of the Sign of the Goal Sagittarius.

The Golden Brother of our blue Planet, Venus, Fifth Ray of Mind and Knowledge, from His/Her esoteric Sign Gemini (2nd Ray) and now in sextile to Mars and quintile (72°) to Earth, makes the note of the spiritual Love (emanated on a cosmic level by the Sun of suns Sirius), the only real basis of right relationships.

Finally, the solitary Uranus, Seventh Ray of Order and ceremonial Magic, does not trace any planetary aspect: as a silent Observer in Taurus (4th R.), He asserts the constructive Magic of Unity.


Conversely, at the geocentric level, which pertains to the precipitation of energies on the Planet up to the individual level:

 Geocentric tropical chart of the 4th Quarter 2020

Inner wheel: 22 Sep 2020 h. 13.31 GMT – Outer wheel: 21 Dec 2020 h. 10.03 GMT


The September Equinox sees the difficult and persistent square of Mars dominate from Aries (from the end of June to the end of October) to the higher Triad still all in Capricorn, also in tension with Mercury in Libra, the equinoctial sign of the Sun: Pluto, Jupiter who will enter Aquarius on December 19th and Saturn on December 17th (ready to join on December 21st, at 0° of Aquarius!).

Mars will still be square to the Jupiter-Saturn couple until the end of January 2021, when He joins the initiatory influence of Uranus in Taurus: we are truly in a quarter cycle ‘worthy’ of this unique year, both in terms of purification, reckoning, reorientation and expansion of human consciousness towards the sense of unanimous Service (Aquarius) for the Good of the Planet.

Even the iod between Venus in Leo, Jupiter in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces underlines Aquarius as the first Goal and energy of resolution to take advantage of the trials of this end of the year and better prepare ourselves for the Conjunction of the New Day.


For I wish you to approach Me joyous and radiant

         in the time of the Great Darkness.

It is true—

I have confided much to you,

I have given you dates and warnings,

I have granted you the possibility of victory,

And I have revealed to you

         the secrets of Our Decisions.


You can conquer and attain enlightenment,

But give to Me your offering.


If you are afraid,

Give Me your fear.


If you are in doubt,

Give Me your doubt.

If you are angry,

Give Me your anger.


And if you give Me a handful of trivial objects,

I will also accept these dusty playthings

         and recast them in My Tower.


True, if you wish again to make use of your gift in

         your life,

Do not forget how unworthy is he who takes back

         what he has once given.


Thus, I have accepted your fear and your doubt

         and your anger—this is for Me.

And for you I give the path to the Light.

For I wish you to approach Me joyous and radiant

         in the time of the Great Darkness—

         before the New Dawn.

(The Call § 371, Agni Yoga)

[1] The heliocentric perspective from which these Readings of the Heavens set off, as if the Heart of Humanity was already at the Centre, that is in the Sun/Soul leading the Planet, pertains analogically to the World of Causes.
By causal level the esoteric tradition indicates, concerning Man, the abstract mental plane (higher manas), that extremely ‘subtle’ vibration or energy/substance of which the human Soul or egoic body and lotus are constituted, that group consciousness able to recognize through Wisdom the common Good.
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