There is no love greater than love

“The Heavenly Forces bear witness with Us.
It has been decreed to acquaint the nations with the New Word of Love.
(Agni Yoga Series, The Call § 384)

Love rules the Universe.
Love as a creative impulse, as a radiant embrace of Light, as perfect understanding for every pulsation of Life.
Love is the meaning and reason for all life, that which justifies its existence; without Love in the entire solar System there would be neither motion nor light and nothing would come into being.

“At the basis of all Creation lies a great impulse, or striving toward manifestation. This is the very same impulse, or thirst for existence that induces man to incarnate. In its higher aspect it is divine Love and also sublimated human love. In ancient times, precisely Kama, the God of Love, was revered as the greatest God. God is Love, and in love and through love is each of his manifestations conceived. The whole Cosmos is held by the Cosmic Magnet, within the order of Be-ness. (…) Divine Love generates all worlds.” (Helena Roerich, Letters – 2 July 1937)

Love is the supreme Reason.
Love as luminous achievement, as wise work for the common Good, as relentless responsibility towards all Creation.
Love shows every creature the path to tread, a path that unravels between all worlds unfolding a celestial fabric embroidered with light that is ever more radiant with Beauty and Harmony.
“Let us accept love as the motive force in the expansion of conscious-ness. The heart will not be aflame without love; it will not be invincible, nor will it be self-sacrificing. So let us bring gratitude to every receptacle of love, for love lies on the border of the New World, where hatred and intolerance have been abolished. The path of love unfolds with the intensity of cosmic energy.(Agni Yoga Series, Heart § 243)

Love is the universal motive.
Love as a daring impulse for perfection, as a hierarchical ladder that stretches between worlds, as an eternal evolutionary motion that drives relentlessly towards the One.
Our path matures through the growth of awareness that reverberates in our actions; every action, whether small or great, is woven into the fabric of our lives and carries within itself that seed of Love that is the source of healing and elevation.
“This magnet is laid in the heart of man, and he is drawn toward the great magnet of the Supermundane World… It is steadfast love that is needed, devotion that burns unextinguished, through all of life’s trials; such love leads to the Motherland of the heart, where, as in one’s beloved Mother-land, all is familiar, dear, beautiful.(Agni Yoga Series, Supermundane § 769)

Love resurrects.
Love as courageous self-denial, as fiery mercy, as fervent commitment to the communion of hearts, as joyful self-sacrifice.
The seed of Love, the supreme principle that dwells within us, is always present in every heart and our existences are pregnant with the brightest potentialities that are waiting to blossom in the infinite garden of Space.
“The Law of Love is in reality but the law of the system in demonstration on all the planes. (…) Love demonstrates, through the concrete rays, the aspects of divinity, forming the persona that hides the one Self; love demonstrates through the abstract rays in developing the attributes of divinity, in evolving to fullest measure the kingdom of God within. (…) Love forms the sheath and inspires the life; love causes the logoic vibration to surge forward, carrying all on its way, and bringing all to perfected manifestation. (…) Ordered Activity is the foundation of this system of ordered Love, and leads to system three, wherein ordered Activity, with ordered Love for its impulse, results in ordered loving Power.” (Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, pp. 594-5)

Immersed in the travail of the end of a cycle that brings destruction and change, and demands to respond to the call of the Heart, the despair and annihilation that Humanity is experiencing also stems from the failure to recognise that each man is a fruit of the Love that unceasingly calls upon us to the Communion of Worlds.
Love is essential on the path to Infinity.
Humanity is the living symbol of Life and Love.

“The time for action is but begun. 
Comprehend devotion, faith, and courage.
I will safeguard you with a helmet of faith,
an armor of devotion, and a shield of victory.
And on the banner will be inscribed: Love, the Conqueror.
(Agni Yoga Series, The Call § 299)



This article celebrates the conjunction between Jupiter, Master of Hearts, and the Earth, the “sphere of experience”, in Taurus. This meeting of celestial lights brings into Space the light of Love that vivifies and sustains every creature.


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